Saturday, March 10, 2012

welcome to the spiritual armor store page 7

welcome to the spiritual armor store page 7 by ric gustafson

Billy took Bruce's credit card and then handed it back to him. " All of these weapons of the Armor of God have no cost".
" No cost" he exclaimed as he put the credit card back into his wallet. " Why is that?".
" God wants you to have all of these to help you ward off Satan". " Would you like me to box them up for you?".
" Please".
Just before he finished the packing, Billy picked up one more thing. " I would like to put one more thing into your box". He held up a green bible. " The Sword of the Spirit".
" A bible?".
" Yes, the Word of God".
" Ok". The box was taped up.
A worker from the mall came with a two wheel cart.
" Thank you Billy for the weapons of the Spirit" Bruce said as he and his wife walked out of the store followed by the mall worker and his cart.
" Your welcome".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Lucifer Exposed' by Derek Prince

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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