Sunday, March 11, 2012

the no money no hassle supermarket prelude

the no money no hassle supermarket prelude by ric gustafson

Monica Dassner yawned as she hung her blue summer coat in the small closet. She picked up the mail and walked into the large remodeled kitchen. She peeked at the mail and then put them on top of the wooden hutch. She yawned again as she opened the white refrigerator to reveal that not much was in it. ' Tomorrow, I need to get to the grocery store' she thought as she pulled out a milk bottle, took off the cap and smelled the inside. It smelled terrible so she rinsed out the bottle and threw it into the green recycable bin.
She found some sliced meat that was still good and made a sandwich. As she ate, she sorted her mail into junk and bill piles. As she got ready for bed, she promised to herself that she would go to the grocery store tomorrow.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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