Friday, September 30, 2011

a carwash christian life page 1

a carwash christian life page 1 by ric gustafson

John 10:9-' I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture'.

We drive up to the entrance of the car wash and I notice to the left is a bright red light and that the entrance door is closed. I put the Saturn into park and I'm wondering when is the light going to turn green and the door will open. Is the christian life like that sometimes where things are going great and then all of a sudden, the light is red and the door is closed.

Matthew 7:7-' Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you'.

Our house went through a major remodeling project and sometimes it was hard to be patient and wait. There were times when I thought to myself I want the new cabinets and the new sink and I want them now. I knew it was the wrong attitude to have. The red light was still on and the door was still closed.
God's timing is not our timing and he knows what's best for us. Our remodeling project got finished and it looks great. God's will must always be done not mine. God is in charge of our lives and his timing is always perfect.

Everyone have a great weekend. Love Ric

Thursday, September 29, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 26

the miracle on Titanic page 26 by ric gustafson

Sat April 13 1912 8:20 pm

Second Officer Lightoller stood over the bridge railing and stared at the calm ocean as Fourth Officer Boxhall studied his charts. " Have we had any reports of ice?".
" We have had a couple of reports" replied Boxhall as he put his charts down. " Including a french liner that sustained minor damage".
" Where was that?".
" According to my charts" the young officer exclaimed as he picked up a chart and glanced at it. " There is a large ice field at 46 degrees North to 41 degrees North and from 46 degrees West to 50 degrees West".
" Our ship will be passing right through that ice field".
" According to our present course, yes we will be".
Just then, Captain Smith stepped onto the bridge. " How is everything going?".
" Fine Captain" Officer Lightoller replied with a grin. " The ocean tonight is a quiet one".
" Good" the Captain said as he patted his hound's head. " Any new reports of ice?".
" No Sir" replied Mr Boxhall.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a carwash christian life: prelude

a carwash christian life: prelude by ric gustafson.

On a recent Saturday morning, my wife and I put one of our Saturns through the local car wash. Later in the day, we came back to fill our other Saturn with gas. As soon as she came out with a white reciept, I knew what we were going to do next.
As we pulled up to the entrance, I began to ponder something. Is the christian life sometimes like a car wash?.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 25

the miracle on Titanic page 25 by ric gustafson.

Sat April 13 1912 4:30 pm

David was walking toward the entrance to the first class lounge when he heard his name being called. He turned to see a lady named Molly Brown whom he had talked to during one of the dinners he had attended with his mother.
" Mr Sharpston" she said as an older couple stood next to her. " I'm with a couple I'd like you to meet". " David, this is Lady Lucy Duff and she is a international fashion designer".
" David?".
" Sharpston".
" Mr Sharpston, this is my husband Cosmo".
The black suited older gentleman shook his hand. " Nice to meet you".
David was about to open the lounge door when Captain Smith and Fourth Officer Boxhall came walking out.
" Good afternoon Mr Sharpston" the captain said as David noticed his hound next to his side.
" Afternoon Captain".
" Officer Boxhall" the captain asked as he looked intently at his officer. " Have we received any reports of ice?".
" Not yet Sir".
" Mr Boxhall, how many miles did we do yesterday?".
" I believe 519 miles Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 6

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 6 by ric gustafson.

David blew on his gloved hands as the bus slowly stopped and then opened it's door. He shivered a little thinking that this was one of the coldest December's he could remember. He stepped inside and then took off his gloves putting them in a pocket of his dark parka. He took out five quarters from a pant pocket and put them in the machine. He heard clink, clink, clink, clink clink and then he walked back to his normal seat and sat down.
He took out a black pocket bible and turned to the book of Psalms. He knew he had to start studying for his bible study that was tonight.
" Excuse me".
He turned to see a young female with a large red stocking cap covering her face.
She slowly took off the cap to reveal that it was Zoie.
" Aren't you the one at work who brings in our office mail?".
Knowing he could not hide, David knew the time had come.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Beatitudes 2011 page 3

Beatitudes 2011 page 3 by ric gustafson.

As I started to eat a peeled orange, I noticed that a couple of people had left after hearing the young man's words.
" Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted".
" I sure mourn when I see how much is in my checkbook" snickered a young woman.
" Have you mourned something in your life?".
The young woman looked at Jesus with sad eyes. " Yes" was her quiet reply as tears began to form and then flow down her face. " My father died two months ago".
Jesus felt compassion, walked over to her and wiped her tears with his scarred hands.
" Did you mourn alone or with others?".
" Alone".
" God wants you to mourn with others so the healing can begin".
I noticed more people standing up to leave.

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 24

the miracle on Titanic page 24 by ric gustafson

Sat April 13 1912 4:00 pm

Twenty four year old Jack Phillips was sending a three dollar hundred mile message when his partner, twenty two year old Harold Bride walked in. The Marconi equipment they used was the best wireless communication in the world. Phillips, who had a pug nose and twinkling eyes, studied a stack of incoming messages that had accumalated.
He held up one of the messages. " Bride, what is this one?".
Bride, who had hollow cheeks and large eyes, looked at the message. " It's a message from the Caronia" he said quietly as he studied it. " Bergs, growlers and field ice has been reported at 42 degrees North and 49 to 51 West".
" How come you haven't taken this message to the bridge?".
" I've been bogged down sending personal messages for our paying customers".
" I'm going to go eat so I'll take it to the bridge" Phillips said as he put the message into his shirt pocket. " You keep working on those personal messages".
He left his friend in the small wireless room as he walked out and headed toward the dining room.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Beatitudes 2011 page 2

Beatitudes 2011 page 2 by ric gustafson.

I sat down on my bench, started to eat my lunch and listened to the young man.
" Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".
" Does that mean I have to be dirt poor in order to get to heaven" yelled a young man.
Jesus grinned at him. " God doesn't look at rich or poor, he looks at your heart".
" What is he looking for in my heart?" snickered a young woman who was munching on an apple.
" Pride, which is the foundation of sin".
" The foundation of sin?" asked a confused man.
" God wants us to depend on him and not on our wordly riches".

research help: ' Seven' by Jeff Cook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 23, 2011

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 5

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 5 by ric gustafson.

David and Roger sat down as Mr Fredrickson took his seat. " Ok, it looks like everyone is here".
" David, were you able to talk to her?".
" No" the young man replied with a frown. " I was going to when this big guy with red hair walked in".
" That must of been Red Mascall from Finance".
" Can I have it quiet please" pleaded the middleaged supervisor. " What I'm about to say is very important". He looked at the young mail clerks. " I'm going to retire in six weeks".
" What are you going to do in retirement Mr Fredrickson?" David asked.
" Actually, I'm going to move back to my hometown" he quietly said with a big grin. " I bought the local bowling alley so I will be semiretired".

Everyone have a great weekend. Love Ric.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 23

the miracle on Titanic page 23 by ric gustafson.

Sat April 13 1912 9:00 am

David was studying his mother's bible in the Palm Court of the Verandah Cafe. He was eating some bacon and tomatoes when he saw Charlene walk in. " Good morning Charlene" he said with a smile as he pulled out a chair for her to sit down. " Can I get you something?".
" Just a cup of coffee" she replied as she yawned. " So I can wake up".
" I've been reading about Matthew the tax collector" he said as he sipped from a tea cup. " Jesus walked up to his tax booth and simply asked him to follow him".
" That's right" she said as the waiter brought her a huge cup of the steamy beverage. " That's how he asks everyone".
" He just simply asks you to follow him".
" That's right".
David noticed Fourth Officer Boxhall walk in. " Good morning Mr Boxhall" he said as he put his tea cup on a side table. " I've wanted to ask you something".
" What's that?".
" I've always wondered what the dimensions of this huge ship are?".
" She's 104 feet long with a tonnage of 46,328". He sat down in an empty chair and took off his hat. " Right now her speed is between 24 and 25 knots".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

an honest man

an honest man by ric gustafson.

I yawned as I stood in line. It had been a busy morning and I was looking forward to a reuben sandwich and french fries for lunch.
" You dropped your money" said an older gentleman who then handed me the $20 bill.
" Thank you" I replied with a smile as I took the money and noticed that I was next in line. " Reuben and fries please" I asked the cook and then turned my head to the left. The honest man was gone.
As I sat down at the table to eat my lunch, a thought came to my mind. God wants all of his followers to always be honest and trustworthy. Before I took a bite of my Reuben, I prayed that I can always strive my hardest to be that honest man.

The End

dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

a church of purpose page 2

a church of purpose page 2 by ric gustafson.

Nicholas munched on a chocolate chip cookie as someone finished pouring themselves a cup of coffee.
" Hello Nicholas".
He turned to see the Creator standing next to him.
" Did you enjoy the service?".
" Yes, I'm happy because they are worshipping me". He shook the hand of a parishoner. " That is the first purpose of a purpose driven church".
" To worship you always".
The Creator smiled. " With all of their hearts".
Nicholas poured himself a cup of coffee. " What other purposes can a church do?".
" Minister to others and to go and make disciples".
" Disciples?".
" My people need to be edified or educated to be more like me with their thoughts, feelings and actions".

research help: ' The Purpose Driven Church' by Rick Warren.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 4

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 4 by ric gustafson.

David stood in the doorway holding a bundle of envelopes.
Zoie picked up the phone on the first ring. " Mr Ferguson's office". She smiled at David. " I will help you with that Mr Freeman".
He walked up to the desk. ' Talk to her' he thought as nervousness flooded over him.
" I'll take care of that right away Mr Freeman" Zoie replied as she noticed David was standing right next to her desk.
He put the bundle into her incoming mail tray. ' What will I say to her' he thought as he waited patiently for her to end her call.
All of a sudden, a young man with a head full of red hair hurridly walked in. He looked at David. " Who are you?".
Zoie put the phone down and noticed that the young man had left.
" Who was that?" Red Mascall asked in a loud voice.
" He started bringing our office our mail" she replied as she remembered his cute face. " I think he works in the mail room".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a church of purpose page 1

a church of purpose page 1 by ric gustafson.

Nicholas sat down in the pew and began to read the bulletin. He watched the choir walk in and sit down in the choir loft. He could sense that someone had just sat down next to him.
" Hello Nicholas".
The young man turned to see his friend the Creator sitting next to him.
" This sanctuary is packed".
Nicholas scratched his chin. " I wonder why".
The Creator smiled at his friend. " Nicholas, this is a purpose driven church".
" Purpose driven?".
" This church has asked the question".
" The question?".
" Why do we exist".
" Why does this church need to answer that?".
" Because Nicholas" the Creator replied with a smile. " Without a purpose, this church has no foundation or motivation to even exist".

research help: ' The Purpose Driven Church' by Rick Warren.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Beatitudes 2011 page 1

Beatitudes 2011 page 1 by ric gustafson.

I stared out the window of my office at the beautiful summer sky. I noticed that a lot of coworkers were walking across the street to Murphy Park. I asked my coworker Frank if he wanted to eat in the park today for a change. He refused so I took my lunch out of the breakroom refrigerator and walked outside.
I crossed Northland Ave and entered the large park. I noticed a young man with a dark beard was sitting on a tall mound of dirt. Around him were benches on which people were sitting eating their lunches. I sat down on one of the benches, opened my sack lunch and began to listen to the young man.

research help: ' The Ladder of the Beatitudes' by Jim Forest.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

the spear soldier page 4

the spear soldier page 4 by ric gustafson.

Caiphas rang a bell. A servant ran in. " Yes, my lord".
" Get me Centurion Cassius".
The servant ran out and then returned with a tall Roman soldier.
" First of all Centurion, thank you for saving the life of the Prefect".
" I was just doing my duty".
" I have a job for you".
" And what is that my lord?".
" I want you to take a detachment of soldiers and arrest a Rabbi at the Temple".
" A Rabbi my Lord".
" Yes, his name is Yeshua bar Joseph and I want him arrested and brought to me".
" Yes, my lord".
The Centurion walked out.
Caiphas clapped his hands. A young servant walked in. " Malchus, I have a job for you".
" Yes my lord".
" I want you to summon all of the Pharisee and Sadducee leaders to meet here".

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

the Emerson Door Company page 1

the Emerson Door Company page 1 by ric gustafson

Michael Emerson yawned as he studied the front of his uniform. It was 7:55 and his first tour was going to start in five minutes. He straightened his badge and his tour hat. At exactly 8 am, he heard a bell and then walked out into the showroom.
" Welcome" he said as he stared at the size of the group. " Looks like we are going to have a pretty large group this morning". " My name is Michael and my father Dennis Emerson started this company".
" Are we ready for the tour?" he asked as he studied the group. " Single file please". He led the group down a hallway. " Here at Emerson, we are the most unique door company in the world".
" How is that?" somebody asked as they stopped at an empty space.
" Here is door stop number 1".
Everyone looked around.
Somebody spoke up. " There is no door here".
" Yes, there is a door but it is hidden".
" A hidden door".
" Yes, the door to your heart".

research help: ' Open the Door' by Joyce Rupp.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 22

the miracle on Titanic page 22 by ric gustafson

Fri April 12 1912 9:20 pm

Charlene and David were twirling around the dance floor as the bandleader, Wallace Hartley had the band playing a very lively tune. It ended and Hartley raised his right arm to quiet the dining room. " We have many honeymooners on board including Colonel John Jacob Astor and his beautiful bride Madeleine".
The couple stood up and waved to those seated around the dining room.
" I have a question to ask you" David asked quietly as they sat down to finish their dinner.
" Let's go up on the deck".
They both quickly finished their dinner and then walked up to the Boat Deck.
They stood next to the railing. It was a cloudless night and the grand ship's lights were glowing heavy on the water.
Charlene looked at David. " What was the question you wanted to ask?".
" I've been looking at the Gospels and they say that Jesus would eat with sinners and even tax collectors".
" That's right" she replied as she shivered in the coolness of the night. " He loves all people".
" Would he even accept me?".
" Of course he would" Charlene replied with a big smile as she held onto his arm. " When you are ready to make that decision, I'll be here".
" I'm not quite ready yet".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 15, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 21

the miracle on Titanic page 21 by ric gustafson.

Fri April 12 1912 1:20 pm

David and Charlene, who was clutching her small bible, walked down to F deck and began to walk through the main dining area of third class. They were both dressed in plain clothes so that no one would notice them. As they walked, Charlene asked everyone she could stop if they knew a Sherilyn Adkins.
David noticed how nice the steerage eating area was. Even though it was after 1 in the afternoon, stewards were already puttting white tablecloths on the tables that could seat thirty people. Brown carpeting filled the room as white enamel water pitchers adorned the tables.
Charlene walked up to David with a frustrated look on her face. " I've asked everyone I can ask" she said as she shook her head. " Nobody has seen her".
In silence, they walked through some doors and down some steps to the Aft Well Deck. They stopped next to the railing and stared at the endless ocean.
" I'm sorry you couldn't find her" David replied as he clutched her hand into his and stared out at the ocean. " On a positive note, I've started studying the bible".
" That 's great David" she said with a big smile as she hung onto the railing. " I'm proud of you".
" Let's go back inside" he exclaimed as the wind came up stronger over the water. " I'm cold".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

today is my birthday page 2

today is my birthday page 2 by ric gustafson free write story 3

Harlan walked into the small room and noticed that his mother was nicely dressed and sitting in her wheelchair. She was wearing a dark blue dress that she normally only wore on special occasions.
He made sure she was secured, unlocked the brake and gave her a kiss on the cheek. " Why are you wearing your favorite blue dress today?".
" Today is a special day" she said with a smile as he rolled the chair into the hallway. " Today is my birthday".
" Mother, your birthday is in December".
He rolled his mother's wheelchair around the corner and then up to her spot at the table. " Good afternoon Mrs Copple" he said as he locked the wheels of the chair and then sat down next to her.
" Betsy, you look radiant today".
" Thank you Mildred" she replied as she put her red napkin on her lap. " I thought I would wear something nice on my birthday".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 20

the miracle on Titanic page 20 by ric gustafson

Fri April 12 1912 10:15 am

Charlene walked into the Palm Court and noticed David and his mother sitting on a wicker sofa that had heavy leather cushions. The Verandah Cafe was a popular place to gather on ship and the Palm Court made it feel as if you were relaxing in an English garden.
She walked up to them as they sipped on some English tea. " Good morning". She sat down in a wicker chair and observed how ivy was growing up the trellis covered walls.
" Good morning Charlene" he replied as he put his tea cup on a nearby small table. " Did you sleep well?".
" I'm going up to the deck and take a walk" his mother said as she stood up. She put her tea cup on the table and walked out.
" Is she ok?".
" She's fine" he said as she sat down next to him on the wicker sofa. " She's just tired and did not sleep well last night".
" David, I want to go down to the third class steerage part of the ship".
" Why!" he exclaimed with a strange look as he sipped from his tea cup. " First class passengers don't go through third class steerage".
" A friend of mine from bible college might be one of the third class passengers" she said as she smiled at David. " If we dress down, I don't think anybody will notice".
" I don't know Charlene" he replied with a frown as he put his now empty tea cup on a table. " It sounds risky".
" Please David".
" Ok".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

today is my birthday page 1

today is my birthday page 1 by ric gustafson free write story 3

Harlan Bergmann walked through the front door and then turned to his right. He quickly noticed that the dining room tables were set up for lunch. He walked past pillow covered sofas and antique chairs. He came to the last table nearest the hallway and saw that somebody was already sitting there. " Good morning Mrs Kline".
" Hello Harlan" said the tiny gray haired woman who was already putting her table napkin into her lap. " And how is my dear tablemate Betsy?".
" I will be bringing her down shortly".
He walked down the carpeted hallway and then stopped in front of room 107. He knocked softly on the frame of the door. " Mother, it's Harlan".

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 19

the miracle on Titanic page 19 by ric gustafson.

David stood up as he noticed Charlene and her brother approach the table. " You look wonderful tonight" he said as he pulled her chair out and the three of them sat down.
David's mother was sitting next to Colonel Archibald Gracie and across from David and Charlene sat Benjamin Guggenheim and Kitty Webb.
All of a sudden, they heard a familiar shuffle.
" Good evening" said a well dressed man who smiled and sat down in the last empty chair. " I'm Colonel JJ Astor and normally my wife is with me but she is ill this evening".
" Colonel Astor, I enjoyed our conversation this afternoon".
" Oh yes, Sharpston" he replied with a grin as their table steward took their order. " David Sharpston".
Later on, as they finished their wonderful dinner of rack of lamb and baron of beef, David noticed that the dance floor was empty. " Would you like to dance Charlene?".
She nodded and the two of them excused themselves. They walked onto the dance floor.
" Charlene" he said quietly as he held her left hand and glided her around the floor. " I'm going to start studying the bible tonight".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Friday, September 9, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 18

the miracle on Titanic page 18 by ric gustafson.

Thurs April 11 1912 5:40 pm

David walked into the room where carved and waxed wooden shelves held their treasures. He noticed she was sitting at a table that contained a Tiffany lamp. As he walked through the good sized library room, he noticed that brass minirails held an array of books. " I figured you might be here".
" I came in to see if they had a different translation of the bible than what I have".
" I just had a feeling that you might be in here".
" Is their something you needed to ask me?".
" Yes" he replied and then hesitated. " My mother has loaned me her little bible so I could look at it".
" That's great David" Charlene replied as she stood up and put the bible she was looking at back on the shelf. " You won't regret your decision".
" The other thing I wanted to tell you is my mother was able to arrange it so we could sit together at dinner".
" Thank you" she replied as they walked toward the door. " My brother and I will look forward to that".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Everyone have a great weekend. Love Ric.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

where the sidewalk ends page 1

where the sidewalk ends page 1 by ric gustafson.

Mac Armstrong was lying down on his blue couch and partly asleep. He held a small black bible that he was intending to study.
" Mac honey".
He fully opened his eyes to reveal his wife Arlene. " Sorry I was falling asleep".
" Did you work on your bible study?".
" I started to".
" I bought you something at the dollar store".
" What's that?".
She pulled out of the sack a size extra large green t shirt. He slowly put it on. On the front it simply said ' a dangerous christian'.
" What does a dangerous christian mean?".
" It means that you are a dangerous follower of Christ".
" Oh".
" Can you do me a favor?".
" Sure, what is it".
" Can you take this sack to Abba Father where the sidewalk ends".

research help: ' Dangerous Wonder' by Michael Yaconelli

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 17

the miracle on Titanic page 17 by ric gustafson.

Thurs April 11 1912 4:00 pm

David was on one of the ship's stationary bicycles pedaling while Charlene was studying a map that was on a far wall.
" This gymnasium is great" he said as he got off and then climbed onto a padded mechanical camel. " Tell me more about John 3:16".
" God so loved the world that he gave his beloved son".
" To give his only son, he must have loved the world a lot". He got off the camel and walked toward the rowing machine that was in the middle of the room.
" It also says if you simply believe in him, you will not perish bur have eternal life".
" Eternal life?".
" David, eternal life means forever with God".
" All he asks is that you simply believe" he asked as he got off the rowing machine and picked up a dumbbell that was on a nearby wall.
" That's all he asks".
He put the dumbbell back and then wiped off his face with a towel. " I don't know Charlene, it sounds too good to be true".
" Food for thought" she said with a grin as they walked toward the door. " On the subject of food, would you and your mother like to join my brother and I for dinner tonight?".
" I'll ask my mother" he replied as they walked out the door.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 3

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 3 by ric gustafson.

" She doesn't even know who I am" David exclaimed sadly as he put the large envelope into the yellow mail cart. " I've never even talked to him".
" You ride the bus with her everyday" his friend Roger Ascot replied as he put a bundle of mail into David's cart. " And you have never said one word to her".
" I'm very nervous around her" he said as he began to sort new mail. " I wouldn't know what to say".
" What do you know about her?".
" Her name is Zoie Malone and she is Mr Ferguson's new secretary".
His friend smiled as he glanced at a new memo. " Guess who is the new office that we are delivering to starting today?".
" Who?".
" Dwaine Ferguson's on 6th floor".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 5, 2011

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 2

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 2 by ric gustafson.

He blew on his cold gloved hands as he gazed to the west. ' Boy, I hope it comes quickly' David thought as he stamped his feet. ' The bus usually comes around this time' was his thought as he blew into his gloves and stamped his feet again.
He grinned as he noticed the large white bus approach. It stopped and the large door opened.
" Good morning" David said to the driver as he took off his dark winter gloves and reached inside his pant pocket. He pulled out a rumpled dollar bill and a quarter. He smiled and put them in the slots.
The driver grinned, closed the door and then the bus started.
David slowly walked toward the back of the bus and then saw her. She was sitting in the same seat that she always did and she was writing in a journal or something.
He sat down in a seat opposite her and looked out the window.
She had long blonde hair and was wearing a long red winter coat.
She had been riding the bus for two months now and David did not have the courage to talk to her.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

the miracle on Titanic page 16

the miracle on Titanic page 16 by ric gustafson.

Thurs April 11 1912 3:15 pm

David and Charlene took the lift down and then walked a series of iron stairs and walkways to the bottom of the ship.
" This is the turbine engine room" he said loudly as the noise drowned out their voices.
They walked by the engine room and saw stokers covered with soot from head to toe.
" Hello".
They turned to see Captain Smith smiling at them.
" Good afternoon Captain" David said as he shook his hand. " I'm David Sharpston".
" Yes, I had the opportunity to meet your mother earlier today".
" I'm Charlene Moton" she said as they walked by two big pieces of machinery.
" Pleased to meet you" the Captain replied as he touched the top of one of the heavy machines. " These are pumps that are used strictly for ballast".
" Captain, I had heard that this ship was unsinkable".
" Virtually" Captain Smith exclaimed with a broad smile. " Come with me and I will show you".
They walked along the keel of the ship, past the noisy boiler rooms and stopped at the forward hold area.
" These are watertight compartments" he said with admiration in his voice. " There are eight on the starboard side and eight on the port side". " If we need to, we can automatically close these doors and seal off the water".
" Very impressive Captain" David replied.
" Yes, it is safe to say that this ship is virtually unsinkable".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 1

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 1 by ric gustafson.

David Marks swallowed the last of his buttered wheat toast as he watched the morning weatherman talk about the forecast.
" The high today is only going to be 2 degrees" he said as he pointed at the screen. " So dress warmly as you go out the door".
David walked quietly into the small kitchenette and poured himself another cup of coffee. ' I wish I was more of a morning person' he thought as he put one more slice of Rotella Wheat into the small black toaster. As he waited, he yawned again. ' I'm just not a morning person' came the thought as he remembered the commercial where people were dancing around because it was the morning.
He yawned again as the toast popped up. He buttered it as he looked at the clock that was built into the stove. " Wow, look at the time" he exclaimed out loud as it read 5:50 am. " I need to leave".
He turned off the coffeemaker and poured out the remains of his cup into the kitchen sink. He put on his good shoes, walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He put on his heavy coat and then picked up the remote.
" Stay warm and have a great Monday" the young forecaster said.
David turned off the TV and then quickly left the apartment. He did not want to miss his bus.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

come to the water page 4

come to the water page 4 by ric gustafson.

John 3:5-' Truly truly I say to you unless one is born of water and spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God'.

These words were spoken by Jesus to a man who had visited him late one night. His name was Nicodemus and he was a member of the Sanhedrin and a ruler of the Jews. Jesus had just explained to him that unless one was born again, he could not see the Kingdom of God.
Nicodemus was confused. " How can a man be born when he is old, he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb, can he?".
When we are naturally born, we are born by water. That alone will not get us into heaven. Something else must happen. The day that we give our life to Christ, the Holy Spirit enters us.
Our christian life begins and regeneration starts. When we flow in the river of the Holy Spirit, we refresh, renew and we are filled with God's Spirit.

research help: ' Flowing in the River of the Spirit' by Larry Keefauver.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

the spear soldier page 3

the spear soldier page 3 by ric gustafson.

Bar Abbas watched from the top of a small staircase that overlooked the Temple square, as his friend Jaqob bar Mathan was hit on top of the head and knocked down. He watched as his freedom fighters were slashing their way toward the prefect and his officials. He frowned as the soldier next to Pilate started to blow into a tuba. As the soldier blew into the instrument sounding a general alarm, hundreds of Roman soldiers began to run into the square.
Bar Abbas knew what he had to do. He raised a red cloth on a stick ordering a full attack on the prefect. He watched as his friend Achim Bar Simeon slashed his way toward Pilate.
All of a sudden, the soldier in front of Pilate quickly turned and slashed through the young freedom fighter. Cassius yelled as he stepped over the body. " Form a wall around the prefect". Dozens of soldiers raised their shields and surrounded Pilate and the other officials.
Bar Abbas knew the attack had failed. He jumped down from the staircase, pulled out his sword and began to slash his way toward Pilate. As he reached Cassius, he smiled and raised his sword to get revenge. He dropped the sword as he was struck twice on the head and back. He fell to the ground as blackness overcame him.

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl.

I pray that everyone has a great Saturday. Love Ric.

Friday, September 2, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 15

the miracle on Titanic page 15 by ric gustafson.

Thurs April 11 1912 2:00 pm

David and Charlene stepped into the lift and he closed the iron gate. It opened onto a landing that was below the Grand Staircase. They stepped out to observe the beautiful architecture.
" This is as beautiful as God's beauty" she said as she noticed the polished banisters with their bright hue.
" Tell me more about the bible" he asked with curiosity as he admired the posts made with hand carved oak.
" Even though the books were written by different authors" she said as she looked up at the iron and glass skylight above them. " It all comes together for a specific purpose and message".
" Let's go up to the Boat Deck" he exclaimed as he held her hand. " The view should be great from there".
They walked onto the deck and noticed a steward shining up one of the lifeboats.
" How many boats do you have?" she inquired.
" We have fourteen regular and four collapsible boats that are capable of carrying 1,176 passengers and crew".
" How many passengers do we have?" David asked as he watched the Irish coastline fade away.
" 2,229" the steward replied as he thought for a moment. " But we do have ten percent more lifeboats than is required by the Board of Trade".
They walked over to the railing and watched the huge ship start to sail into the Atlantic alone.
" What did you mean that the bible had a message?".
" Jesus Christ has a simple message to share".
" What message is that?".
" A simple message of acceptance of Jesus into your heart, repenting your sins and then you will be with God forever".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Everyone have a great holiday weekend. Love Ric.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

the miracle on Titanic page 14

the miracle on Titanic page 14 by ric gustafson.

Wed April 10 1912 10:00 pm

As David and Charlene gazed up at a spectacular moonlight, Fourth Officer Boxhall was reworking the ship's route on a chart. He was worried about the route Mr Ismay wanted to take. The winter had been very warm and bergs and pack ice was worse this year than normal. His mind was troubled because there was still a coal fire blazing on the ship and they were going at full steam.
First Officer Murdoch walked onto the bridge. " Boxhall, did you get those binoculars?".
" Aye Sir". He handed the leathercase to the officer. " Why can't they have them up in the crow's nest?".
" They don't need them" he gruffly replied. " We can see with them in here probably better than they can".

Thursday April 11 11:15 am

David was looking over the railing at the beautiful Irish coastline. " So the devil had to ask permission before he could tempt Job".
" That's right" Charlene replied as she studied the bible verse. " God only allows as much as the person can handle".
A steward walked up and now stood next to them.
" Why are we anchoring at this point and not docked?".
" We are not docking in Queenstown because the ship is too large to berth".
David watched as a tug carrying new passengers pulled up alongside the ship and Officer Boxhall wrote their names down as they came onboard.
Later, Officer Murdoch found out that seven second class and one hundred and thirteen third class passengers had come on board.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.