Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Frank page 4

A Frank page 4 by ric Gustafson

On July 5 1942, Edith got a letter that their daughter Margot was to report for labor service. She quickly talked to Otto. They both knew that the day would come for them to go into hiding. The girls were instructed to pack a schoolbag each. The first thing Anne packed was a diary that she had gotten for her 13th birthday. Otto decided that the two floor annex above his business would be a good spot to hide the family until the war was over.
The next morning, the family along with Otto's trusted employee Miep Gies walked to the annex in the pouring rain. Before Gies locked them in, Anne took one last look outside. The family covered all the windows and made the annex a temporary home. Anne decorated her space with movie star posters. Otto wanted this new situation to be as normal as possible.

research help: ' Anne Frank' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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