Friday, May 4, 2018

Wallenberg page 8

Wallenberg page 8 by ric Gustafson

When Jews were forced to march to Hegyeshalom, Wallenberg saved two hundred. He knew that Eichmann was getting fed up by his actions. It was now November of 1944. Wallenberg had 550 Jews helping him with his rescue efforts. The International Red Cross and the Swedish Legation was also helping Wallenberg.
On November 23 1944, Wallenberg and his aides arrived at Hegyeshalom at 7 am. Eichmann was already there filling boxcars with Jews. Wallenberg tried to intervene. Eichmann ignored his pleas and ordered his deputy to deal with the Swedish diplomat. Wallenberg was able to save three hundred deportees that day.  That night, Eichmann celebrated the deportations. For the few saved by Wallenberg, thousands upon thousands were being deported to their deaths.
Physically, the stress was starting to get to the Swedish diplomat.

research help: ' The Envoy' by Alex Kershaw

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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