Friday, May 11, 2018

the 2018 Hebrews 11 appreaction banquet page 2

the 2018 Hebrews 11 appreaction banquet page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jesus took another sip of water.
" The next person we will be honoring tonight pleased my Father".
Jesus smiled at him. " This person pleased my Father so much". His voice hesitated. " He couldn't wait to have him with him".
He smiled again.
" He is unique because he was taken to heaven before dying on this earth".
Jesus frowned. " The earth before the flood was filled with evil people with evil in their hearts".
Jesus walked over to the man. " Enoch, please stand up".
He hugged him. " My Father and I love you".

research help: ' Marathon Faith' by John Van Pay

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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