Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Schindler page 2

Schindler page 2 by ric Gustafson

By March 1941, there was room for up to 15,000 Jews in the Krakow ghetto. Between June and October 1942, 11,000 of these Jews were sent to the Belzec death camp. On March 13 1943, Untersturmfuhrer Amon Goeth liquidated the camp. Those not killed were sent to a nearby labor camp. This camp run by Amon Goeth was called Krakow Plaszow. Schindler's workers were marched from this labor camp to his factory each day.
In August of 1944, Schindler had to reduce his work force. In October of 1944, Schindler moved his factory to Brinnlitz Czechoslovakia. Only 300 of his original workers were left. On the way to Brinnlitz, the male workers stopped at a camp called Gross Rosen. The female workers had to stay for about three weeks at Auschwitz. All of the workers male and female were protected because they were Schindler's.

research help: ' Schindler's Legacy' by Elinor Brecher

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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