Wednesday, October 11, 2017

the fork in the road page 7

the fork in the road page 7 by ric Gustafson

Alvin heard the knock at the door. He opened his eyes. He realized that he had fallen asleep. He peeked at his cell phone. He had been asleep for over an hour. However it was was still knocking. He walked over and opened the front door. It revealed a middle aged man carrying a large manila folder.
Alvin's co worker Alexander Jacobs walked in and opened up the mini fridge. " How are you Alvin?". He stared at the messed up bed. " I hope I didn't wake you".
" Actually you did". Alvin yawned. " I fell asleep".
" Sorry about that". He sat down in an easy chair. " How do you like the room?".
Alvin sat down on the edge of the bed. " The room is ok".
" I just came from Mr Hanscom's room". He nervously fiddled with the folder. " He wants to have a short meeting before the dinner presentation tonight".
Alvin glanced at his cell phone. " What time does he want to meet?".
" In twenty minutes".
" What room is he in?".
" Room 315".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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