Thursday, August 21, 2014

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 4

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 4 by ric gustafson

Jack knocked on Mr Kincaide's office door.
" Come in".
He entered and noticed how dark it was without lights or lamps.
" Sit down Jack" he said as he gave him a strange stare. " You wanted to see me".
Jack walked quietly up to the desk and put a small pile of paper on it. " I have had numerous complaints about your low wattage light bulbs".
He grinned. " Like what?".
" Customers are having trouble seeing and they are falling down and getting hurt".
He stared at the pile of complaints. " Jack, profits are way up and that interests me more than customer loyalty".
" Mr Kincaide, you care more about profits than your customers".
" Of course" he replied with a cackle. " I always think about the bottom line".
There was a knock on the door
" Come in".
The door opened to reveal RJ Sullivan, the President and CEO of the company. He squinted in the semi darkness. " Glen, I was listening outside".
" Sir, I was just talking to Jack".
" Glen, I heard you say you did not care about our customers at all".
" Sir, you promoted me to start making a profit for this company".
Mr Sullivan walked over and picked up the pile of complaints. " Glen, this company is successful because of it's loyal customers not because of profits".
" Mr Sullivan, I can explain".
" Glen, I am promoting Jack to run this department". He glanced at his watch. " You have one hour to pack up and get out".
Glen bitterly stormed out of the office.
Mr Sullivan smiled as he walked over and opened the door. " Make me proud Jack".
Jack took a light bulb out of his bag, unscrewed the old one that was in the desk lamp, screwed in the new one and light flooded and warmed the room.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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