Friday, August 15, 2014

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 1

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 1 by ric gustafson

Jack Dallas yawned as he turned off his computer. He reached underneath his cubicle and picked up his purple workout bag. The overhead light above his desk flickered as he opened the bag to make sure everything he needed was in there. He was looking forward to working out at the YMCA and then to church for a men's bible study. He had finished all of his scheduled light bulb visits earlier in the day and now he was ready to leave. Just as he stood up, somebody knocked.
" Sorry to bother you Jack" Roger Francis said with a slight grin. " Mr Kincaide would like to see you for a few minutes before you leave".
He put his purple bag on his shoulder and walked down the dimly lit hallway. He stopped in front of a door that now said ' Glen Kincaide'. His former boss Mr Nolan had just retired. He knocked.
" Come in".
He opened the door to reveal a dimly lit office that was scantly furnished. He squinted his eyes to adjust.
A man with a serious look on his face walked over. " Glen Kincaide" he said with a strange smile. He shook Jack's hand. " Please have a seat".
" Jack Dallas".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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