Wednesday, August 13, 2014

the Light Bulb Salesman page 2

the Light Bulb Salesman page 2 by ric gustafson

Jack put his light bulb bag into his locker. He closed it and walked by his supervisor's office. He stopped and peeked his head in. " Mr Nolan, you said I could leave early to help my wife at church".
The short man in a blue tailored suit waved for him to enter. " Jack, I need to ask a big favor".
" What's that Sir?".
" Jack, I know I gave you permission to leave early" he replied as he handed Jack a call sheet. " Frank had to leave early and I need someone to take his last call".
" But Sir, I promised my wife".
" It won't take long to canvas the block" he said as he stood up and walked around the large wooden desk. " You would be doing me a big favor".
" Ok" Jack replied as he stared at the call sheet. " At least Darkness Circle is not far away".
He patted Jack on the shoulder. " Thanks Jack".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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