Saturday, August 30, 2014

24 hours: Depleted Days

24 hours: Depleted Days by ric gustafson

Are there days when you have simply run out gas. In Mark chapter 6, thousands of men and there families are hungry and out of food. Jesus's followers came to him and told him their problem. It was late and they had no money for food to feed them. Phillip told Jesus that it would take them a month to make enough just to give everyone just a little bit. They ask Jesus to send them away to buy themselves something to eat.
How does the story end?. Andrew tells Jesus that a small boy has five barley loaves and two fish. Jesus takes it, blesses it and gives it to the assembled crowd. All ate until they were filled. Then Jesus tells his followers to pick up the leftovers. They filled twelve large baskets.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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