Wednesday, August 20, 2014

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 3

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 3 by ric gustafson

Jack walked up toward the glass door when he heard the familiar ringtone of his cellphone. He took it out of his pant pocket and opened it. " This is Jack Dallas". " You fell because of the low wattage bulbs". He frowned. " I will mention your complaint to my boss". He opened the door and walked in. He walked up to a receptionist's desk. He noticed right away how dim the lighting was. " Good morning Myra".
" Morning Mr Dallas" replied the young female who was squinting at a piece of paper in front of her. " It's so hard to read anything anymore".
" Because of the light bulbs".
" Yes, I can hardly see what I'm trying to read". She squinted again. " These new light bulbs your company makes is too low in wattage".
" I know". He reached for something inside his bag. " I've been getting lots of complaints from customers".
The phone rang on her desk. " Because of it, it's hard for me to do my job".
As she talked to a customer, Jack took out a light bulb, unscrewed the one that was in the small lamp on her desk, and screwed in a new one. The area around her desk lit up.
She smiled as she hung up the phone.
" Thanks Mr Dallas" she replied. " Please tell your boss about the problems we are having".
He took out of his bag his last bulb and put it on top of Myra's desk. " I sure will".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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