Thursday, August 14, 2014

the Light Bulb Salesman page 3

the Light Bulb Salesman page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jack yawned as he set his black light bulb bag on the sidewalk. He was tired because every house on this circle was well lit and did not need any light bulbs. He picked up his bag and began to walk toward his car. He was going to call it a day.
Just then, he noticed a home that sat at the end of the circle. The house was completely dark. Jack walked up the sidewalk and put his heavy bag by the front door. He rang the door bell. Nobody answered so he rang it four or five more times.
" What do you want?" said a loud voice from inside.
" I'm a light bulb salesman and I noticed that your house was completely dark".
" I don' t want anything". The voice hesitated. " Go away".
Jack grinned. " If you will give me five minutes, I would love to show you what's in my bag".
The door opened slightly.
Jack stumbled through the front door and into the foyer even though he could not see.
" What's in your bag?".
" Light bulbs". He took one out of the bag.
" Why do you sell those for?".
" I sell them to tell people that Jesus is the Light of the World". He walked over to a nearby lamp. " May I put one in and show you?".
" No!" shrieked a strange voice. " Keep it dark".
Jack screwed in the bulb and light came on.
" No!" shrieked another strange voice.
Jack noticed a young man lying on the ground near a wall.
" Help me".
Jack put more light bulbs in and lit up the whole house.

The End

John 8:12  ' I am the light of the world'.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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