Saturday, August 23, 2014

Salt and Light page 2

Salt and Light page 2 by ric gustafson

Ten year old Michael Walker quietly knocked on the wooden door.
" Come in".
He opened the creaky door and walked into a dimly lit office.
" Hi Mikey" his father said as he put down the pen he was using. He shuffled his reports.
His son slowly walked toward the large desk. " Ouch" he said as he bumped into one of the chair's legs. " Dad, it's really dark in here".
" I know". He smiled at his son. " I called the light bulb company and they are sending over their best person".
" Dad, can we sponsor another child from Haiti again this year?".
" I don't know Mikey, money's tight right now". He noticed the disappointment in his son's face. " We'll see".
He stood up to leave. " Ok".
" Before you go, I have a favor to ask".
" What's that Dad?".
Fred Walker handed his son a bag of potato chips. The young boy opened up the bag and took out a handful of the chips.
" I would like your honest opinion about how these new chips taste".
Michael bit into one. A grimace look came onto his face. " Dad, they taste terrible". He handed his Dad the rest of the chips. " What are they?".
" Saltless potato chips".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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