Sunday, August 31, 2014

Salt and Light page 5

Salt and Light page 5 by ric gustafson

Fred walked up to the first of the steel steps and began to climb. He reached the platform and noticed one of his employees struggling to read an order. " Raul, what's wrong?".
The young man pointed toward some high boxes that were on a tall shelf. " I'm sorry Mr Walker" he said with his head down in shame. " It's so dark in here I can't reach that last box to finish this order".
Fred grinned at his employee. " I'll finish the order". He pointed with his finger. " Go help Charles on the floor". He watched as he slowly walked down the steps.
He squinted as he studied the order sheet. He reached up and tried to get his arms around the huge box. He stretched and barely moved the box closer. He stretched his arms as much as possible and barely got his hands around the huge box. He noticed that his feet slipped a little on the sticky steel platform. He grinned as he moved the box closer with his fingertips. " I got it" he muttered as he got the box half way over the edge toward him. As he stretched one more time, he felt his feet give way. He fell backward onto the platform and the large box fell onto his head causing him to lose consciousness.
Mikey watched the scene unfold. " Daddy" he screamed as he ran toward the platform.
Jack ran after him.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 30, 2014

24 hours: Depleted Days

24 hours: Depleted Days by ric gustafson

Are there days when you have simply run out gas. In Mark chapter 6, thousands of men and there families are hungry and out of food. Jesus's followers came to him and told him their problem. It was late and they had no money for food to feed them. Phillip told Jesus that it would take them a month to make enough just to give everyone just a little bit. They ask Jesus to send them away to buy themselves something to eat.
How does the story end?. Andrew tells Jesus that a small boy has five barley loaves and two fish. Jesus takes it, blesses it and gives it to the assembled crowd. All ate until they were filled. Then Jesus tells his followers to pick up the leftovers. They filled twelve large baskets.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Salt and Light page 4

Salt and Light page 4 by ric gustafson

Fred Walker squinted as he tried to read the memo. He heard a knock on his door. " Come in".
The door opened to reveal his nine year old son and someone behind him he did not know.
" Who's your friend Mikey?".
He smiled. " Daddy, this is the man who changes light bulbs".
" Hi, I'm Jack Dallas the light bulb salesman".
He stood up and shook Jack's hand. " I'm Fred Walker and welcome to my potato chip company".
" Your plant is very dark" Jack said as he sat down in an empty chair. " I've already replaced several light bulbs".
" I like it dark in here". The phone rang on Fred's desk. " Excuse me for a moment". He picked it up. " This is Fred". Concern came over him. " I'll be right there". He put down the phone. " I'm sorry but we're going to have to cut this conversation short". He handed Jack a basket of potato chips." Please try our new chips".
He bit into a chip. He frowned at Mikey.
The young boy smiled. " I know they are terrible".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Salt and Light page 3

Salt and Light page 3 by ric gustafson

Jack opened the glass door and walked into the dim entryway. He squinted his eyes and noticed a receptionist desk straight ahead. Behind it was a young woman. He quietly walked up.
She smiled at him. " May I help you?".
" My name is Jack Dallas". He squinted again. " I'm from the light bulb company".
" Oh yes, we've been expecting you".
Jack felt something hit his leg. He looked down to see a boy holding a soccer ball.
" Sorry mister" he said as he held tightly onto the white and black ball. " In the dark, it's hard to see where it goes".
Jack pulled out a light bulb from his black bag and unscrewed the old one that was in the lamp on the receptionist's desk. He screwed the bulb in and bright light lit up the whole reception area.
" Thank you Mr Dallas" Irene Wilcox said with a grin. She pointed to the boy. " Mikey, will you take Mr Dallas to your Dad's office?".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Salt and Light page 2

Salt and Light page 2 by ric gustafson

Ten year old Michael Walker quietly knocked on the wooden door.
" Come in".
He opened the creaky door and walked into a dimly lit office.
" Hi Mikey" his father said as he put down the pen he was using. He shuffled his reports.
His son slowly walked toward the large desk. " Ouch" he said as he bumped into one of the chair's legs. " Dad, it's really dark in here".
" I know". He smiled at his son. " I called the light bulb company and they are sending over their best person".
" Dad, can we sponsor another child from Haiti again this year?".
" I don't know Mikey, money's tight right now". He noticed the disappointment in his son's face. " We'll see".
He stood up to leave. " Ok".
" Before you go, I have a favor to ask".
" What's that Dad?".
Fred Walker handed his son a bag of potato chips. The young boy opened up the bag and took out a handful of the chips.
" I would like your honest opinion about how these new chips taste".
Michael bit into one. A grimace look came onto his face. " Dad, they taste terrible". He handed his Dad the rest of the chips. " What are they?".
" Saltless potato chips".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 22, 2014

Salt and Light page 1

Salt and Light page 1 by ric gustafson

Jack knocked on the heavy wooden door.
" Come in".
He walked into a heavily decorated executive office. He noticed that his boss was standing by a window. " Hello Jack". He smiled as he walked over and sat down at his oak desk. He pointed at an open chair next to his desk. " Please have a seat". He smiled. " We're going to miss you around here Jack".
Jack grinned. " Mr Sullivan, I feel now is the best time to retire".
His boss opened up a drawer and took out an index card. " Jack, I have one more job for you". He handed him the card.
Jack studied it. " The Walker Potato Chip Factory".
" We've been getting many complaints about light bulb issues and bland potato chips".
" Bland Sir!".
" Potato chips with no salt".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 21, 2014

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 4

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 4 by ric gustafson

Jack knocked on Mr Kincaide's office door.
" Come in".
He entered and noticed how dark it was without lights or lamps.
" Sit down Jack" he said as he gave him a strange stare. " You wanted to see me".
Jack walked quietly up to the desk and put a small pile of paper on it. " I have had numerous complaints about your low wattage light bulbs".
He grinned. " Like what?".
" Customers are having trouble seeing and they are falling down and getting hurt".
He stared at the pile of complaints. " Jack, profits are way up and that interests me more than customer loyalty".
" Mr Kincaide, you care more about profits than your customers".
" Of course" he replied with a cackle. " I always think about the bottom line".
There was a knock on the door
" Come in".
The door opened to reveal RJ Sullivan, the President and CEO of the company. He squinted in the semi darkness. " Glen, I was listening outside".
" Sir, I was just talking to Jack".
" Glen, I heard you say you did not care about our customers at all".
" Sir, you promoted me to start making a profit for this company".
Mr Sullivan walked over and picked up the pile of complaints. " Glen, this company is successful because of it's loyal customers not because of profits".
" Mr Sullivan, I can explain".
" Glen, I am promoting Jack to run this department". He glanced at his watch. " You have one hour to pack up and get out".
Glen bitterly stormed out of the office.
Mr Sullivan smiled as he walked over and opened the door. " Make me proud Jack".
Jack took a light bulb out of his bag, unscrewed the old one that was in the desk lamp, screwed in the new one and light flooded and warmed the room.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 3

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 3 by ric gustafson

Jack walked up toward the glass door when he heard the familiar ringtone of his cellphone. He took it out of his pant pocket and opened it. " This is Jack Dallas". " You fell because of the low wattage bulbs". He frowned. " I will mention your complaint to my boss". He opened the door and walked in. He walked up to a receptionist's desk. He noticed right away how dim the lighting was. " Good morning Myra".
" Morning Mr Dallas" replied the young female who was squinting at a piece of paper in front of her. " It's so hard to read anything anymore".
" Because of the light bulbs".
" Yes, I can hardly see what I'm trying to read". She squinted again. " These new light bulbs your company makes is too low in wattage".
" I know". He reached for something inside his bag. " I've been getting lots of complaints from customers".
The phone rang on her desk. " Because of it, it's hard for me to do my job".
As she talked to a customer, Jack took out a light bulb, unscrewed the one that was in the small lamp on her desk, and screwed in a new one. The area around her desk lit up.
She smiled as she hung up the phone.
" Thanks Mr Dallas" she replied. " Please tell your boss about the problems we are having".
He took out of his bag his last bulb and put it on top of Myra's desk. " I sure will".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Plan: The Big Picture

The Plan: The Big Picture by ric gustafson

Does God have a plan for you?. The answer is yes. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. He never gives up on us. Even though we make mistakes and sometimes walk away from God, he loves us and answers our prayers. God created us and in Jeremiah 29:11 it says that he knows the plans that he has for us. God knows our every struggle and he will not abandon us. For him to work in our lives, we need to trust him. In God, there is always hope. To discover God's will for us, we need to live for him and not ourselves. God has a plan for us and it needs to be our goal and purpose to live out that plan.

research help: ' God has a plan for your life' by Charles F Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 17, 2014

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 2

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 2 by ric gustafson

Glen Kincaide studied the employment file. " Jack, you have a very impressive file".
He squinted his eyes in the semi darkness. " Thanks".
" You have have been the top salesman here for five years now". He put the file down. " How do you do it?".
" Mr Kincaide" Jack replied with a slight grin. " My work and my work ethic is based on John 8:12".
" Sorry, the bible doesn't mean anything to me".
" John 8:12 says I am the Light of the World".
He gave Jack a strange look. " What does that mean?".
" He who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life".
He smiled at Jack. " I see".
" Sir, I'm not sure why you asked me to see you".
" Jack, based upon studies we have done recently". He hesitated. " I would like to try lower wattage light bulbs".
" Lower wattage?".
" The lower the wattage, the more light bulbs people would want to buy".
" Sir, it sounds like you are trying to deceive people". He gave his boss a serious look. " Which goes against my Christian principles".
" Jack, since I am manager now my principle will apply".
" What principle is that Sir?".
" The principle of making more money".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 19

I Am The True Vine page 19 by ric gustafson

In John 15:9, Jesus says that as the Father has loved me so have I loved you. Because we love God, Jesus loves us. To be like the True Vine Jesus, we need to have a heavenly love. God has love for his Son. God lives in his Son and Jesus lives in his Father. God through his Son wants to live in us and have us live in him.
The Holy Spirit reveals to us that love from God through his Son. Jesus the True Vine gives us his branches our growth and our fruit. As the Father loves his Son, Jesus loves us.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 18

I Am The True Vine page 18 by ric gustafson

True disciples of Jesus bear much fruit. As disciples of Jesus we are to bear much fruit. John 15:8 says that ye bear much fruit so shall ye be my disciples. We need to look upon the Vine and live out the heavenly fullness in us. We need to say to ourselves that we are a branch of Jesus the True Vine. As disciples and branches, we can bear much fruit for God's glory. God wants us to be true branches of the True Vine.
I pray that I a branch of the True Vine will bear much fruit.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 1

the return of the Light Bulb Salesman page 1 by ric gustafson

Jack Dallas yawned as he turned off his computer. He reached underneath his cubicle and picked up his purple workout bag. The overhead light above his desk flickered as he opened the bag to make sure everything he needed was in there. He was looking forward to working out at the YMCA and then to church for a men's bible study. He had finished all of his scheduled light bulb visits earlier in the day and now he was ready to leave. Just as he stood up, somebody knocked.
" Sorry to bother you Jack" Roger Francis said with a slight grin. " Mr Kincaide would like to see you for a few minutes before you leave".
He put his purple bag on his shoulder and walked down the dimly lit hallway. He stopped in front of a door that now said ' Glen Kincaide'. His former boss Mr Nolan had just retired. He knocked.
" Come in".
He opened the door to reveal a dimly lit office that was scantly furnished. He squinted his eyes to adjust.
A man with a serious look on his face walked over. " Glen Kincaide" he said with a strange smile. He shook Jack's hand. " Please have a seat".
" Jack Dallas".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 14, 2014

the Light Bulb Salesman page 3

the Light Bulb Salesman page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jack yawned as he set his black light bulb bag on the sidewalk. He was tired because every house on this circle was well lit and did not need any light bulbs. He picked up his bag and began to walk toward his car. He was going to call it a day.
Just then, he noticed a home that sat at the end of the circle. The house was completely dark. Jack walked up the sidewalk and put his heavy bag by the front door. He rang the door bell. Nobody answered so he rang it four or five more times.
" What do you want?" said a loud voice from inside.
" I'm a light bulb salesman and I noticed that your house was completely dark".
" I don' t want anything". The voice hesitated. " Go away".
Jack grinned. " If you will give me five minutes, I would love to show you what's in my bag".
The door opened slightly.
Jack stumbled through the front door and into the foyer even though he could not see.
" What's in your bag?".
" Light bulbs". He took one out of the bag.
" Why do you sell those for?".
" I sell them to tell people that Jesus is the Light of the World". He walked over to a nearby lamp. " May I put one in and show you?".
" No!" shrieked a strange voice. " Keep it dark".
Jack screwed in the bulb and light came on.
" No!" shrieked another strange voice.
Jack noticed a young man lying on the ground near a wall.
" Help me".
Jack put more light bulbs in and lit up the whole house.

The End

John 8:12  ' I am the light of the world'.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

the Light Bulb Salesman page 2

the Light Bulb Salesman page 2 by ric gustafson

Jack put his light bulb bag into his locker. He closed it and walked by his supervisor's office. He stopped and peeked his head in. " Mr Nolan, you said I could leave early to help my wife at church".
The short man in a blue tailored suit waved for him to enter. " Jack, I need to ask a big favor".
" What's that Sir?".
" Jack, I know I gave you permission to leave early" he replied as he handed Jack a call sheet. " Frank had to leave early and I need someone to take his last call".
" But Sir, I promised my wife".
" It won't take long to canvas the block" he said as he stood up and walked around the large wooden desk. " You would be doing me a big favor".
" Ok" Jack replied as he stared at the call sheet. " At least Darkness Circle is not far away".
He patted Jack on the shoulder. " Thanks Jack".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 17

I Am The True Vine page 17 by ric gustafson

In John 15:8, it says to glorify God. How do we do that?. One way is to allow his glory to shine through us. When we work and serve through God alone, God gets all the glory. Little fruit brings little glory to God. By using the gifts and abilities God has given us, we bring glory to God. God the Husbandman asks for our fruit for the salvation of men.
When we glory ourselves in God, we will bear much fruit.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Light Bulb Salesman page 1

the Light Bulb Salesman page 1 by ric gustafson

Jack Dallas took a sip of his coffee. He opened his worn black bible to John 8:12. " I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life". He closed the bible and sat it next to his morning paper. " So what are your plans for today?".
Tabitha Dallas looked up from her burgundy planner. " I'm going to help with the 9:00 bible study and then help put together bulletins". She bit into a slice of buttered banana bread. " Are you going to be busy today?".
" I'm sure" he said as he put a spoon of Rice Chex into his mouth and then took a sip of coffee to get it down. " We're short of help today so I'm sure Mr Nolan will be giving me a lot of calls to do". He glanced at his watch. " I gotta run". He put his dishes in the sink and then walked upstairs to brush his teeth. He came back down and gave his wife a peck on the cheek. " I'll see you this afternoon".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 11, 2014

24 hours: Catastrophic Days

24 hours: Catastrophic Days by ric gustafson

The Apostle Paul in a cell in Rome has had everything bad that could happen to him happened. He was beaten, lied about, storm tossed, snake bitten, rejected and neglected. Yet in the book of Philippians, he writes that what has happened to him has served to advance the gospel. He writes in 1:18 that he is happy and will continue to be happy.
In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul writes that we don't look at the troubles we can see now, rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am The True Vine page 16

I Am The True Vine page 16 by ric gustafson

John chapter 15 is important because of the vine and the branches. The branches depend on the vine. John 15:7 says that if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask and it shall be done unto you. We as the branches can abide in the Vine. When we abide in Jesus the Vine, we can ask and God will do it.
What is the secret of a branch bearing fruit?. We as branches need to be totally connected to the Vine. The roots of our branches need to be root deep in faith, love and obedience. We need to have Jesus the Vine be first and all. When we are occupied with Christ the Vine, he will hold us and keep us close.
God promises that if we abide in him, when we ask it shall be done for us. That is God's promise.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 15

I Am The True Vine page 15 by ric gustafson

In John 15:7, Jesus as the True Vine says that if we ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. As a believer in Jesus, he wants us to pray to him all the time. We need to live continually in him. As branches, we can do nothing without the True Vine. When we pray to Jesus, unlimited prayer promises will come our way.
In Christ are hidden treasures. As God's children, we are blessed with spiritual blessings. Jesus is full of grace and truth. Jesus as the True Vine says that if we ask in his name, it will be done for us. When we have little prayer, there is little fruit.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

24 hours: Anxious Days

24 hours: Anxious Days by ric gustafson

People are anxious about events going on around the world. Global conflicts, personal tragedies abound in our world. Anxiety and worry leads to heart trouble, high blood pressure, ulcers, migraine headaches and stomach disorders. Anxiety does not end our problems. It ruins our health, robs us of joy and changes nothing. Luke 11:3 says give us day by day our daily bread. God wants us to live one day at a time.
God loves us so much. He meets our needs daily. God knows what we need. How can we feel anxious about tomorrow when today cannot deal with it. Worrying makes small problems into larger ones. Being anxious and worrying hurts us and worst of all dishonors God.
So how do we combat these negative feelings?. We need to pray more and want less. We need to delight ourselves in the Lord and live for him today.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 8, 2014

24 hours: Bitter Days

24 hours: Bitter Days by ric gustafson

Jesus wants us to give every day a chance. Have you had a day with broken promises, wounds and rejections?. In Matthew 18, Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive someone. He said seven, Jesus replied seventy times seven. Then Jesus tells a story about a servant who owed a king a lot of money. He should have been sold to pay off the massive debt but instead the king released him and forgave the debt. Then the servant went out and threatened a fellow servant who owed him a little bit of money.
In order to get rid of bitterness in our lives, we need to forgive. We need to forgive those who have wronged us. Jesus does not want us to have guilt, or bad habits. He wants us to face fears with courage and know the difference between right and wrong.
God wants to make us into the image of his Son, Jesus.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

24 hours: Ungrateful Days

24 hours: Ungrateful Days by ric gustafson

When bad and frustrating things happen to us during our day, instead of feeling ungrateful we need to show gratitude. In Luke 17, Jesus heals ten lepers. Sin makes us spiritual lepers. The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2 says that we are dead in our transgressions and sins. He also says that apart from Jesus, we are without hope and without God. When we have a willing heart, God will heal us and make us alive again in Christ.
Only one of the ten lepers returned. Jesus looks for gratitude and noticed the returning leper. Jesus wants us to always be joyful, always pray and always give thanks.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lazarus page 2

Lazarus page 2 by ric gustafson

I watched as my sister prepared provisions for myself and Judah to travel five days. She packed dry figs, apricots, flat bread and goat cheese into a rucksack. Judah approached with a white mare for me to ride. We rode along a narrow path that led to the garden and Eliza's tomb. We traveled along a dusty road that led from Jerusalem to the wilderness of the Jordan. Both of us were curious about this man named John the Baptizer. Common folk flocked to hear his preaching.
The first night, we made a campfire among others dotting the rugged hillsides. We woke up to hordes of pilgrims heading toward the Jordan.
" I wonder why he stays way out here?".
Judah grinned. " He's afraid of Herodias Herod Antipas's wife".
" Why is that?".
" He preaches openly about the sin of their illegal marriage".
We walked along the west bank of the river and then spotted who we were searching for.

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven 101 page 1

Heaven 101 page 1 by ric gustafson

Professor Arnold Gumpel smiled as students quietly entered the large classroom and sat down. He picked up a  marker and began to write on the white markerboard. When the clock on the side wall became 6:00, he looked up and smiled again. " Welcome students to Heaven 101" he said as he walked to the board. " I hope you are in the right room".
All the students laughed.
" Here is your syllabus for this class". He began to hand them out. " As you look at it, tonight I have just one simple question to ponder". He glanced around the room. " How far away is heaven?".  He hesitated. " Does anybody want to take a guess?".
A young female raised her hand. " I would say it's a long ways away".
Everyone laughed.
Professor Gumpel took a marker and began to write. " Some people believe heaven is not a location but a spiritual state of being". He hesitated. " Some believe that everyone enters God's presence after death". He held up a bible. " This special book speaks of heaven as a destination". " In fact it talks about three heavens".
A hand came up. " What are they Professor Gumpel?".
" The bible describes the first heaven as where the clouds and birds are found". " The second heaven is outer space where the sun, moon and planets are found".
A young man raised his hand. " What's the third heaven?".
" The third heaven is God's dwelling, the location of his throne".

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 4, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 14

I Am The True Vine page 14 by ric gustafson

In John 15:6, we as branches are either connected to Christ the Vine or not. When we are not, we wither and are cast off. When we wither, we are cast into the fire and burned. When there is no motive, power and we do not abide in Christ we wither. As withered branches, we were not truly rooted in Jesus.
I pray that Jesus the True Vine will keep me, watch over me and keep me from being a withered branch.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric