Friday, June 27, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: June 6 1944

We Interrupt This Broadcast: June 6 1944 by ric gustafson

Germany was trying to establish a militarized and fortified Europe to rule the world for a thousand years. General Dwight " Ike" Eisenhower, who was a protégé of General George C Marshall, was always a proponent of a direct European assault. He drew up plans for an assault on the French coast as early as 1942. Eisenhower's plan for a cross channel invasion was accepted by the Allied command on January 15 1944. The plan code named Operation Overlord started in Southern England. The area became a huge military staging area. Over one hundred airfields and stockpiles of munitions, food and fuel that was required for a force of more than a million men and hundreds of thousands of vehicles.
General Rommel knew that a seaborne invasion was coming and built fortifications for an entire 1200 miles of coastline. The plan included convincing the Germans that an attack was coming in the Pas de Calais area. Twenty thousand paratroopers were to land behind enemy lines guard the flanks and cut critical rail lines and bridges.
On June 6, Eisenhower gave the order to attack. The paratroopers landed behind enemy lines after midnight and later infantry landed on five Normandy beaches.
At 12:41 am, NBC was interrupted that a bulletin had just come from London. At 3:30 am, the official announcement was flashed over the air.
Allied casualties were high at 10,274 but now Hitler's days in power were numbered.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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