Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 5

Rahab 2014 page 5 by ric Gustafson

Sala walked into the room. He smiled at Rahab. " You look very nice all washed and wearing clean clothes".
" Thank you Sala for everything". She gave him a hug.
" Your welcome" he replied. " My father's plan is to take you with us to Ramac and then send a message to your family in Jericho to come get you".
She stared intently at Sala. " Tell me about your sisters".
" I have four sisters, two are married and two are too young".
" What are the names of the youngest?".
" Rachel is fourteen and Leah is twelve".
She smiled. " Those are pretty names".
" They are Israelite names".
Just then, the door opened and Lord Nahshon ran in. " Son, I have just heard the best news".
" What news Father?".
" The Egyptian Israelites have been found".
Surprise came to Sala's face. " I thought they disappeared in the desert and most of them are dead".
He smiled at his son. " The day of the Lord is coming my son, we need to rejoice and be glad".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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