Monday, June 9, 2014

Moses page 30

Moses page 30 by ric gustafson

Joshua ran into Moses's tent. " Moses, Lotan has ordered his men to attack us next to these low hills".
" Joshua" Moses said as he put a hand on his left shoulder. " You need to lead our army".
" I can't" he replied as he stared at Moses with an astonished look. " I'm not worthy".
" God has already told me that you are the one to lead our army". He smiled. " He has already told me his plan".
" What is that plan?".
" I will stand on top of that hill with the staff of God in my hand ". He raised his arms. " My arms will be raised and your army will be victorious".
" How can we win when they have bows and arrows and we only have swords, knives and clubs".
Moses smiled. " God's plan is for you to divide your army into two" he said as he sat down on a pallet. " Put your heavier men in front and the ones with swords, knives and clubs along the flanks".
" And then what?".
" They will come out of the hills and you will destroy them".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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