Sunday, June 29, 2014

Intersection page 4

Intersection page 4 by ric gustafson

Roy yawned as he opened his eyes. He noticed the crossroads coming up. " Good" he muttered to himself as he yawned again. " I am just about home".
" Missy, you need to decide your eternal destination" her friend said with a worried stare. " Before it's too late".
" I have lots of time Barbara" Missy replied with a grin. " I'm young and feel like a million bucks".
Just then, they heard a semi approaching.
Roy yawned again as he came up to the intersection. He saw a couple of strange shapes like two people might be standing in the middle of the road. As he approached the strange shapes, he yawned again. By the time he saw the two young women, he blew his horn.
Barbara and Missy heard the horn and then tried to run. But it was too late. As the truck hit them, all they remembered was darkness coming over them.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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