Monday, June 30, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 8

I Am The True Vine page 8 by ric gustafson

When a new graft is placed in a vine, two things take place. First, the graft shoots it's little roots and fibers down into the stem. The stem grows up into the graft and structural union takes place. The graft abides and becomes one with the vine. Second, the sap of the vine enters and a passage is made so the sap can flow up to the young shoots, leaves and fruit.
In John 15:4, Jesus says abide in me and I in you. He wants us to trust and obey him. He wants us to cling and reach out to him. When we do this, character is formed and a heart prepares. Jesus wants to dwell in our hearts by faith. We need to follow Jesus in lowly obedience and deny ourselves. We are in Christ, Christ is in us. We are in him and he in us.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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