Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 6

Rahab 2014 page 6 by ric gustafson

Dust was kicking up from the donkey Rahab was sitting on. Sala was holding on to the reins. " Sala, what kind of a temple do you have in Ramac?".
" We do not have temples" was his reply as he began to smell donkey smell. " Our God is hidden, we do not make images of him".
She gave him a puzzled look. " So how do you know what he looks like?".
" He is Elohim the Creator" he said as he held onto the reins. " There is no one else like him".
" But Sala, you live in Canaan, the land of Baal".
Ramac was smaller than Gaza. The walls of the city were made of mud brick and Sala's house was one of the largest.
She stayed with Sala's family for ten days. She listened as Sala talked about his Israelite ancestors and how he learned about their God.

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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