Monday, June 30, 2014

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 7

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 7 by ric gustafson

I looked and saw an upturned boat which was half reclining on her bottom. I reached the side of the boat but nobody extended a hand to me. I threw my right leg over the boat to straddle it and somebody grabbed one of my arms. I fell into the bottom of the boat. At least a dozen more swimmers eventually got on board too. All together, 30 men ended up on that bottom up Englehardt boat. As each man got on board, the boat submerged in the water more and more. We could see men splashing in the water all around us. After a while, we refused to take on any more people in fear of the boat capsizing. After a while, I had to turn my head to the screaming and thrashing of people in the water. Those manning the oars carefully avoided those still in the water. Everyone on the boat had to run from one side to another to keep it from sinking. I prayed for deliverance and then somebody suggested that we all say the Lord's Prayer together. So we did. We prayed all night that the sea would stay calm. As it got toward morning, the water got rougher and we had to stand in a column at the bow. All of us suffered from exhaustion and exposure. Some could not last and fell off.
As dawn broke. we noticed something in the distance.

research help: ' Titanic, a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am The True Vine page 8

I Am The True Vine page 8 by ric gustafson

When a new graft is placed in a vine, two things take place. First, the graft shoots it's little roots and fibers down into the stem. The stem grows up into the graft and structural union takes place. The graft abides and becomes one with the vine. Second, the sap of the vine enters and a passage is made so the sap can flow up to the young shoots, leaves and fruit.
In John 15:4, Jesus says abide in me and I in you. He wants us to trust and obey him. He wants us to cling and reach out to him. When we do this, character is formed and a heart prepares. Jesus wants to dwell in our hearts by faith. We need to follow Jesus in lowly obedience and deny ourselves. We are in Christ, Christ is in us. We are in him and he in us.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

We Interrupt This Broadcast: May 7 1945

We Interrupt This Broadcast: May 7 1945 by ric gustafson

By mid April 1945, Russian forces were within thirty five miles of Berlin and American and British forces were within two hundred miles. General Dwight D Eisenhower let the Russians capture Berlin shortly after. Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun married and then committed suicide on April 30. On May 2, Russian troops raised the hammer and sickle flag over the German capital. The news of Germany's defeat was first heard by the British Ministry of Information. Then it was sent by radio across the United States. An hour later, President Truman replied about the high cost for freedom.
Europe now lay in ruins and the concentration camps were now being discovered. The costs in lives was insurmountable.
Germany: 3,250,000 soldiers
Russia: more than 6 million soldiers
US: more than 400,000
British and French: 250,000 each

Worldwide, 55 million people lost their lives

Allied forces divided Germany into a West and East so that a war like that would never happen again.

research: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 29, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: April 12 1945

We Interrupt This Broadcast: April 12 1945 by ric gustafson

There was only one man to be elected President for four terms. And he presided over two of the greatest crises the country has ever gone through, the Great Depression and World War II. In office, his policies changed the country socially and economically. That man was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
He grew up in wealthy surroundings but dedicated himself to the poor. He was crippled by polio but led the country through it's darkest hours. By March 1945, victory in Europe was nearly at hand. The war and the office was taking it's toll on him physically so he decided to take a vacation at Warm Springs Georgia. On April 12, Elizabeth Shoumatoff came to work on a portrait of the President. Around 1:00, the butler brought the President his lunch. At that moment, the President lowered his head and complained that he had a terrible headache. Then he collapsed and lost consciousness.
He was moved to a bedroom and his physician Dr Bruenn came. The President's breathing had stopped and all attempts to revive him failed. He was pronounced dead at 3:35 pm.
At 5:30 pm, Vice President Harry Truman arrived. Within 90 minutes, Truman became our 33rd President. Broadcasting was interrupted at 5:47 pm with the tragic news.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Intersection page 4

Intersection page 4 by ric gustafson

Roy yawned as he opened his eyes. He noticed the crossroads coming up. " Good" he muttered to himself as he yawned again. " I am just about home".
" Missy, you need to decide your eternal destination" her friend said with a worried stare. " Before it's too late".
" I have lots of time Barbara" Missy replied with a grin. " I'm young and feel like a million bucks".
Just then, they heard a semi approaching.
Roy yawned again as he came up to the intersection. He saw a couple of strange shapes like two people might be standing in the middle of the road. As he approached the strange shapes, he yawned again. By the time he saw the two young women, he blew his horn.
Barbara and Missy heard the horn and then tried to run. But it was too late. As the truck hit them, all they remembered was darkness coming over them.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 27, 2014

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 6

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 6 by ric gustafson

As I clung onto the railing, the ship plunged to the depths below. There was pressure upon my ears Even though I was under water, I could sense my way of direction. I swam with all my strength away from the starboard side of the ship because I knew my life depended on it. I made sure no salt water entered my mouth. Eventually, I made it to the surface because of the star lit night. I noticed wreckage and stuck a small plank under my right arm. I looked around and only saw a calm sea surface, the mighty ship was gone. Where the ship had sunk, I noticed a vapor. As I floated, the worst sound occurred that I will never forget. It was the cry of death from a thousand throats and the shrieks from the terrified and scared. I heard crys of ' help help, boat ahoy and my God my God from the men, women and children coming from the surface of the dark water. As time went on, the cries for help grew weaker and then died out.
As I clung to my plank, I noticed a head of me three bodies in the water heads down. Just behind me, was another body probably drowned. I threw my right leg over a crate to try and straddle it but it did not work. As I prayed for hope and deliverance, I noticed something in the distance.

research help: ' Titanic, a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am The True Vine page 7

I Am The True Vine page 7 by ric gustafson

So what is the pruning knife that the Husbandman uses?. The knife is the Word of God that is sharper than a two edged sword. This knife divides soul and spirit and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. John 15:3 shows that God's Word is his pruning knife. By the cleansing of God's Word, our soul gives up it's evil thoughts and yields to the teaching of the Word by the Holy Spirit.
As branches of the True Vine, we need to hear and read God's Word. When we surrender to the cleansing work of the Word and Spirit, our purpose in Christ will be fulfilled.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

We Interrupt This Broadcast: June 6 1944

We Interrupt This Broadcast: June 6 1944 by ric gustafson

Germany was trying to establish a militarized and fortified Europe to rule the world for a thousand years. General Dwight " Ike" Eisenhower, who was a protégé of General George C Marshall, was always a proponent of a direct European assault. He drew up plans for an assault on the French coast as early as 1942. Eisenhower's plan for a cross channel invasion was accepted by the Allied command on January 15 1944. The plan code named Operation Overlord started in Southern England. The area became a huge military staging area. Over one hundred airfields and stockpiles of munitions, food and fuel that was required for a force of more than a million men and hundreds of thousands of vehicles.
General Rommel knew that a seaborne invasion was coming and built fortifications for an entire 1200 miles of coastline. The plan included convincing the Germans that an attack was coming in the Pas de Calais area. Twenty thousand paratroopers were to land behind enemy lines guard the flanks and cut critical rail lines and bridges.
On June 6, Eisenhower gave the order to attack. The paratroopers landed behind enemy lines after midnight and later infantry landed on five Normandy beaches.
At 12:41 am, NBC was interrupted that a bulletin had just come from London. At 3:30 am, the official announcement was flashed over the air.
Allied casualties were high at 10,274 but now Hitler's days in power were numbered.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: December 7 1941

We Interrupt This Broadcast: December 7 1941 by ric gustafson

Before World War II started, political tensions had been mounting between the United States and Japan. Japan was suffering from a recession that began in the late 1920's. Their nationalism was on a rise and they thought that foreign expansion was a cure for their economic woes.
Parts of the US fleet was moved to Pearl Harbor and was renamed the US Pacific Fleet. In July 1941, Japan seized control of French Indo-China and two days later, the United States froze all of their assets and eliminating all trade. During the remainder of 1941, both countries held talks to renew trade and co exist with each other in the Western Pacific.
Admiral Yamamoto came with a bold plan to attack both US and British targets in the Pacific. That plan involved a strike at Pearl Harbor and eliminating the Pacific Fleet. The goal was to eliminate the Fleet's aircraft carriers.
On November 26, six Japanese carriers left and sailed north of the shipping lanes to avoid detection. At 6:00 am on December 7, 183 planes took off through thick clouds. At 7:02 am, army radar people on Oahu's north shore detected the planes but thought that they were incoming US B 17 bombers. At 7:55 am, bombs were dropped on Wheeler Field and torpedoes struck ships anchored in Pearl Harbor. All eight US battleships were struck and four sank including the Arizona and the Oklahoma. Ten other ships were sunk or disabled, almost two hundred planes destroyed and over 2,400 lives were lost. At 2:26 pm, broadcasting was disrupted so that the tragedy could be explained to the American people. Station KTU in Honolulu broke the news with first eyewitness accounts.
The next day, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan and then a week later, Germany and Italy.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: May 6 1937

We Interrupt This Broadcast:  May 6 1937 by ric gustafson

The Hindenburg was a floating palace of zeppelin design. It was as large and grand as the Titanic. It had room for fifty passengers and a crew of thirty. It boasted a fine dining room and an elegant lounge. It boasted of reaching the US in two days and cost $400. At a cost of five million, the Hindenburg was the largest airship of it's time. It measured 804 feet in length and it's framework measured ten stories. Powering the ship were four 1200 horse-powered Mercedes Benz engines. It boasted that it had enough fuel to travel eleven thousand miles. It had a top speed of eighty four miles per hour.
The problem for the operators of the ship Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei Company was being able to pay the United States for helium to fly the huge ship. The United States asked for $600,000 and Germany said no. Instead it filled the huge ship with seven million feet of highly volatile hydrogen gas.
On May 6 1937, a storm delayed it's arrival at Lakehurst New Jersey by ten hours. At 7:00 pm, the huge ship lowered it's landing lines and the ship was guided down. Herb Morrison, a reporter from a Chicago radio station witnessed what happened next. Suddenly, smoke and flames burst from the rear section of the airship. The flames spread across the ship's shell and reached it's hydrogen supply. As the great airship crumpled to the ground, passengers aboard the ship leapt to their deaths. In just 34 seconds, 35 passengers and crew members died. Morrison described it as one of the worst catastrophes in the world. Opinions on what caused the disaster varies but one is that a spark from static electricity ignited hydrogen that was seeping from a ruptured gas bag.
The disaster marked the end of passenger zeppelins.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cupbearer page 3

Cupbearer page 3 by ric gustafson

Sarah watched Lamsa's youngest son Ezra watching his father's flock. She put a hand on her bulging belly. She was carrying Lamsa's child. She prayed. " Lord, let this baby come soon". After a while, there were four contractions and then her water broke. She stepped outside the tent. " Hepzibah, I need your help" she yelled toward the midwife's tent.
A large, angry, big voiced boy with a head of dark hair was born shortly before sunrise. Everyone asked what the name of the boy would be. Lamsa said that he was going to the waterfall and listen for the voice of Adonai.
At daybreak, Lamsa returned. " He is to be a servant of the Most High". He smiled at Sarah. " The Lord has revealed it to me".
" Tell me Lamsa".
" His name will be Nehemiah".

research help: ' Take This Cup' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cupbearer page 2

Cupbearer page 2 by ric gustafson

Sarah was sleeping in her bedchamber on the roof of the house when she heard a slight knock on the door.
She opened her eyes slightly. " Enter".
Her father Boaz and her mother quietly walked in.
Rebecca whispered. " Are you asleep child?".
" Not now mother".
Boaz smiled at his tired daughter. " Sarah, Lamsa came here looking for a wife". He cleared his throat. " He wants a wife from Jerusalem". He hesitated. " He came looking for you".
" I don't want to marry him".
Boaz smiled. " He is rich and you can weave from Amadiya".
Rebecca clasped her hands. " My daughter, please think hard about it".
" Yes Mother, I will pray hard about it".

research help: ' Take This Cup' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Cupbearer page 1

Cupbearer page 1 by ric gustafson

Sarah sat at the entrance to the shop. It sat at the one end of the Street of the Weavers. She was working at her loom when a man walked in.
Sarah's mother Rebekah noticed him. " Well, if it isn't our cousin Lamsa". She yelled toward the back. " Boaz, our cousin is here".
Sarah observed him. He was tall, strong, lean and muscled. He had a grizzled beard and weathered skin.
Boaz came out and put a hand on one of his shoulders. " Everyone, no one has wool like Lamsa'a sheep". He smiled. " How is the family?".
" I have three sons". A frown came over him. " I lost Jerusha as she tried to give me a fourth child".
Rebekah pointed to Sarah to stop the loom. She walked over. " Lamsa, this is my daughter Sarah".
She curtsied. " Cousin Lamsa, I am honored to weave your beautiful wool".
They both left the two gentlemen to talk.
" Lamsa, you have traveled a long ways".
He grinned. " Boaz, I remember that you have five beautiful daughters".
" Yes, four of them are married with families of their own".
" What about your daughter Sarah?".

research help: ' Take This Cup' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

hello, who is it? page 2

hello, who is it? page 2 by ric gustafson

Lynn rang the doorbell again.
" Hello, who is it?".
" Lynn". She grinned. " I really need to get to work".
" Lynn, did you know that this door represents your heart?".
She studied the ivy covered old wooden door. " How can this old door represent my heart?".
" What is this door doing to you right now?".
" Keeping me out" she said in a frustrated voice. " Especially since I need to get to work".
" Lynn, are you keeping me out of your life by keeping your door shut?".
Tears began to form in her eyes. " I try to be good".
" My child, open the door of your heart and let me in".

research help: ' Open the Door' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 20, 2014

hello, who is it? page 1

hello, who is it? page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mabel glanced at her watch. " Lynn, I've got to go".
" I'll see you at six" her friend said as she turned the key to off. " Have a good afternoon".
" See you then".
She got out of the car and began to walk toward the ivy covered door. It was an old steel door with lots of ivy covering it. She rang the doorbell. She heard a voice from behind the door.
" Hello, who is it?".
Mabel looked around in confusion. " Hello".
" Hello, who is it?".
" My name is Mabel and I'm late for work".
" I already know who you are".
She had a look of amazement on her face. " How do you know me already?".
" This is the door to your heart". The voice hesitated. " And I am the doorkeeper".

research help: ' Open the Door' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 25:1-13

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 25:1-13 by ric gustafson

In this story, Jesus is challenging his followers to be vigilant. The occasion is a wedding and the conclusion is a warning. Planning for a first century Jewish wedding took years. Most marriages were arranged by the parents. A price was paid by the groom's family to the bride's father. The betrothal period was a legally binding promise of marriage. The marriage ceremony was a week long festival which started with the groom going to the bride's house. No one knew when the bridegroom and his entourage would arrive. Bridesmaids would carry small clay lamps that held a certain amount of oil.
In Jesus's story, the groom was tardy so five of the bridesmaids ran out of oil for their lamps. They ran off to fetch more oil. In the meantime, the groom arrived and closed the door. When the bridesmaids came back, the wedding had started and the door was bolted shut. They were too late.
Jesus was telling the people and us to be watchful and ready when the end of time comes.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I Am the True Vine page 6

I Am the True Vine page 6 by ric gustafson

There is one important function of the vinedresser. Sometimes the vine needs to be pruned to bear more fruit. The vinedresser prunes the long shoots of the previous year. The more growth of the vine, the more pruning that needs to be done. The branches are cut down to the stem and nothing is left except one or two inches of wood. When this pruning is done properly, rich fruit can be expected.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parables of Jesus: Luke 16:1-13

the parables of Jesus: Luke 16:1-13 by ric gustafson

This parable has been called the story of the street smart steward. This story has been hard for some people to understand. The story starts out where a busy wealthy man hires a manager to oversee his estate. It is probably someone skilled and trustworthy. According to custom, the manager's decisions were legally binding. The manager however was accused of wasting his boss's money. The manager wondered what he should do, so he came up with a plan. He gave his master's debtors the mother of all discounts. All of these debts were large amounts. The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly.
Jesus is using this story to find out if we are dependable or shrewd. Jesus stresses that whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much. Whoever is dishonest with a little will also be dishonest with much.
Jesus wants to use us in his ministry if we are honest and trustworthy.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

the parables of Jesus: Luke 18:9-14

the parables of Jesus: Luke 18:9-14 by ric gustafson

Jesus uses a simple story to challenge his self righteous audience. The word Pharisee has a negative connotation. They were members of the middle class and most were merchants and tradesman. They loved God's law and their goal was to bring every area of life into subjection to the law of God.
The second man was a publican or a collector of public revenues. To put it simply, he is a tax collector. Jewish people hated Hebrews who collected for the Roman government. Jesus used prayer but the theme of the story is being authentic in the presence of God. Jesus points out that the Pharisee prayed about himself.  He seeked nothing from God and prayed to himself. The other man simply beat his chest and prayed for God's mercy. The other man moved away from the crowd so he could focus on God.
The bottom line is both went to pray. One went home just the same and the other went home justified.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love God

I Am the True Vine page 5

I Am the True Vine page 5 by ric gustafson

The desire of the Husbandman is that there will be fruit on the branches. John 15:2 searches for more fruit. Jesus as the True Vine wants us to be his living branches. Our Father in heaven who is the Husbandman desires more fruit from his branches. God wants us to ask him about the character of our fruit.
God as the Husbandman asks that our heart is set to bear more fruit. The Husbandman will do his perfect work in us. Christ as the True Vine works in us to bear more fruit.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sitcom: Friends

Sitcom: Friends by ric gustafson

In the history of the sitcom, the show Friends has special meaning. The show which was on NBC from 1994 to 2004, was the last sitcom to dominate the Nielsen ratings before reality programs began to dominate. The sitcom was created by Marta Kauffman and David Crane. The show showed the glory of companionship. It was about the lives of six single friends from Manhattan New York.
Joey Tribbiani was played by Matt LeBlanc. Lisa Kudrow played Phoebe Buffay.  Chandler Bing was played by Matthew Perry. Monica Geller was played by Courteney Cox. Ross was played by David Schwimmer. Rachel Green was played by Jennifer Aniston. Kauffman and Crane wanted to have an ensemble cast so they picked relative unknown actors.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am the True Vine page 4

I Am the True Vine page 4 by ric gustafson

The goal of the Vine and the branches is to have fruit on it. The purpose of the branch is to bear fruit. Without fruit, the branch is useless. If the branch does not bear fruit, the husbandman will take it out. Without fruit, the branch has no purpose. As Christians, we are to be a branch bearing fruit. With Christ being the Vine, we are the branches and are sent out into the world to bear fruit.
With the Spirit of the Vine, we can boldly go out to bear fruit to those who need it.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sitcom: Seinfeld

Sitcom: Seinfeld by ric gustafson

A sitcom named Seinfeld was on NBC from 1989 to 1998. The show was about nothing. It was in essence a story with no point to it. It's plots never arced and the characters never developed. The sitcom was inspired by the monologues of Jerry Seinfeld. NBC asked Seinfeld to pitch them a show in the late 1980's. The show was 180 episodes of pure television magic. Along with Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza was played by Jason Alexander. Elaine was played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Kramer was played by Michael Richards.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am the True Vine page 3

I Am the True Vine page 3 by ric gustafson

In John 15:2, we learn that a vine needs branches. A vine can do nothing without branches. Without branches, a vine cannot bear fruit. A branch is a piece of wood that serves the purpose of bearing it's fruit. The branch only has one purpose and that is to bear the vine's fruit. The branch is like the vine in every way. The same nature, the same life, the same place and the same work. The branches have no care because the vine supplies it's needs.
Christ is the true vine and we are his branches.

research: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sitcom: the Simpsons

Sitcom: the Simpsons by ric gustafson

The success of the Simpsons has been remarkable for two reasons. First, the show is the longest running sitcom on television and second how consistently funny it remains.
The sitcom began as a short on the Tracy Ullman Show which was on Fox from 1987 to 1990. The characters were the creation of cartoonist Matt Groening. The early episodes showed the husband Homer neglecting his wife Marge and his struggles with his son Bart.
When the show debuted on Fox in 1989, the network was a floundering fourth place network. The popularity of the show has led to the success of other animated shows such as South Park, Beavis and Butthead, Family Guy and King of the Hill.
The Simpsons has become a television institution like Saturday Night before it.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am The True Vine page 2

I Am The True Vine page 2 by ric gustafson

A vine must have someone to plant and watch over it. That person is called a husbandman. Jesus in John 15:1 proclaims that his father is the husbandman. Jesus is the vine of God's planting. All that he did, said he owes to the Father. Romans 11:36 says that ' of him and through him and to him are all things'. Jesus became the true vine and we are his branches. A vine depends on the husbandman and Jesus depends on his Father.
We need to totally depend on God just like Jesus the true vine needs to depend on his Father the husbandman.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Am the True Vine page 1

I Am the True Vine page 1 by ric gustafson

Jesus proclaims in John 15:1 that he is the true vine. If you want to know Jesus, study the vine. Jesus stretches out his arms, smiles and says come seek shelter under my true vine. Jesus says come and eat of the fruit of the vine. Jesus proclaims that he is the true vine. Our living Lord is the vine and he gives the Holy Spirit to open our eyes. He wants us to open our heart to receive him. Jesus is the crucified one, the glorified one and he is the true vine.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

me and my automobile page 5

me and my automobile page 5 by ric gustafson

During the winter of 1907-1908, William Durant began talking to the wealthy banker J.P Morgan about starting a company called United Car Company. He found out there was another company with the same name. He and his partners agreed to change the name to General Motors or GM for short. In September of 1908, the first GM marque came out. It was called Buick. Several factories were purchased to begin the production of the new line. In 1903, Henry LeLand started the Cadillac Automobile Company. By the summer of 1910, General Motors comprised twenty five companies and selling fifty thousand cars a year.
In August of 1911, Durant met a man named Louis Chevrolet which would change the landscape of the automobile industry.

research help: ' The life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: Roseanne

Sitcom: Roseanne by ric gustafson

The fifth season of a show called Roseanne started just forty nine days before Bill Clinton was voted into office. The show was about a family size recession story. The show was pitched as a struggle between parents and children.
The sitcom was created by Matt Williams and transformed into a vehicle for comedienne Roseanne Barr. Barr was a Denver housewife who discovered standup comedy. In her comedy act, she was honest about issues such as her weight and blue collar life. The show became part of a series of working class sitcoms from the mid 1980's to the mid 1990's. When the show debuted in 1988, Barr said that it would be different than other sitcoms. It portrayed home life as a battlefield full of combat.
Roseanne's husband Dan was played by John Goodman. Roseanne's sister Jackie was played by Laurie Metcalf.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 13, 2014

me and my automobile page 4

me and my automobile page 4 by ric gustafson

In 1903, Henry Ford had a car design in production. The Model T was introduced in 1908. It's four cylinders were cast in one block and it had three speeds. By September 1909, over ten thousand Model T's had been sold. The car was advertised as the car for the average American farmer. By 1912, the cost of a Model T had dropped to $575. By 1918, Ford's market share stood at 49 percent. In 1913, 1914, Ford started a moving assembly line for his vehicles. The assembly line was based on a metal conveyor belt operated by flywheels. Because of this, the production of Model T's doubled and the workforce diminished by ten percent.
Ford's new plant was built in the Highland Park area of Detroit.
As Ford's popularity grew, a new threat was beginning to take shape.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 12, 2014

me and my automobile page 3

me and my automobile page 3 by ric gustafson

A Jewish entrepreneur named Emil Jellinek and his wife Rachel had a daughter in 1889. They named her Adrienne but gave her the nickname of Mercedes. He asked Benz in 1900 to build him a car for his private racing team. The company designed a sports car in 1902 that featured the first ever gate gearchange and a honeycomb radiator.
One of the first French automotive pioneers was a man named Armand Peugeot. In 1889, he exhibited a steam powered tricycle. By 1913, his company was largest car manufacturer in France.
Henry Ford was born in Dearborn Michigan in 1863. In 1878, he began working at a machine shop which was owned by friends of the Ford family. In 1888, he married Clara Bryant. In 1898, with backing from Detroit Mayor William Maybury he started working on his first German styled car. In August 1899, Ford founded the Detroit Automobile Company. Two years later, the Henry Ford Company was founded.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: the Cosby Show

Sitcom: the Cosby Show by ric gustafson

The Cosby Show which ran on NBC from 1984 to 1992 was about a man named Heathcliff Huxtable. Bill Cosby played a father and a doctor. Cosby was a stand up comic and a TV star for two decades. The 1980's was the decade of fatherhood resurgent. Heathcliff and his wife Claire played by Phylicia Rashad had a no nonsense attitude toward child rearing. Cosby was the first African American star of a prime time drama series called I Spy. The show premiered two months before Ronald Reagan was reelected.
On April 2 1992, the show had a two part finale. Their son Theo graduated from college and people were rioting in the streets of Los Angeles. The success of the show was staggering to NBC. It was one of the top five shows for seven of it's eight seasons. It's syndication deal was an unheard of $500 million dollars. Heathcliff and Claire come home from Theo's graduation and dance in their living room one last time. The sitcom was 201 episodes of situation comedy perfection.

research: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parables of Jesus: Luke 19: 12-26

the parables of Jesus: Luke 19: 12-26 by ric gustafson

Jesus was visiting Jericho for the last time and it was a significant visit. First of all, he encountered a blind beggar named Bartimaeus and gave him his sight. Then he encounters a little tax collector named Zacchaeus who literally went out on a limb to see Jesus.
The crowd following him was flush with excitement so he told them a story. He starts out by telling them that a man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king. As he prepares to leave, he divides his wealth among his servants. All ten servants were given the same amount of money. He gave each ten minas and said put this money to work. A mina was worth a hundred days wages. Today, that would come out to about $16,000. The nobleman said that he expected results when he returned. When he returned, the first servant said that his money had returned ten fold. His master thanked him by saying that he could take charge of five cities. The following eight servants did the same with the master's money and received the same reward. The last servant did nothing with the master's money and the master was enraged. He gave the slaves money to the other servants.
Why was Jesus telling this story to the people?. He was stressing to the people that unfaithfulness is failure. God expects us to be faithful no exceptions.

research: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sitcom: Cheers

Sitcom: Cheers by ric gustafson

Cheers was a show of 271 episodes of people spending all of their time together. Just like The Mary Tyler Moore show before it and Friends after it, the show was about characters. Each character was to become familiar and identifiable. The show ran from 1982 to 1993.
For five seasons, the focus was on the relationship between Sam Malone played by Ted Danson and Diane Chambers played by Shelly Long. When Long left the show, Kirstie Alley came playing a character named Rebecca Howe. Barflies included Norm played by George Wendt and Cliff played by John Ratzenberger.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

me and my automobile page 2

me and my automobile page 2 by ric gustafson

The father of the modern car was Karl Benz. He was an engineer from south western Germany. In 1885, he created the first petrol powered motor vehicle. It was equipped with three wire wheels, a four stroke engine, an electric coil ignition and a transmission of two chains connecting the engine to the rear axle. His invention was patented in January of 1886. At the same time, an engineer named Gottlieb Daimler harnessed a four stroke petrol engine to a bicycle and created the very first motorcycle. In 1886, the two fitted a larger engine to a stagecoach and thus invented the first motor coach. In 1890, the two formed a public company called DMG to build and sell gas engines. In 1892, the company sold it's first four wheeled car. In 1898, the Daimler Car was born.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

me and my automobile page 1

me and my automobile page 1 by ric gustafson

Henry Ford died at his Dearborn Michigan estate in April of 1947. One hundred thousand people filed by to pay their last respects. That day of April 9 1947, the city of Detroit came to a halt. By that time, the motor mogul had become the most famous man in the country.
Henry Ford left his huge automotive estate to the Ford Motor Company's Board which was dominated by members of Ford's family. He left a windfall of $ 26.5 million which he had hidden in a private bank account.
The honor of the first automobile goes to German engineers Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. Henry Ford started the first mass production of automobiles.

research help: ' The life of the automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: Taxi

Sitcom: Taxi by ric gustafson

Ed Weinberger, James L Brooks and Stan Daniels made their mark with the Mary Tyler Moore Show. They left and noticed a New York magazine article about a cab company in Manhattan's Greenwich Village. The nighttime drivers included a college professor, a former priest, social workers and trombone players. Taxi which was on ABC/NBC from 1978 to 1983 was a New York sitcom. In the opening sequence, a lone cab drives over the Fifty Ninth Street Bridge to a funky theme song. The sitcom never found the audience it deserved.
Cabbie Alex Reiger was played by Judd Hirsch. Elaine Nardo was played by Marilu Henner. Jeff Conaway played Bobby Wheeler and Tony Danza played Tony Banta. Louie DePalma was played by Danny DeVito and Latka Gravas was played by Andy Kaufman.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 9, 2014

Moses page 30

Moses page 30 by ric gustafson

Joshua ran into Moses's tent. " Moses, Lotan has ordered his men to attack us next to these low hills".
" Joshua" Moses said as he put a hand on his left shoulder. " You need to lead our army".
" I can't" he replied as he stared at Moses with an astonished look. " I'm not worthy".
" God has already told me that you are the one to lead our army". He smiled. " He has already told me his plan".
" What is that plan?".
" I will stand on top of that hill with the staff of God in my hand ". He raised his arms. " My arms will be raised and your army will be victorious".
" How can we win when they have bows and arrows and we only have swords, knives and clubs".
Moses smiled. " God's plan is for you to divide your army into two" he said as he sat down on a pallet. " Put your heavier men in front and the ones with swords, knives and clubs along the flanks".
" And then what?".
" They will come out of the hills and you will destroy them".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Moses page 29

Moses page 29 by ric gustafson

The Elders came to talk to Moses. Even though the manna was food for the people, water was very scarce. They came to Rephidim and they found no water.
One of the Elders pointed a finger at Moses. " Moses, the people and the animals are dying of thirst".
" Why are you putting God to the test?" he replied in a tired voice. " I will pray to God for water".
The voice spoke to Moses. " Strike your staff against the rock and water will come out".
Moses walked over to the rock, struck it and clear cool water came out of it.
The people danced and sang for joy.
As they celebrated, Moses cried out. " Because of your testing of God, this place shall be called Massah and Meribah. He sat down next to the eldest of the Elders. " My heart is heavy".
" Why is that my son?".
" We are entering the land of Pan and I'm worried about the people who inhabit this land".
" Yes, the Amalekites" the old man replied as he gave Moses a grin. " They are the descendants of Esau and are known for their cruelty".
" I'm worried because they are a powerful people".
" Be careful my son".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 6, 2014

Moses page 28

Moses page 28 by ric gustafson

" Moses" said Aaron as he ran into the tent. " You've got to come out and talk to the people".
He nodded and then walked out to a large crowd.
One tall man spoke up for the multitude. " What are you doing to us?" he yelled so people could hear him. " At least in Egypt we had pots of meat but you have brought us out here to starve to death".
" We must believe " Moses said as he pleaded to the crowd. " He will always provide and take care of us".
" How do you know that Moses?".
" I know that he loves us and will take care of us".
Moses went back into his tent and got down on his knees in prayer. He heard the voice.
" I will rain down bread from heaven and the people are to gather just what they need that day".
That night, a huge cloud of quails descended on the camp. The people ate and were satisfied.
The next morning, people noticed small white particles dotting the ground.
Moses ran through the camp. " This is the bread from heaven God promised". He spoke to them in a stern voice. " Only gather what you need for each day".
He got down on his knees and thanked God for providing for his people.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 6

Rahab 2014 page 6 by ric gustafson

Dust was kicking up from the donkey Rahab was sitting on. Sala was holding on to the reins. " Sala, what kind of a temple do you have in Ramac?".
" We do not have temples" was his reply as he began to smell donkey smell. " Our God is hidden, we do not make images of him".
She gave him a puzzled look. " So how do you know what he looks like?".
" He is Elohim the Creator" he said as he held onto the reins. " There is no one else like him".
" But Sala, you live in Canaan, the land of Baal".
Ramac was smaller than Gaza. The walls of the city were made of mud brick and Sala's house was one of the largest.
She stayed with Sala's family for ten days. She listened as Sala talked about his Israelite ancestors and how he learned about their God.

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sitcom: MASH

Sitcom: MASH by ric gustafson

The pilot episode of a new show called MASH was different than anything that had occurred until then. The camera silently introduces the characters doing various things around camp and then you hear helicopters approaching. Then the haunting theme song ' Suicide Is Painless' comes on and then the film and the show starts. The show which premiered in 1972 spent more time on realism than it's predecessors. The show was set in Korea and it's roots came from Altman film before it.
CBS asked Larry Gelbart to shoot a pilot with no script. The show was picked up and the first season their was actor changes and getting the show's style figured out. After two years, the show moved to after All In The Family on Saturday nights and the ratings went through the roof.
The character of Hawkeye Pierce was central to the show's success. Alan Alda was picked to play this role. Other roles included Wayne Rogers as John ' Trapper' McIntyre, McLean Stevenson as Colonel Henry Blake. Loretta Swit as Margaret ' Hot Lips' Houlihan. and William Christopher as Father Mulcahy. In 11 seasons, characters came and went. Wayne Rogers quit and Mike Farrell came in as B J Hunnicutt.  Henry Blake was killed and Col Sherman Potter came in played by Henry Morgan. Frank Burns played by Larry Linville was replaced by Charles Emerson Winchester played by David Ogden Stiers. The show ended in 1983.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Rahab 2014 page 5

Rahab 2014 page 5 by ric Gustafson

Sala walked into the room. He smiled at Rahab. " You look very nice all washed and wearing clean clothes".
" Thank you Sala for everything". She gave him a hug.
" Your welcome" he replied. " My father's plan is to take you with us to Ramac and then send a message to your family in Jericho to come get you".
She stared intently at Sala. " Tell me about your sisters".
" I have four sisters, two are married and two are too young".
" What are the names of the youngest?".
" Rachel is fourteen and Leah is twelve".
She smiled. " Those are pretty names".
" They are Israelite names".
Just then, the door opened and Lord Nahshon ran in. " Son, I have just heard the best news".
" What news Father?".
" The Egyptian Israelites have been found".
Surprise came to Sala's face. " I thought they disappeared in the desert and most of them are dead".
He smiled at his son. " The day of the Lord is coming my son, we need to rejoice and be glad".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sitcom: All in the Family

Sitcom: All in the Family by ric gustafson

Norman Lear created a sitcom called All in the Family. The show became a microcosm of American life. It was similar to The Honeymooners in that two couples became a two handed act. Lear started writing for Danny Thomas and then Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. The main character in the show is Archie Bunker played by Carroll O'Connor. He had masculine authority and had white working class rage. His wife Edith was played by Jean Stapleton. His daughter Gloria was played by Sally Struthers and his son in law Michael Stivic was played by Rob Reiner.
Spinoffs of All in the Family included The Jeffersons, Good Times, Maude and What's Happening.
The show debuted in 1971 and ended in 1979.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Rahab 2014 page 4

Rahab 2014 page 4 by ric gustafson

Sala and Rahab walked into a small entry room.
" Here's the inn I was talking about" he said as Rahab tried to smooth down her disheveled hair and robe. " I will go get my father".
She grabbed his left arm. " Please don't leave me".
" Ok, come along with me".
They walked up a narrow staircase and walked to a room at the end of the short hallway. Just then, a stern looking man walked out of the room. " Come in, little girl".
She held onto Sala's hand as they walked into the small room. Two mats were folded up in one corner and all the furniture there was one wooden stool and a large wooden chest.
The man stared at her. " What is your name child?".
" Rahab".
" And where are you from Rahab?".
" Ugaru, a village just outside of Jericho".
" My child, what happened to you that you end up here in Gaza".
She began to tell them the story about the bad people trying to sell her to Egyptians as a slave".
" My child, my name is Lord Nahshon and this is my son Sala". He smiled. " We are from Ramac".
Sala smiled at Rahab. " Father, we need to get her back to her parents".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric