Saturday, May 31, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 3

Rahab 2014 page 3 by ric gustafson

Sala walked quietly along the Gaza street. The shops and stalls near the waterfront were beginning to stir. He and his father Nahshon were here so his father could purchase a new boat for his father's shipping business. The city was a big port on the Great Sea and they were able to find a good boat.
Just then, someone ran headlong into him. A young girl with a look of terror on her face stood up and glanced around.
" Are you all right" Sala asked. " I can tell something is wrong".
Rahab nervously looked around to see if they were coming.
" Please let me help you".
Her face was damp with sweat. " How can you help you?".
" Are you running away from somebody?".
She heard voices coming. " Yes from evil men who were going to sell me into slavery".
Sala smiled and reached out his hand. " Come with me".
Hesitating at first, she put her hand into his.
" I will take you to the inn where my father and I are staying" he replied in a reassuring voice. " No slavers will find you there".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 2

Rahab 2014 page 2 by ric gustafson

The woman gave Rahab a cup of water. " Drink up, we will be leaving shortly".
She gave her a fearful stare. " Where are you taking me?".
" Egypt, my dear".
Tears began to form in Rahab's eyes. " Why?".
" We are going to sell you to an Egyptian lord who will pay a fortune for you".
Tears came down Rahab's eyes and into her water cup. " Please let me go home".
" Come outside and meet the man who is going to sell you".
They walked outside the tent and Rahab noticed a man who wore a tunic that came halfway up between his knees and ankles. He wore leather sandals and had gray mixed in his dark beard.
" I will not go".
" I see we have a spitfire here". He studied Rahab's face. " How old are you?".
" Twelve".
" She is perfect" he replied with a strange grin. " Tie her up".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 1

Rahab 2014 page 1 by ric gustafson

Rahab opened her eyes. She noticed that a tent roof was over her and from outside she could hear strange male voices. Her head hurt and she wondered where she was. She thought to herself what happened to her father, mother and brothers. All of a sudden, the tent flap opened. A woman entered wearing a dark cloak.
" Good, you are awake".
" Why am I here?" she began to shout. " Where is my family?".
" I'm not sure what happened to your family" was her reply as she shrugged her shoulders. " The goods you were transporting to Joppa is now ours". She smiled. " And you are ours now".
" What do you mean?".
" Sahir was right when he saw you" she said as she studied Rahab from top to bottom. " You could be worth a fortune to us".
Rahab did not understand what she was talking about. Fear began to enter her fragile heart.

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: The Mary Tyler Moore Show

Sitcom: The Mary Tyler Moore Show by ric gustafson

After The Dick Van Dyke Show went off the air in 1965, producer Grant Tinker along with writers James L Brooks and Allan Burns tried to develop a new sitcom for Mary Tyler Moore. The idea became where a divorced woman would move alone to a new city and start a new job with a gossip column and find new friends. The new story they came up with was for Mary to arrive in Minneapolis after a breakup and work as a TV news producer at a third rate station. The show was hoped to intend to a younger hipper audience.
The show ran on CBS from 1970 to 1977 and 168 episodes. Ed Asner was picked to play Lou Grant Mary's boss. Gavin MacLeod was chosen to play Murray Slaughter. Ted Knight was picked to play Ted Baxter. In the last episode, everyone is fired except for Ted Baxter. 1970's shows of new families had arrived and started.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

intersection page 3

intersection page 3 by ric gustafson

Roy Higgins yawned as he stared at the endless white line. He grinned as he heard his wife's voice on the speaker phone. " I'm just about home" he said as he yawned again. " I'm just about at that intersection and marker 296".
He yawned again. " I'm tired, it's been a long trip".
" I love you" he said with a tired smile. " I'll be home soon".
He smiled as he could see the large intersection coming up. He knew he was just about home.
He yawned again. He was really tired.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sitcom: Gilligan's Island

Sitcom: Gilligan's Island by ric gustafson

Gilligan's Island premiered on CBS in fall 1964. The sitcom came when television was changing from it's adolescence in it's early years to a more sophisticated adulthood. The sitcom was in transition to color from black and white.
One day, a man named Sherwood Schwartz pitched an idea for a show to his agent. His idea was that seven people on a desert island would be trapped together. His agent hated the idea but CBS loved it. With CBS convinced, Schwartz had to find his cast. For the role of Gilligan, actor Bob Denver was picked. He was on a previous CBS show called ' The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis'. For the Skipper, Carroll O'Connor was looked at. After spotting Alan Hale Jr in a restaurant, he knew he had his Skipper. Other roles chosen were Russell Johnson as the Professor. Jim Backus got the role as Thurston Howell III and Natalie Schafer as Lovey his wife. Tina Louise became Ginger Grant and Dawn Wells Mary Ann. The show mirrored Robinson Crusoe.
The sitcom lasted three seasons and was canceled in 1967.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

D-Day page 1

D-Day page 1 by ric gustafson

June 6 1944 stands alongside Gettysburg as the most important battle in U.S. history. Six divisions of American, British and Canadian troops had to grab 50 miles of heavily defended French coastline. It was the largest amphibious invasion ever attempted. For many, the day began in terror and confusion and death for hundreds of soldiers. Fined tuned plans floundered due to the weather, enemy resistance, Allied errors and plain bad luck. The Allies struck back as small ad hoc groups of soldiers got together and began to reach objectives.
By the end of the day, 150,000 soldiers came ashore in 6,900 ships and landing craft. More than 11,500 planes were involved. When the day was over, more than 4,400 soldiers died and 8,000 wounded. Thirty five men from Nebraska and Iowa died on D-Day. All are buried in Europe. Others were buried in stateside cemeteries and some were never recovered.
Next, we will look at the special connection Nebraska has with D-Day.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

intersection page 2

intersection page 2 by ric gustafson

Missy stopped the car at the large intersection.
Barbara looked around in all four directions. "
" Missy, I think we are lost".
" I think so too". She stared back at the road they had just traveled on. " The clerk said that if we reach this intersection we had gone too far".
Her friend pulled the brochure from a back jean pocket and began to study it. " Missy, I did not see any marker that said 296 on it".
" I know" was her sad reply as she took the brochure and began to look at it. " I didn't either".
Barbara got out of the car and walked into the middle of the intersection. She looked around in all four directions. " Missy, this intersection reminds me of something that I've been thinking about recently".
" What is that?".
" Where you are in your spiritual life right now?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 25, 2014

intersection page 1

intersection page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy opened the steel door and walked up to the cashier. " We have the gas on pump 3 and whatever my friend is getting". She quickly glanced around. " Also I need some directions". She looked at her name badge. " My name is Missy too".
The young female smiled. " That will be thirty for the gas and I'll try to help with directions".
Missy brought out her billfold and handed her a twenty and a ten. She brought out the brochure and handed it to her. " It's called the Happiness Retreat Camp and it says it's at Mile Marker 296".
Barbara walked up to her friend. " Missy, any luck with directions?".
The young clerk studied the directions on the brochure. " Mile Marker 296 is about five miles up the road". She grinned and handed the brochure back. " If you come up to a huge intersection, you've gone too far".
" Thank you" Missy said as she handed the brochure to Barbara. " We are from out of state".
" Your welcome".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 24, 2014

women of the bible: Eve

women of the bible: Eve by ric Gustafson

The snake was sneakier than any of the other wild animals that the Lord had made. One day it came to the woman. " Did God tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?".
Eve answered. " God said we could eat fruit from any tree in the garden except the one in the middle. He told us not to eat from that tree or touch it. If we do, we die".
The snake hissed. " No, you won't". He hissed again. " God understands what will happen on the day you eat fruit from that tree". He hissed a third time. " You will see what you have done and you will know the difference between right and wrong just as God does".
Eve stared at the fruit. It looked beautiful and tasty. She wanted the wisdom that it would give her.. She ate some of the fruit. She gave some to Adam and he ate too.
At once, they saw what they had done and they realized that they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
A life lesson from Eve is that God can restore and renew all things.

research help: ' Extraordinary Women of the Bible' by the American Bible Society

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Python page 3

Python page 3 by ric gustafson

Missy put a bottle of ketchup on the small dinette table. " Anything else you would want to put on your hotdogs?".
" No" was her friend's reply as she smeared some pickle relish on top of her bun. " Can I have a glass of milk please?".
" Sure". She walked over and took out a small glass from the brown cupboard. She opened the refrigerator and took out a small carton of 1 percent. " I was talking to somebody at break today".
" Who was that?". Barbara picked up the ketchup and put some on her hot dog.
" Don Humphrey from the church that we visited".
" You mean that atheist church" she said with a sneer as she took a bite.
" Yes". She put a brochure on the table next to her friend as she nibbled on some French fries that were on her plate. " He left me a brochure for that retreat they are having in California".
She took another bite of her hot dog. " Missy, as a Christian I've told you how uncomfortable I feel around those people".
Missy drank from a water glass. " Barbara, please go with me".
" Missy, you know how busy I am at work right now". She took a sip of milk. " I can't".
" Remember what you told me when I went with you to Hawaii and took time off from work".
Barbara grinned. " You said pay back was coming".
Missy stood up and put the brochure under her friend's nose. " That time has come".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: The Dick Van Dyke Show

Sitcom: The Dick Van Dyke Show by ric gustafson

There were two essential reasons for The Dick Van Dyke Show which ran on CBS from 1961 to 1966. First, it elevated the sitcom's interest in television. Second, it focused on the suburban tales of a white American middle class family.
Carl Reiner was a writer on the comedy series ' Your Show of Shows' and wrote for Sid Caesar. One day, he came up with an idea for a series about writers writing  for a television comedy series. He got the ok for a pilot and now had to find a cast. One day, he was watching a Broadway show called ' Bye Bye Birdie' when he noticed the young star in it. Dick Van Dyke was a gawky loose-limbed combination that mirrored Fred Astaire and Stan Laurel. He was picked to play Rob Petrie. At an audition for actresses, Reiner noticed a twenty four year old named Mary Tyler Moore. She was chosen to play Laura Petrie. Fellow writers Buddy was played by Morey Amsterdam and Sally was played by Rose Marie. In the final episode of the show, Rob finally completes the memoir he had been working on only to find publishers not interested in it. This mirrored Reiner's life.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lazarus page 1

Lazarus page 1 by ric gustafson

I wept thinking about my wife and newborn son lying in a newly cut tomb. My dear Eliza had died in childbirth and a part of me died too. I stood in front of their grave, spoke the final words of Kaddish and then put two stones on it for remembrance. The days of mourning were over so I decided to go to the Bethany synagogue to get into a cool bath. As I stepped out of the water, I was greeted by my childhood friend Judah ben Perez. He was a widower also.
" David ben Lazarus" he said with a smile. " The peace of HaShem is with you".
" And with you".
" Have you heard the latest news from Jerusalem my friend?".
I had heard nothing from the outside world in the last month. " What news is that?".
" The new Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate has been talking with Caiaphas and Annas". He smiled at me. " Unrest is arising because a prophet or lunatic named John is in the wilderness east of the Jordan preaching against Rome and Herod Antipas".
We passed a group of village women carrying laundry baskets as we walked back toward my house.
" Lazarus, would you like to go meet him?".
As we reached our home, my sister Martha was waiting for us in the doorway. " Shalom Judah, will you join us for a meal that I have just prepared?".
" Of course".

research help: ' When Jesus Wept' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: Leave It to Beaver

Sitcom: Leave It to Beaver by ric gustafson

Leave It to Beaver premiered in 1957 and 1958 which was the first season after the run of I Love Lucy. It began as a pilot called It's a Small World and featured Jerry Mathers as the Beaver. Tony Dow played big brother Wally and his best friend Eddie Haskell was played by Ken Osmond. His father Ward was played by Hugh Beaumont and his mother June was played by Barbara Billingsley. The character of the Beaver was based on the show cocreator's son Ricky. His father gave pep talks when problems came up for the boys and mom had a softer presence. The point of the sitcom was to smooth a decade or so after a major war. The show reflected family life and the newfound habit of watching television.
This sitcom reflected it's time in history. This TV family portrayed a time in American life when life was simpler. The 1950's was the sitcom Leave It to Beaver.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: The Phil Silvers Show

Sitcom: The Phil Silvers Show by ric gustafson

Sitcom heroes used scheming of all kinds. The Phil Silvers Show ran on CBS from 1955 to 1959. The show was about a con man working a score and it was not a family show. Silvers was a child of burlesque theatre and was a natural performer. In his twenties, he was signed to MGM as a contract player. The sitcom was to be a vehicle to showcase Silvers who was a child of the burlesque theatre. The sitcom was about a sergeant in the army who schemes. Silvers played Sgt Ernie Bilko. Maurice Gosfield played Private Duane Doberman. Paul Ford played Colonel Hall.
The sitcom came on the borderline between the first two waves of television. The sitcom ran for four seasons and 143 episodes. The show ended in 1959 and the decade ended.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sitcom: The Honeymooners

Sitcom: The Honeymooners by ric gustafson

Jackie Gleason played an always frazzled bus driver named Ralph Kramden. He was a television man child always mothered by his everloving everforgiving wife Alice played by Audrey Meadows. The sitcom was a kitchen sink drama with a laugh track and punch lines. Along with his best friend Ed Norton played by Art Carney, the show was a demonstration of misery.
Jackie Gleason started as a comic and then was signed as a contract player at Warner Bros. He was on the The Life Of Riley from 1949 to 1958 and then in 1950, the variety show Cavalcade of Stars. The Jackie Gleason Show had sketches that would become the inspiration for The Honeymooners. In 1955, the show debuted for one season and 39 classic episodes.
As a sitcom, The Honeymooners came at a time when TV was unsure of itself. It's brief run aside, this show is a classic and will always be remembered as such.
Joyce Randolph played Trixie.

research help: ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sitcom: I Love Lucy

Sitcom: I Love Lucy by ric gustafson

The story of the sitcom emerges from the tail end of the 1940's. Television was an outgrowth of the 1930's. RCA began selling five, nine and twelve inch TV's. The prices for them ranged from $200-600 dollars. I Love Lucy debuted on CBS in 1951 and was an instant hit. Lucille Ball played Lucy Ricardo a housewife who was married to a nightclub performer named Ricky Ricardo.
Between 1949 and 1953, television ads increased ten fold and stars from Henry Fonda, Milton Berle and Steve Allen became pitchmen. I Love Lucy and the sitcom became a part of American life. I Love Lucy was successful at pairing order and subversion and Lucy and Ricky became sitcom's first couple. Ball and Arnaz were married in real life also. Lucille Ball got her start as a model and then came to Los Angeles to be in pictures. Arnaz was a successful bandleader. The couple took advice and produced their own pilot and creative control. This produced huge financial rewards. I Love Lucy was the first sitcom to be shot on film in front of a studio audience. Arnaz formed a production company called Desilu which also produced The Dick Van Dyke Show and the Andy Griffith Show. Their neighbors were the Mertz's played by Vivian Vance and William Frawley.  The show was on ten million TV sets on Monday night.
I Love Lucy lasted for six seasons and 180 episodes.

research : ' Sitcom' by Saul Austerlitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 19, 2014

Python page 2

Python page 2 by ric gustafson

Missy sat down in the vacant and opened up a McDonald's sack. " I'm sorry Mr Humphrey" she said as she pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and began to nibble on it. " My break is only fifteen minutes".
" That's ok" he replied with a grin as he took a bite of a McDouble. " I just simply ask all visitors how they liked the service".
" I enjoyed it" was her reply as she glanced at the register and then took a sip of some water. " My friend did not but I liked it".
" What did you enjoy about the service?" he asked as he took another bite of his sandwich and then wiped off his chin with a napkin.
She took another bite of her cookie. " Everyone seemed so happy to be there and the music seemed so uplifting and positive".
Don wrote down on a piece of paper. " Uplifting and positive".
Missy finished off eating her cookie and then glanced at the clock by the drivethrough window. " My break time is over".
He took out a brochure from a manila folder. " Here are the details of the church retreat in California that is coming up". He smiled. " I hope you can come".
She stood up and shook Don's hand. " I'll talk to my friend about it".
He watched as she walked back behind the counter to go back to work. " Hello welcome to McDonald's, may I help you".
He smiled as he walked out the front door.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Anchor 1

Anchor 1 by ric gustafson

Genesis 3:14- ' Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals, you will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life'.

Snakes strike fear in some people even though they are often docile. Before the curse, they were considered beautiful. God had to deal with man's fall from innocence. Because of Adam's sin, a great cost would have to be paid to restore mankind and rescue his people from the punishment of death.
In verse 15, God makes his first promise to send a Savior to buy back those who fell for Satan's lies.
Next time we see a snake, we can think to ourselves that God defeated Satan and has provided a new life for us. We have an anchor in our lives. That anchor is Jesus, God's Son, who died on a cross so that all who believe will be in heaven forever with him and his father.

research help: ' Anchor devotional April 2014'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 17, 2014

the films of 1939: The Wizard Of Oz

the films of 1939: The Wizard Of Oz by ric gustafson

On May 7 1898, L Frank Baum led his children and some neighbor children into his den. Then he began to tell them a tale of a little girl who found herself in a strange land. She was accompanied by two men, one made of straw and the other of tin. This day, the children asked him a question what was the name of this strange land?. He glanced over at a filing cabinet and noticed that the bottom cabinet said ' O-Z'. He told the children that the strange land was called Oz.
Baum grew up outside of Syracuse New York and was a daydreamer. He told tall tales to family and friends and he loved telling stories to children. When he grew up he did several things for jobs including a retail shop owner, traveling salesman and started a minor league baseball team. Baum met an artist named William Denslow and together they published many stories including Father Goose. Baum's original story was called ' The Emerald City' and Baum came up with the major characters. The expanded story became ' From Kansas to Fairyland'. Publisher George H Hill did not like the title so in September of 1900, the title became ' The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz'. By the end of 1901, the novel had sold over thirty seven thousand copies and became the best selling children's book in America. Baum wrote a stage version of his story and it toured for at least ten years.
In 1925, Baum's son, L Frank Baum Jr and filmmaker Larry Seamon produced a silent film of the story. Sam Goldwyn purchased the film rights to the story for $40,000. Then in 1938, he sold the rights to MGM for $75,000. Louis B Mayer assigned producer Mervyn Leroy to develop it. Several writers worked on a film script including Herman Mankiewicz, Ogden Nash and Noel Langley.
The finished script differed from the original story. In the film, she is older than in the novel. The Wicked Witch Of The West becomes a major character than in the novel. Over the years, critics have found at least fifty ways that the movie departs from the original story. The studio at first wanted Shirley Temple to portray Dorothy but the role went to Judy Garland. For the Wizard, MGM thought about W.C. Fields and Ed Wynn. They finally decided on a veteran film performer by the name of Frank Morgan. The role of the Cowardly Lion went to Bert Lahr. Ray Bolger was selected to play The Scarecrow. Margaret Hamilton was picked to portray the Wicked Witch Of The West. Billie Burke was picked to play Glinda the Good Witch. After Buddy Ebsen was sent to the hospital because of aluminum dust that caused a severe allergic reaction, MGM contract player Jack Haley won the role of the Tin Woodsman.
There were several directors involved including Richard Thorpe, George Cukor and Victor Fleming.
The film premiered on August 15 1939 and was nominated for six Academy Awards. It won only two for Best Song and Best Original Score.

The End

research help: ' 1939, the making of six great films from Hollywood's greatest year' by Charles F Adams

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the films of 1939: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

the films of 1939: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn by ric gustafson

Samuel Clemens loved to write in his gazebo at his Quarry Farms in Upper New York. He had a circular writing table, a straight backed wicker chair and two small chairs for visitors. He was working on two stories but also worked on a story that was already four hundred pages. He also thought of a new writing name for himself, Mark Twain.
Clemens was born in Hannibal Missouri in 1835. Hannibal was a steamboat port on the Mississippi River and the people, language and beauty of the river influenced his writing. Two people he grew up with would become the basis of two of his most well known characters. Tom Blankenship was a friend that he spent a lot of time with and Anna Hawkins was a pretty blue eyed girl that was his first love.
Clemens briefly served in the Civil War and then worked at the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. Under Mark Twain, Clemens wrote a story called ' The Celebrated Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County'. In 1876 under the name of Mark Twain, Clemens wrote a story called ' The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer'. In the story, a character named Tom and a friend Huckleberry Finn have experiences and adventures. The character of Becky Thatcher was formed because of Clemens's first love Laura Hawkins. Clemens eventually changed the story's title to ' The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn'. The story was published in December of 1884.
In 1933, MGM paid Paramount Studios $30,000 for the movie rights to the novel. Mickey McGuire was born as Joe Yule Jr. His father was a comedian and his mother was a chorus dancer. He starred in twenty one silent films and forty talkies before he got his first minor role in a Universal picture. Shortly after, he legally changed his name to Mickey Rooney. In 1932 at the age of twelve, he got his first starring role in a film called ' My Pal The King' starring Tom Mix. In 1937, Rooney began making pictures where he played a character named Andy Hardy. With Rooney as Huckleberry Finn,  Rex Ingram was selected to play the runaway slave named Jim.  Richard Thorpe was selected to be the director and the story was worked on to get it to an hour and a half film.
Filming started in November of 1938 and would continue until January of 1939. When the film opened, it was an immediate hit with critics and the audience. That year, Rooney was named the biggest box office attraction in films and at MGM.

research help: ' 1939, the making of six great films from Hollywood's greatest year' by Charles F Adams'.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 16, 2014

the films of 1939: The Hound Of The Baskervilles

the films of 1939: The Hound Of The Baskervilles by ric gustafson

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had a character in his mind for a long time. He wanted his detective to be highly intellectual, physically strong, musically inclined and able to deduce truth from clues. Doyle was a doctor but also a writer. He had ten brothers and sisters and loved to tell stories. He became a devotee of Edgar Allan Poe. He began to write a story about a detective and his friend lodging in London at 221B Baker Street. This detective would have knowledge of chemistry, literature and geology. There would be a murder and then the detective would solve it.
Doyle had named his detective Sherringford Holmes but felt that it should be changed. He changed the name to Sherlock Holmes. Doyle finished his novel in three weeks and then tried to get it published. Eventually, Ward Lock and Co bought the rights and gave Doyle twenty five pounds for the copyright. In March of 1901, Doyle wrote a story called ' The Hound Of The Baskervilles' which takes place before Holmes is killed at Reichenbach Falls.
At a cocktail party in 1937, Producers Darryl Zanuck and Gene Markey talked about possible new movie properties. Sherlock Holmes was brought up. Both agreed that Basil Rathbone would make a great Sherlock Holmes. By late 1938, Twentieth Century Fox had a made a decision to make a new Sherlock Holmes film. Sidney Lanfield was selected to direct and Nigel Bruce was selected to play Watson. The film was shot on the backlot at Fox Studios. The film opened in March of 1939 and was praised by the critics and audience.
According to the Guinness Book Of Records, the character of Sherlock Holmes is the most portrayed character in film history.
The film has been nominated by the American Film Institute as one of the top ten mystery films of all time.

research help: ' 1939, the making of six great films from Hollywood's greatest year' by Charles F Adams

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 15, 2014

the films of 1939: Mr Smith Goes To Washington

the films of 1939: Mr Smith Goes To Washington by ric gustafson

A man named Lewis R Foster was a Hollywood gag writer and film director at Hal Roach and Mack Sennett studios. One day, he began to write a story about a Boy Scout leader who becomes a United States Senator. Then he comes to Washington and goes against his state's senior Senator. Along the way he encounters corruption and backbiting. With the help of his female assistant he triumphs over the system. Foster finished the story in just two weeks.
He showed it to movie studios while he searched for a book publisher. Paramount and MGM turned him down. Columbia bought the rights for $ 1,500. They thought the story could be a sequel to their film ' Mr Deeds Goes To Town' that starred Gary Cooper. Frank Capra had in mind an actor named Jimmy Stewart. Stewart had started his career on the New York stage and MGM signed him to a contract in 1934. Jean Arthur was Capra's choice to play the Senator's assistant.
Capra went to no expense to recreate Washington's Senate Chamber which involved one hundred days and hundreds of carpenters. The story became a movie script with just a few minor changes. Other roles went to Claude Rains, Edward Arnold and Thomas Mitchell.
When they were done filming, the film got good praise from critics and October 16 1939 was declared ' Mr Smith' day in Washington.
The film was nominated for eleven academy awards but won just one for best original story.

research help: ' 1939 the making of six great films from Hollywood's greatest year' by Charles F Adams.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

the films of 1939: Stagecoach

the films of 1939: Stagecoach by ric gustafson

In May of 1937, Erny Haycox was asked by Collier's magazine for a three thousand word story. Using a Remington typewriter, he began to write a story of the early West. Up to 1937, he had published more than a hundred stories and a half dozen novels. He thought about a story involving passengers traveling in a stagecoach.
One of the characters in the stagecoach was a whore named Henriette. For a hero, it was a mysterious blond cowboy named Malpais Bill. The stagecoach would travel through dangerous Apache territory.
Director John Ford read the story and loved it. He had directed more than sixty silent shorts from 1917 to 1928. He was always busy directing up to three pictures a year.
In May of 1937, Ford had picked up a copy of Collier's magazine and read the story written by Haycox. The story was now named ' Stage to Lordsburg' and Ford wanted the film rights. Eventally, the story was shortened to ' Stagecoach'. The role of ' Malpais Bill' became ' The Ringo Kid'. For the role of Dallas, Ford picked Claire Trevor. At 29, Trevor was a veteran screen actress playing mostly bad girl roles and hard bitten characters. For the role of Ringo, Ford asked his friend Marion Morrison who he would recommend. Morrison had changed his name to John Wayne and convinced Ford to let himself try the role. Other roles were filled with actors and actresses in Ford's stock company.
Shooting locations included land west of Flagstaff Arizona and several inside Monument Valley. Principal filming ended two days before Christmas 1938. The final cut of the film ran 96 minutes. It was released in March of 1939 and was nominated for seven Academy awards.

research help: ' 1939 the making of six great films from Hollywood's greatest year' by Charles F Adams

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

the parables of Jesus: Luke 15: 11-32

the parables of Jesus: Luke 15:11-32 by ric gustafson

This story is well known as the tale of the two sons. Jesus starts this story by saying that a man had two sons. The younger son asked his father for his share of the estate. Both sons got their inheritance early. Then the young man set off for a distant country. It does not say where the young man ended up but in the region known as the Decapolis pig farmers are numerous. And then Jesus explains that the young man squandered his wealth in wild living. At this time, famine swept through the land and there were no crops so their was no jobs. The only job the young man could find was working for a local pig farmer. The young man was so hungry that he considered eating what the pigs were eating.
Then Jesus says that he came to his senses. He had had enough and there was no one to blame except himself. Then Jesus says that he got up and went to his father. Then the son returned and they began to celebrate his return. Then Jesus explains that the older son hears a party and asks what's going on. When he hears that his deadbeat brother had come home, he refuses to come to the celebration. The father pleads for him to come in but he won't. The end of the story explains that the father intended to give him his estate anyway but they are celebrating the return of his son who was lost but now came home.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the films of 1939: Gone With The Wind

the films of 1939: Gone With The Wind by ric gustafson

Book editor Harold Latham was on a scouting expedition in Atlanta Georgia in the late autumn of 1935. He was searching for new writers of Southern fiction. At a bookstore luncheon, he met a charming woman by the name of Peggy Marsh. They struck up a quick friendship and she began to tell him of a story that she was writing about life in the South during the Civil War. At first the name of her heroine was Pansy O'Hara and that her hero was Rhett Butler.
One day, She handed Latham a mountain of pages wrapped in string. Latham took it back to New York to study it. The story's heroine was now named Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler was now bigger than life. Even though she was named Peggy Marsh, for the novel she went by her maiden name. That name was Margaret Mitchell.
Kate Korbaly, who was Louis B Mayer's assistant, read the finished manuscript to her boss. Mayer listened but passed. Warner Brothers turned it down also. Next, it was shown to RKO. Macmillan published the story in May of 1936. It was long at 1,037 pages. After it became a bestseller, David O. Selznick bought the movie rights for $ 50,000.
Selznick picked George Cukor to direct the film. He had a record of turning out successful and profitable films. Selznick had always had Clark Gable as he vision for the role of Rhett Butler. Handsome and well built, he seemed a natural for the part. Because Gable was part of MGM's roster, a deal was made between the two studios. Until Gable was done with his MGM commitments, a search began to cast Scarlett. Many actresses tried out for the coveted role including Tallulah Bankhead, Paulette Goddard and Lana Turner. In all, over 1,500 women were looked at. One day, Selznick set his eyes on Vivien Leigh and knew that he had his Scarlett. The role of Melanie went to Olivia de Havilland and the role of Ashley Wilkes went to Leslie Howard.
Several writers worked on a script and filming started in January of 1939. Problems arose and Cukor was fired and Victor Fleming was brought in to direct. The Selznick studio had the final reshoot on July 1 1939.
The first cut of the film ran for five hours. It was cut down to four hours and twenty minutes. And then another fifty six minutes was taken out.
The movie had it's premiere in Atlanta on December 15 1939.

research help: ' 1939, the making of six great films' by Charles F Adams

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Moses page 27

Moses page 27 by ric gustafson

One of the Elders gave Moses a cup of water that they had just drawn from the well. He spat it on the ground.
" Moses, this water is undrinkable" the Elder grumbled as he spat water onto the ground. " What are we going to do?".
Moses prayed and then walked over to the nearest laurel tree. He picked up a few of the twigs and then threw them into the well. " Drink, because God has provided". He handed a cup to the Elder. As he drank from the cup, the people clapped and danced with joy.
Later, Moses had a meeting with the Elders.
" Moses, we need to talk".
" What do we need to talk about?".
" At first, we thought this was only going to be a three day festival" said one of the Elders as he looked at the others. " We did not realize that we would be walking through this wilderness with hardly any food or water".
Moses stared at the Elder. " God has provided for our needs so far".
" We want to know exactly what you plan to do".
" The pillar of dust by day and the pillar of fire by night will safely guide us".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 8, 2014

python page 1

python page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy opened the plastic bin and took out three chocolate chip cookies. She put them into a small bag and then set on the tray. She walked over and picked up three McDoubles and then put them on the tray. She rang the register. " That will be $5.01".
The young man reached into his pant pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill and a penny. " Here you are". He began to put the money into her hand. " Did you enjoy the church service Sunday?".
She cringed. " How did you know I worked here?".
" I didn't". He reached for the tray. " I thought I saw you there Sunday".
" Actually,  I was there with a friend of mine". She took the money and opened the register.
" Hi, I'm Don Humphrey" he said as he shook her hand. " I'm on the committee that does follow up visits to new people at our church".
She closed the register. " I'm Missy".
" Would you have a few minutes so we can talk?".
She glanced at the clock on the far wall. " Sure, I take my break in fifteen minutes".
" Great".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 3

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 3 by ric gustafson

Later that night.

Barbara put down her fork and wiped off her mouth with a napkin. " That was fabulous meatloaf".
Her friend smiled as she walked over to a small dining room table and picked up a brochure. " I've been looking at the brochure that the church had". She put it down next to her friend's plate. " Barbara, are you interested in a piece of pecan pie?".
" No thank you, I could not eat another bite". She picked up the brochure. " Missy, this church does not believe in God".
" I know" was her reply as she picked up the now empty plates and took them into the small kitchen. " But the service was so beautiful".
She took a sip of her water. " What was so beautiful about it?".
" The songs, moments of reflection and what people are doing to help others".
" Missy, there was no mention of God at any time while we were there".
" People were clapping, stomping their feet and having such a good time".
Barbara gave her friend a worried stare. " Missy, I'm worried about your eternal destination".
" Don't worry about me".

research help:  An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 3, 2014

an act of mercy

an act of mercy by ric gustafson

This story originates from Royan Iran. Bilal Gheisari had stabbed to death Abdollah Alinejad in a street brawl. An Islamic law called qisas, which means an eye for an eye, gives the families of the victims a chance to oversee the convicted killer's execution. The family also has the option to show mercy to the killer and stop the execution.
Abdollah on April 15 was walking toward the gallows. The Gheisari family was among the crowd of onlookers. He was blindfolded, weeping and begged the family one last time for forgiveness. Alinejad, the mother of the victim, walked up close and asked him if he showed mercy to her son. Then she asked him why should I show mercy to you?. She slapped him across the face and then she took the noose away from his neck. His death sentence had been commuted. His sentence was changed to 12 years in prison with half of it already served.
Ephesians 4:32 says to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.
As followers of God, he wants us each day to forgive others just as he forgives us on a daily basis.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 2

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 2 by ric gustafson

The two young women listened as the song ' Here comes the Sun' by George Harrison played out it's last notes.
Underneath a large banner that read ' Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More' a young man stood up. " As the donation boxes are passed around, I have one final announcement".
The cardboard box came to the young women.
" Barbara, do you want to give them some money?" Missy asked as she put five dollars in.
" No Missy, they do not believe in God".
" Suit yourself".
The boxes were brought up to the front.
" There are brochures at the front lobby for our retreat to California". Jack Rogers smiled. " It should be a fun time".
" As you leave today, give somebody a hug".
The band began to play ' Lean On Me'.
When it was over, the two women stood up, hugged each other and walked out toward the front door.
Missy stopped at the information table. She picked up a brochure.
" Missy, what are you doing?".
" I'm curious about this retreat ".

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz 2014 page 5

Oz 2014 page 5 by ric gustafson

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published in 1900 and was instantly transformed into a musical comedy. The stage show debuted at Chicago's Grand Opera House in 1902 and became a Broadway smash in 1903. In 1910, a silent film of the story was released which was thirteen minutes in length.
In February 1938, MGM acquired the movie rights to the story. The studio studied the Broadway musical but thought that the jokes were outdated and the songs were unrelated to the story. Two aspects of the Broadway play were used and enhanced in the film. The first was the cyclone scene and the second was the poppy field scene. In the original story, the Wicked Witch of the West carried an umbrella not a broomstick. In the silent film and the MGM film, she has a broomstick.
Inspiration for the MGM film came from different sources. Characters from the 1933 film Alice in Wonderland were studied. A film named ' She' was studied for the idea of the Winkie guards. The film that was studied the most was ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. The Wicked Witch of the West was based on studying the Evil Queen. Music from the film inspired the music for the Wizard of Oz.
Next, we will look at the story of Oz from an allegory perspective.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 2, 2014

Oz 2014 page 4

Oz 2014 page 4 by ric gustafson

MGM decided in 1938 to make a full length feature musical of the Wizard of Oz. By that time, the classic story had become part of American culture. The story was first published in 1900 and before he died in 1919, Baum had written 13 sequels. Even though the story was well known, MGM did do some key changes to it.
The first change is that in the original story, Dorothy could of been between five or six years of age. Dorothy in the film appears to be on the verge of adolescence. The second change is that in the original story, Dorothy's slippers were silver. In the film, her magic slippers are ruby red. The third change is that the Wicked Witch of the West is less wicked so as not to scare children who read it. In the film, they wanted Margaret Hamilton to be like Snow White's Evil Queen.
The fourth change is that in the original story Dorothy and her friends wear green tinted glasses the entire time they are in the Emerald City. The Emerald City is actually glowing green the entire time in the film. The fifth change is that in the original story, the Tin Man was once a human being. In the film, he is an animated machine longing for a human heart. The sixth change is that in the original story, Dorothy and her friends confront fighting trees, go through the Dainty China Country, do battle with a giant spider and fight armless Quadlings. In the film, they do none of these. The last change is that in the original story Dorothy clicks her silver shoes three times, flies above America and returns to a new wooden farmhouse built by Uncle Henry. In the film, she wakes up in her bed surrounded by the ones who love her because of a bump to the head. Was it all a dream?.
Next, we will look at the prelude to Oz.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric