Saturday, May 30, 2020

Paul page 5

Paul page 5 by ric gustafson

Paul frowned. " I stood before Nero alone".
" I know". He helped the old man into a new tunic. " I heard you burned down half of Rome".
Paul frowned again. " Only Onesiphorus visited me during the trial".
" I am here now". He took some scissors and began to trim Paul's beard.
" Thank you Luke". The old man braced himself against a stone wall. " I am grateful".
" I bring you greetings from Aquila and Priscilla".
Paul sighed. " How are they?".
" They face the hard decision of fleeing the city or staying".
" How is Linus?".
" They have lost all contact with him". Luke stared at the old man. " They request your counsel".
" What wisdom can I give them?". Paul sighed. " Everything I have done, I have done for Christ".

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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