Saturday, May 9, 2020

John page 18

John page 18 by ric gustafson

" Ready Polycarp?".
The young man raised his pen. " Ready".
Tears began to appear on John's face. " I also ran away during the worst of it".
" That must of been painful emotionally".
" When Jesus was carrying his cross". His tired voice hesitated. " Only then did I accompany his mother to Golgotha".
" That must of been hard".
" I stood next to her watching the pain on her face".
" I'm glad you were there to comfort her".
John grinned. " Then something amazing happened".
" What happened?".
" He looked right at me". His voice hesitated. " Then he said Son behold your mother".
" So what did you do?".
" I took care of her until the day she died".

research help: ' John's Story' by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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