Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Paul page 2

Paul page 2 by ric gustafson

Luke took a bite of the stew Priscilla had put into his bowl.
" What has happened to Linus?".
" We do not know". Aquila frowned. " We lost contact with him weeks ago".
" After the awful fires here". Priscilla bit into a fig. " The believers here aren't sure what to do".
" Perhaps Paul can help". Aquila looked at his friend. " Are you going to go see him?".
" At the prison". He frowned. " Yes I am".
" Perhaps he can give us some insight on the situation here".
Luke smiled. " I will ask him for his counsel".
" Thank you Luke". Priscilla grinned. " Now please eat".
Luke grinned as he ate more of the stew.

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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