Tuesday, May 12, 2020

John page 21

John page 21 by ric gustafson

" This story continues".
Polycarp kept writing. " Ok Master".
" Eight days later,  we were in that upper room again".
" Was Thomas there?".
" Yes he was". John grinned. " Then guess what happened?".
The young man smiled. " Jesus came again".
" Yes, he did".
" Did Thomas doubt again?".
" No". John's voice hesitated. " He exclaimed to Jesus my Lord and my God".
" Did Jesus leave?".
" Yes". He grinned at the young man. " Then later we encountered him at the Sea of Tiberias".
" Why were you there?".
" To fish". He smiled. " Polycarp, I think that's the last story I want to tell".
The young man put down his pen. " Ok Master".

research help: ' John's Story' by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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