Tuesday, May 19, 2020

John page23

John page 23 by ric gustafson

Fall A D 96

Because of the assassination of Caesar Augustus Domitian, John was returning home from Patmos. Because of old age and the hard labor of Patmos, John's health was failing. He was looking forward to returning home to Ephesus. In his hand was a leather bag. Inside was papyrus with his writing on it. He was eager to show it to Polycarp.
His young disciple was waiting for him at the dock.
John slowly hobbled off the boat.
" Welcome back Master".
They embraced.
" Let me take your bag".
" How did you know I was coming today?".
" The church knew you were coming back". The young man smiled. " We just weren't sure which day it would be".
" Are my quarters ready?".
" It is".
" Good". John weakly grinned. " I have a great mystery to tell you".

research help: ' John's Story' by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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