Monday, May 25, 2020

Paul page 1

Paul page 1 by ric gustafson

Luke walked up to the Servian Wall. He  was to meet a man there. Soon, a member of the Praetorian Guard walked up. " Grace be with you".
Luke grinned. " And also to you".
He pointed. " Come, I will take you to them". He led Luke down windy streets and past tall wooden buildings. They began to walk down the Way of the Triumph. Luke was led to a nice looking villa on a hillside. Then he was led into a courtyard garden. Standing there, was a man and a woman. When they saw Luke, they ran over and embraced him.
Aquila smiled. " Luke, my friend".
Priscilla grinned. " We've missed you Luke".
Luke gave them a bag of coins. " Here is a collection from the Philippian church".
Aquila looked at the soldier. " Thank you Eubulus for safely bringing our friend".
" My pleasure". He quickly left.

research help: ' Paul Apostle of Christ' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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