Thursday, May 21, 2020

John page 24

John page 24 by ric gustafson

After a good night's sleep, John ate breakfast alone.
Polycarp walked into the room. " Morning Master".
" Morning Polycarp". He grinned. " Were you able to read the pages I wrote?".
" I did Master". His voice hesitated. " I was fascinated at what I read".
" What do you think I should do with the pages?".
" I think you should show the pages to the church here in Ephesus".
" And then?".
" I would send a copy to the other churches".
At the next Lord's Day, Polycarp greeted the Ephesus home church. Later, John stood up and told them the story of his time in Patmos. Then he read to them his admonition to the churches. Then Polycarp read to them the rest of John's revelation. When it was over around midnight, John told the congregation that those who have an ear, let them hear.
Then, those in attendance were on the floor praying to God in prayer.
John went back to his room.

research help: ' John's Story' by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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