Wednesday, June 21, 2017

the salvation bargain bin

the salvation bargain bin by ric Gustafson

Edwin Matthews stopped his steel shopping cart next to the large bin. He peered inside.
" Need some help?".
He turned to see a young man, with a black beard, holding a bottle of glass cleaner and a rag.
" I noticed the name on the bin". He smiled. " I'm looking for some cheap salvation".
" There is no cheap salvation in here". Jesus frowned. " A lot is required to follow me".
Edwin kept looking in the bin. " Like what?".
Jesus put his bottle and rag on the floor. " First, you need to admit you are a sinner and then repent of your sins".
Edwin thought for a moment. " I can't do that". He frowned. " That's not why I'm looking in the bin".
" Why are you?".
" I'm looking for cheap salvation". Edwin grinned at Jesus. " I want to go to heaven yet I want to live like I always have".
" Following me requires a lot of work". Jesus smiled at the young man. " But the eternal rewards are well worth it".
" Sorry". Edwin turned to go down the bread aisle. " I like my life the way it is".
A tear came down Jesus's face as he watched the young man. He picked up his bottle and rag. A young woman walked up to the bin and peered inside.
Jesus smiled. " Need some help?".

The End

research help:  original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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