Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Luke page 1

Luke page 1 by ric Gustafson

" Where are we going Lippio?". Fifteen year old Loukon watched as the driver's huge arms were trying to keep the wagon and horses steady.
" To the city my boy". He smiled as the wagon bounced over large ruts. " To the river to pick up marble".
" Isn't Antioch the center of Syria?".
The wagon bounced over another rut. " Yes and you can thank Caesar Augustus for that".
After a while, the wagon approached the Eastern Gate. A statue of a wolf decorated the gate. As the son of a slave, Loukon watched as slaves worked while their masters watched.
Lippio stopped the wagon on a side street near the river.
Loukon thought to himself. " I'm glad Theophilus does not treat us like most slaves".
After a short rest, Lippio drove the wagon slowly to the edge of the river. He smiled at Loukon. " Me too boy me too". He stopped the wagon near a man next to some pallets stacked with marble slabs.
The man looked relieved. " I'm glad you came to take these".
Lippio smiled again. " My master is trustworthy".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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