Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Mark page 10

Mark page 10 by ric Gustafson

John Mark woke up to the sound of excited men's voices.
" They won't believe us".
Peter rubbed his eyes. " What is it?".
" We went to the sepulcher just before dawn with our spices to anoint Jesus's body". Her voice hesitated. " When we got there the stone had already been rolled away".
Peter looked puzzled. " Was the body still there?".
" We entered the tomb". She sighed. " We were met there by two angels".
" Angels" Peter exclaimed. " Are you sure they weren't grave robbers?".
Mary Magdalene shook her head. " Their countenance was like lightening and their raiment was white as snow".
Another disciple spoke up. " How do you know they were angels?".
" They spoke to us".
" They spoke to you". Peter gave her a strange look. " What did they say?".
" They told us not to be afraid".
" Your dreaming".
" They knew we sought Jesus".
Peter and John ran down the stairs.
John Mark began to follow them.
His mother stopped him. " Son, stay here until they come back".

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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