Saturday, June 3, 2017

the Fighting Sullivans page 1

the Fighting Sullivans page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was a modest house at 98 Adams Street in Waterloo Iowa. It was Sunday December 7 1941. Members of the Sullivan family were reading the sports and comic sections of the Des Moines Register. They were also listening to the radio. Reports about Pearl Harbor were coming through. Alleta Sullivan and her husband Thomas knew what that meant for their family.
The couple had five sons. Madison 22, Albert 19, Joseph 23, George 27 and Francis 25. They were a tight knit Roman Catholic family, Thomas was a brakesman for the Illinois Central Railroad. The Sullivan boys grew up in Waterloo Iowa. George and Francis had already spent time in the Navy aboard the destroyer Hovey. The five brothers agreed to serve together. One of their friends was aboard the Arizona. On January 3 1942, the Sullivan boys took the oath and then headed for the training center at the Great Lakes.

research help: ' America in WW II'  April May 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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