Friday, June 30, 2017

Luke page 5

Luke page 5 by ric Gustafson

The other slaves clapped for joy as Luke opened the gift. He took out a new wardrobe, university supplies and goodies from the kitchen.
Luke smiled. " Thank you master".
As they were eating, Theophilus put an arm around his young slave. " I will miss you Luke". Tears began to form in his eyes. " When you come back you will have a position as doctor". He smiled. " And a free one at that".
" Thank you Sir".
The next morning, Luke bathed, put on a new set of clothes and then met his master at his carriage.
After arriving at the harbor, Luke's things were stored on board ship. Luke and Theophilus embraced. " Safe travels and good luck Luke".
" Thank you Sir".
As the ship left Antioch, Luke waved back.

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 29, 2017

I Will: I Will Go

I Will:  I Will Go by ric Gustafson

In Acts 1:8, Jesus wanted to tell his disciples something before he ascended into heaven. He tells them " you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth". Jesus wants us to go out and seek those who don't know him. Luke 19:10 says that the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.
Sometimes we encounter someone who does not know Jesus. Sometimes we rationalize and object to trying. Sometimes we think to ourselves that this is  not our spiritual gift. Maybe we think that the pastor should do this instead. Sometimes we think that we don't have the time. Sometimes we just think that we don't want to impose our beliefs on others. So what do we do?
We need to pray and then get out there and try. We need to pray for chances to share our faith. Then maybe someone will come to church with us.
I pray that if the chance comes that I can tell people about Jesus. I will go.

research help: ' I Will' by Thom Rainer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Luke page 4

Luke page 4 by ric Gustafson

Months later, Luke knocked on his master's door.
" Come in".
He entered and noticed Theophilus standing by a window. " Sir, before I enter university". His young voice hesitated. " You were going to tell me about Stoicism".
" Yes Luke". He sat down in a chair. " Yes I was".
" I was wondering if a true Stoic would free his slaves".
His master scratched his chin. " Freeing them might do them more harm than good".
" Is a higher plane of behavior an aim of Stoicism?".
" Luke, do you believe in divine nature?".
" Sir, I believe in having peace of mind".
" Your life is not perfect". He grinned. " Is it Luke?".
" No Sir". He frowned. " I battle my desires and passions".
" You are honest Luke". He stood up and shook his young slave's hand. " That is why I am sending you to university".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

spiritual markers: the marker of peace

spiritual markers:  the marker of peace by ric Gustafson

We know the Holy Spirit is working in our lives when peace is present or not. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit. God wants us to have inner peace. According to the Apostle Paul, peace surpasses all comprehension. Peace defies human comprehension. When we have inner peace, we are in step with God's will for our lives. Praise God.

research help: ' The Spirit Filled Life' by Charles F Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Isaiah

people in the Bible:  Isaiah by ric Gustafson

God revealed himself to Isaiah. He grew up in Jerusalem and had the best education possible. With his wife, he had two sons. Three major prophecies came through Isaiah. Isaiah 7:14 says that a virgin shall conceive, bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 9: 6-7 says that unto us a child is born a Son is given. Isaiah 53 says that Jesus will be the suffering servant and Messiah.
A Jewish prophet wrote and proclaimed a Jewish Messiah. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Luke page 3

Luke page 3 by ric Gustafson

Luke knocked on the door.
" Come in".
He entered to find his master sitting in a chair.
" Luke, I have something I need to ask you".
Luke grinned. " Yes master".
" When we return to Daphne, I would like you to take charge of the memorial to your parents and the others who lost their lives to the illness".
" Me Sir".
" Yes Luke". He smiled at his young slave. " I can't think of anyone else to do it".
" I will do my best Sir". He went back to his room and got out some papyrus. He began to write about his parents and what they meant to him. He cried as he wrote. When he had finished, he went back to his master. " Thank you for the chance to write about my parents".
" Luke, I hope your not upset at me". He frowned. " I had to take you with me".
" No". His voice hesitated. " I had an idea for a permanent sculpture to honor my parents and all those who perished".
" Luke, that's a great idea". Theophilus smiled at his young slave. " Let's do it".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Isaac

people in the Bible: Isaac by ric Gustafson

Isaac had a famous father. Abraham was the first patriarch a friend of God. Isaac's son was Jacob. Jacob was a great patriarch in whom the twelve tribes of Israel came. Abraham's name changed, Jacob's name changed Isaac's name did not. Isaac's mother had him in her old age. Isaac grew up to be a man of faith. The faith of Isaac is mentioned several times in the New Testament. We cannot rely on someone's faith for our needs. Our faith must be a personal faith.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 26, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the grave buster

Jesus the one and only:  the grave buster by ric Gustafson

Do you like to wait?. Most people don't. In John chapter 11, Jesus waits before he goes to his friend Lazarus. Lazarus dies two days later. Jesus went and resurrected him. As believers in Jesus, our lives will not end in death. How many times have we said Jesus where are you?. Jesus told Mary and Martha that he was the resurrection and the life.  We believe that also.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Hezekiah

people in the Bible:  Hezekiah by ric Gustafson

Hezekiah was one of Ahaz's sons, Ahaz was one of Judah's ungodly kings. Hezekiah was a man of God. He reopened the doors of the Temple. He destroyed pagan altars and high places. Assyria attacked Palestine and threatened to destroy Jerusalem. Hezekiah prayed to God. He praised God and talked to him personally. Hezekiah's prayer was informative and direct. He prayed and asked God to save them. God answered Hezekiah's prayer. God will answer our prayers.

research help:  ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 24, 2017

people in the Bible: Herodias

people in the Bible:  Herodias by ric Gustafson

John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness. He spoke out against Herodias because of her sin. Herodias was the granddaughter of Herod the Great. She was married to her father's brother Phillip. Phillip's half brother Herod Antipas became infatuated with Herodias. The two divorced their spouses and eloped. John the Baptist openly denounced this sin they were committing.
Herodias planned John's death. At a banquet, Herodias's daughter Salome danced for Antipas. He was so pleased with Salome that he promised her anything. After asking her mother, she requested John the Baptist's head on a platter.
Speaking out against sin can be deadly. We need to pray for those who speak out against immorality. We need to pray that voices against sin will be heard not silenced.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 23, 2017

people in the Bible: Herod the Great

people in the Bible: Herod the Great by ric Gustafson

The Roman Senate appointed Herod the Great in 40 BC. He was a fighter, a diplomat and ruthless. He rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem. Wise men came according to Matthew 2 asking where the King of the Jews had been born. Herod became worried. He was told that the Savior and Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Herod put to death all the male children from two years old and younger hoping to kill Jesus.
Herod the Great did not succeed with his evil plan. God is in control and he will prevail. You can count on that.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the good life

Jesus the one and only:  the good life by ric Gustafson

We will have worries that we cannot resolve. We need to confront our problems with faith rather than fear. We are helpless sheep and Jesus is the Good Shepherd. A shepherd will lead sheep. Satan will come to steal and destroy. Jesus is our protector not preventer. Shepherds cannot keep the sheep from difficulty. Wolves and bad weather threaten the sheep. Jesus guards us from difficulty. The shepherd knows his sheep by name.
Jesus gives us the good life. He gives us what we need each day and protects us always.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Hannah

people in the Bible:  Hannah by ric Gustafson

Hannah was the wife of Elkanah. She had a miserable life. He was also married to someone else. Hannah had no children. Peninnah, Elkanah's other wife, hassled Hannah about being childless. Hannah gave her burdens to God and prayed. Later, Hannah gave birth to Samuel. God wants us to honor our promises to him. If we do, God will give us great rewards. Hannah later had three more sons and two daughters. Samuel became a faithful man of God. If we are dependable to God, we will enjoy his blessings.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the open door

Jesus the one and only:  the open door by ric Gustafson

In John chapter 10, Jesus exclaims that he is the door. Not a door with knobs, hinges or locks. Jesus also says that he is the door of the sheep. With Jesus as our door, three things we can expect. First, Jesus gives us security. Second, Jesus gives us satisfaction by providing all of our needs. Third, Jesus gives us significance because we matter to the shepherd.
Some people search all their lives to find the door. We don't have to worry. We know that Jesus is our door and will be forever.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the salvation bargain bin

the salvation bargain bin by ric Gustafson

Edwin Matthews stopped his steel shopping cart next to the large bin. He peered inside.
" Need some help?".
He turned to see a young man, with a black beard, holding a bottle of glass cleaner and a rag.
" I noticed the name on the bin". He smiled. " I'm looking for some cheap salvation".
" There is no cheap salvation in here". Jesus frowned. " A lot is required to follow me".
Edwin kept looking in the bin. " Like what?".
Jesus put his bottle and rag on the floor. " First, you need to admit you are a sinner and then repent of your sins".
Edwin thought for a moment. " I can't do that". He frowned. " That's not why I'm looking in the bin".
" Why are you?".
" I'm looking for cheap salvation". Edwin grinned at Jesus. " I want to go to heaven yet I want to live like I always have".
" Following me requires a lot of work". Jesus smiled at the young man. " But the eternal rewards are well worth it".
" Sorry". Edwin turned to go down the bread aisle. " I like my life the way it is".
A tear came down Jesus's face as he watched the young man. He picked up his bottle and rag. A young woman walked up to the bin and peered inside.
Jesus smiled. " Need some help?".

The End

research help:  original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Luke page 2

Luke page 2 by ric Gustafson

Theophilus was sitting by a fire. Loukon was ushered in. The man in his late forties smiled as the young man sat down. " Loukon, you've had a busy day". He smiled. " May I call you Luke?".
Loukon scratched his chin. " Sure".
" Luke, I've been thinking about sending you to a university". He patted the young man on the shoulder. " Do you have an idea of what you would like to study?".
Luke thought for a moment. " My interests are history and medicine".
" I was thinking about sending you to the university in Tarsus".
Tears formed in Luke's eyes. " Thank you Sir".
" If you decide to concentrate on medicine". He smiled. " After you graduate, you can become my house physician".
" Master, thank you". His young voice hesitated. " You are different than most masters".
Theophilus grinned. " Let's keep this between ourselves".
" Ok Sir".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jesus the one and only: a light in a dark place

Jesus the one and only: a light in a dark place by ric Gustafson

Being in complete darkness is unnerving and gives you a sense of helplessness. In John 8:12, Jesus declares that he is the light of the world. We take the light for granted. It is essential to life itself. Plants need it for survival. Plants must have light to grow. A spiritual life  cannot work without a spiritual light. Do you feel as if you are in a spiritual darkness. When we are in darkness, we need to turn on the light. If we come to Jesus, we will not be in spiritual darkness again. Jesus wants us to find people in dark places and turn on their light. Jesus is the light of the world.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Haggai

people in the Bible:  Haggai by ric Gustafson

In 539 BC, the Babylonian Empire fell to the Persian king Cyrus. The king decreed that the house of God in Jerusalem could be rebuilt. The reconstruction of the Temple started right away. Just as quickly, the work slowed down and then stopped. In 520 BC, the prophet Haggai and prophet Zechariah urged the people to start work on the Temple again. According to Ezra 5:1, the Temple was completed five years later in 515 BC.
When we are stuck or our ministry has stopped, we need to pray to God to start it again. Then we need to keep it going.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 19, 2017

Jesus the one and only: bread for the journey

Jesus the one and only:  bread for the journey by ric Gustafson

In John 6, Jesus tells everyone that he is the Bread of Life. Bread has been a staple of life since the beginning of time. Jesus reminds us that he is the sustenance for all of us. Jesus fed five thousand people with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. The people ran after him afterwards to be fed again. Jesus knew that was the reason. Jesus wants people to follow him for the right reasons. Jesus looks at the spiritual not the material. We need to live for the eternal not the temporal. Jesus supplies the bread that satisfies. Jesus is the Bread of Life.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Habakkuk

people in the Bible:  Habakkuk by ric Gustafson

Habakkuk was a prophet during the reign of Josiah and Jehoiakim. The Chaldeans were threatening the land. He questioned God and asked where he was?. The prophet wondered why God would not judge evil. The prophet learned that God is slow to anger and of great compassion. Habakkuk had to learn about the timetable of God and let God be God.
Like Habakkuk, we need to pray for God's justice and compassion. We need to trust God to make all things right in his own time. We need to let God be God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Jesus the one and only: a misfit among misfits

Jesus the one and only:  a misfit among misfits by ric Gustafson

There are a lot of no names in Jesus's genealogy. There were women in the genealogy. There were five women. This set the tone for justice and equality. Tamar, Rahab and Bathsheba were black sheep in the line. No matter the bad things that they had done, they were included in Jesus's family tree. No one is beyond God's grace.
Jesus's family tree was full of misfits. Jesus refused to fit the mold people had fashioned for him. People called Jesus a misfit. God can work through misfits and use them for his glory.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Gideon

people in the Bible:  Gideon by ric Gustafson

One day, an angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon. The angel commissioned him to lead an army against Midian. Gideon balked. He wanted a sign proof that God wanted him to do this. Gideon asked for three signs to give him proof. God gave him the proof three times.
Gideon became a military hero and a spiritual leader in Israel. God does not want us to doubt him. God wants us to know his will and know his will because of his Word. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Gideon learned that the hard way.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 16, 2017

Jesus the one and only: Just like us

Jesus the one and only:  Just like us by ric Gustafson

Because of Jesus's genealogy, we are who we are. Jesus came from the line of David. Long before we were born, God was planning our future. God chose our ancestors. God chooses our identity. God is in control of our lives. God has always had us in his plans. God wants us to be his masterpiece. We have been created anew in Jesus.  We have a past and a future. God wants us to be just like him.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Gamaliel

people in the Bible:  Gamaliel by ric Gustafson

Gamaliel was a Jewish scholar in the first century AD. One of his students was Saul of Tarsus. From this scholar, Saul learned the Law and traditions of the rabbis. Later, Gamaliel became the president of the Sanhedrin. In Acts 5, Gamaliel warned the Sanhedrin to stay away from Peter.
God wants us to have clean hands and a pure heart. When we do this, God will use us to do his work. We should rejoice in that.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Nebraska Counties: Boone

Nebraska Counties:  Boone by ric Gustafson

Boone County was established in 1871. The county seat is Albion. In the small town of Raeville is St Bonaventue Church. Just south of Petersburg is the Rae Valley. This area became Raeville. Albion businessman John Peters donated land and Petersburg was started. Boone County was named for Daniel Boone who was a famous hunter, pioneer and Indian fighter. Rev William Prescott was a Methodist minister who helped build the first building in Albion.

research help: ' Nebraska 150 years in 93 counties' by David Hendee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Felix

people in the Bible:  Felix by ric Gustafson

Felix was a Roman governor of Judea. When Paul was arrested for disturbing the peace in Jerusalem, he was sent to Felix. An orator named Tertullus accused Paul. The Apostle refuted each charge. Felix postponed his judgment. Later, Paul was brought before Felix again. He was sent before Felix several times. Felix kept Paul in prison for two years. Then he was taken to Rome to stand before Caesar.
The Apostle Paul kept his cool during this whole time before Felix. Do we let delays defeat us?. God wants us to maintain a Christian testimony and be a blessing to him.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nebraska Counties: Blaine

Nebraska Counties:  Blaine by ric Gustafson

Blaine County was established in 1886. The county seat is Brewster. Doc Middleton was a horse thief, cattle rustler and outlaw in Nebraska. He tried to settle in Brewster in 1888. Middleton helped people and thus was sheltered from the law. He was a modern day Robin Hood. He died in 1913.
The county was named after James G Blaine who was a statesman from Maine. George Brewster homesteaded the land that the village of Brewster now stands. Blaine County is in the middle of the Sand Hills of Nebraska.

research help: ' Nebraska 150 years through 93 counties' by David Hendee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Eunice

people in the Bible:  Eunice by ric Gustafson

Eunice was a woman trying to raise her son without a godly husband. Her husband was Greek and not a believer. Eunice's son was named Timothy. With the help of her mother, Eunice taught her son the ways of Jesus. She taught him God's Word. Later, the Apostle Paul counseled Timothy. Paul led Timothy to Jesus. Paul called Timothy his true son in the faith. Because of seeds of faith planted by Eunice, Timothy bore fruit for Jesus. We can do the same for our children and others.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Nebraska Counties: Banner

Nebraska Counties:  Banner by ric Gustafson

Banner County was established in 1888. It's county seat is Harrisburg. Some of Nebraska's largest cattle empires were started in this county. One of the first cattlemen in Western Nebraska was Edward Creighton and his brother John. In 1870, Texas cattle came to the county. In 1882, Creighton was bought out by the Bay State Livestock Co. Bay State bought land south of the North Platte River. They also bought land in Kimball County. The company built a new ranch along Pumpkin Creek. The county was named Banner because it's residents wanted it to be a banner county for the state. Things to see in Banner County include nearby Wildcat Hills and the Banner County Museum.

research help: ' Nebraska 150 years through 93 counties' by David Hendee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Luke page 1

Luke page 1 by ric Gustafson

" Where are we going Lippio?". Fifteen year old Loukon watched as the driver's huge arms were trying to keep the wagon and horses steady.
" To the city my boy". He smiled as the wagon bounced over large ruts. " To the river to pick up marble".
" Isn't Antioch the center of Syria?".
The wagon bounced over another rut. " Yes and you can thank Caesar Augustus for that".
After a while, the wagon approached the Eastern Gate. A statue of a wolf decorated the gate. As the son of a slave, Loukon watched as slaves worked while their masters watched.
Lippio stopped the wagon on a side street near the river.
Loukon thought to himself. " I'm glad Theophilus does not treat us like most slaves".
After a short rest, Lippio drove the wagon slowly to the edge of the river. He smiled at Loukon. " Me too boy me too". He stopped the wagon near a man next to some pallets stacked with marble slabs.
The man looked relieved. " I'm glad you came to take these".
Lippio smiled again. " My master is trustworthy".

research help: ' Luke's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Elisha

people in the Bible:  Elisha by ric Gustafson

Elisha had the distinction of following behind a great man. That man was Elijah. Joshua followed behind the great Moses. Joshua 1:5 says that God promised him that he would be with him and will not forsake him. Elisha carved his own ministry for fifty years. He received a double portion of Elijah's spirit and performed twice as many miracles as Elijah.
We should not fear following great people. We should not fill their shoes but follow in their footsteps. God will give us our own shoes to fill.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 12, 2017

people in the Bible: Elijah

people in the Bible:  Elijah by ric Gustafson

The prophet Elijah knew that Israel was eroding in it's morals. He had to do something about it. He began to preach. His message was unconditional loyalty to God. He challenged four hundred fifty prophets of Baal to a contest. His challenge was whichever God answers by fire, he is God.
God wants us pray and help stop the erosion of virtues and values in this world. Elijah did it. We can do it.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 11, 2017

people in the Bible: Eliab

people in the Bible: Eliab by ric Gustafson

Eliab was the oldest of Jesse's sons. Samuel came to anoint a new king. He looked at Eliab first. Samuel wondered about Eliab. God said no. Five more sons were looked at. God said not to all of them. Finally, it was David's turn. God said yes. David had a heart for God.
God wants us to have a heart for him. He wants us to live with him for eternity.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Mark page 13

Mark page 13 by ric Gustafson

Fifty days after Passover, Pentecost came.
After a meeting, Peter and the other disciples came out very excited.
John Mark ran up to the burly fisherman. " What is going on?".
He smiled. " As we were praying and singing a song, a mighty wind filled the room". Peter could hardly contain himself. " We all began to speak with other tongues".
Later that day, three thousand including John Mark repented of their sins and were baptized.
At the age of twenty, John Mark wanted to travel and spread the gospel. Years later, Barnabas and Saul now Paul arrived at John Mark's home. Paul told them about his conversion on the way to Damascus. He asked for their forgiveness for the evil he had done to them. They accepted him as a brother.
One day, John Mark watched in horror as James the brother of John  was killed by the sword.
Eventually, John Mark joined Paul and Peter on missionary trips.
John Mark followed Jesus as a believer for the rest of his life.

The End

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 9, 2017

Mark page 12

Mark page 12 by ric Gustafson

Eight days had passed since Jesus had appeared to them. The disciples along with Thomas were again in the upper room.
Jesus again appeared in their midst. " Peace to you". He looked right at Thomas. " Reach your finger into my hands". He smiled. " Reach your hand into my side". He stared at Thomas. " Do not be unbelieving but believe".
Thomas fell onto his knees. " My Lord and my God".
" Because you have seen me you believe". He smiled. " Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe".
Then he disappeared from their midst.
Days later, Peter and more than a hundred believers met in the upper room.
John Mark watched as they voted and picked Matthias to be the twelfth disciple.

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Eli

people in the Bible:  Eli by ric Gustafson

Eli was a priest from Shiloh. Shiloh was about ten miles north of Jerusalem. Young Samuel was called three times from God to be commissioned in ministry. The first two times the old priest could not hear God and told Samuel to go back to bed. The third time Eli heard God. We need to have our ears open to hear God when we raise children and grandchildren. They need to listen for God's voice.
We need to do the same.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Mark page 11

Mark page 11 by ric Gustafson

All the disciples except for Thomas were staying in the upper room. Cleopas had just told them what had happened to him on the road to Emmaus.
All of a sudden, Jesus stood in their midst. " Peace to you".
John Mark thought to himself that he was seeing a ghost.
" Why are you troubled?". He smiled. " Behold my hands and my feet". He showed them the nail prints in his hands and feet. He smiled again. " Have you any food here?".
John stood up and found a piece of broiled fish and some honeycomb.
As he ate, John Mark and the others just stared at him.
" All things must be fulfilled". He smiled. " As the Father has sent me, I also send you". He breathed on them. " Receive the Holy Spirit".
Then Jesus left their midst.
Then Thomas arrived.
The disciples smiled. " We have seen the Lord".
Thomas shook his head. " When I see in his hands the nail prints". His voice hesitated. " And put my hand into his side". He shook his head. " I will not believe".

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Nebraska Counties: Arthur

Nebraska Counties:  Arthur by ric Gustafson

Arthur County was established in 1887. It's county seat is Arthur. The area grew from 517 residents in 1900 to 2500 in 1910. The first store in Arthur was a general store in 1914. Then it was a two room courthouse. Arthur did not incorporate until 1944. In 2010, Arthur County was still the least populated county in the state.
Arthur County was named for President Chester A Arthur.

research help: ' Nebraska 150 years through 93 counties' by David Hendee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Eleazar

people in the Bible:  Eleazar by ric Gustafson

Aaron had four sons. Their names were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. Eleazar had a heart for God. He wanted to serve him. God honors those who stay ready for him. Nadab and Abihu were struck dead because of unconsecrated fire on the altar. Eleazar became a high priest during the rest of Moses's life. Eleazar was a high priest during Joshua's leadership.
We should not get impatient when waiting to serve God. We need to stay active, be ready, be patient and be usable. Our day to serve God will come.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Nebraska Counties: Antelope

Nebraska Counties: Antelope by ric Gustafson

Antelope County was established in 1871. The county seat is Neligh. Near the towns of Royal and Orchard is an ash bed. There is some of the state's most preserved fossils. Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park is a prehistoric time in sandstone. It is the only site in the world where three dimensional skeletons of large prehistoric animals are preserved. In Neligh to see includes the Neligh Mill Bridge and the Neligh Mill.

research help: ' Nebraska 150 years through 93 counties' by David Hendee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Nebraska Counties: Adams

Nebraska Counties:  Adams by ric Gustafson

Adams County was established in 1867. It's county seat is Hastings. During WWII, the Naval Ammunition Depot southeast of Hastings supplied 40 percent  of the Navy's ordnance. In one year, the population of Hastings grew from 15 to 23 thousand. Adams County was named for John Adams the second President of the United States. Kool Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins of Hastings in 1927. The Hastings Pavilion seated 3,500 and was the state's largest pavilion.

research help: ' Nebraska 150 years through 93 counties' by David Hendee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mark page 10

Mark page 10 by ric Gustafson

John Mark woke up to the sound of excited men's voices.
" They won't believe us".
Peter rubbed his eyes. " What is it?".
" We went to the sepulcher just before dawn with our spices to anoint Jesus's body". Her voice hesitated. " When we got there the stone had already been rolled away".
Peter looked puzzled. " Was the body still there?".
" We entered the tomb". She sighed. " We were met there by two angels".
" Angels" Peter exclaimed. " Are you sure they weren't grave robbers?".
Mary Magdalene shook her head. " Their countenance was like lightening and their raiment was white as snow".
Another disciple spoke up. " How do you know they were angels?".
" They spoke to us".
" They spoke to you". Peter gave her a strange look. " What did they say?".
" They told us not to be afraid".
" Your dreaming".
" They knew we sought Jesus".
Peter and John ran down the stairs.
John Mark began to follow them.
His mother stopped him. " Son, stay here until they come back".

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Ehud

people in the Bible:  Ehud by ric Gustafson

Ehud was the only left handed judge in Israel. Eglon was the king of Moab. He harassed Israel for eighteen years. They had to pay tribute to him. One day, Ehud made an iron dagger. He brought a tribute to Eglon. He pulled out the dagger and plunged it into Eglon;s stomach. Ehud escaped . Then he led the troops of Israel to a victory over the troops of Moab. Sometimes being different is a good thing. Being left handed helped Ehud over Eglon. Afterwards, there was eighteen years of peace in Israel.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings, Love Ric

Monday, June 5, 2017

people in the Bible: Esau

people in the Bible:  Esau by ric Gustafson

Esau was the older twin brother of Jacob. He was born red and hairy. Being the firstborn son, Esau enjoyed a double inheritance and a special blessing from his parents. One day he was very hungry. He made a huge mistake. He sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew.
Rash decisions can affect our lives forever. We need to make decisions in prayer and the counsel of godly people that we know. Godly decisions will be good decisions.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fighting Sullivans page 2

the Fighting Sullivans page 2 by ric Gustafson

The Sullivan brothers made a strange request to the Navy Department. They wanted to be assigned to the same ship even though current Navy policy was against that. They were surprised when they heard that the Navy Department had approved their request.
The brothers were assigned to the light cruiser Juneau. The ship was commissioned on February 14 1942. The ship had 26 officers and 597 seamen. The ship was commanded by Captain Lyman Swensen. The three younger Sullivans were gunners mate strikers. The oldest two brothers were a gunners mate and a coxswain. August saw the ship go through the Panama Canal. The ship was headed for the Pacific.
At home Alleta Sullivan prayed, lit candles and worried about her sons. The first battle for the Juneau was in the Solomon Islands. The Juneau was assigned to help screen the USS Hornet. The Hornet was attacked and it sunk the next day. Then the Juneau was assigned to escort reinforcements to Guadalcanal. The Juneau then headed for Savo Island.

research help: ' American WWII' April May 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 4, 2017

people in the Bible: Erastus

people in the Bible:  Erastus by ric Gustafson

Erastus means ' Beloved'. A chamberlain along with Paul sent greetings to Christians in Rome. Erastus who was the treasurer of Corinth sent the greeting. In 1929, a marble paving was found at Corinth with the name Erastus on it. The believers in Rome knew Erastus. We need to pray for our nation's leaders and our local government. We need to pray for our state and town. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 3, 2017

the Fighting Sullivans page 1

the Fighting Sullivans page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was a modest house at 98 Adams Street in Waterloo Iowa. It was Sunday December 7 1941. Members of the Sullivan family were reading the sports and comic sections of the Des Moines Register. They were also listening to the radio. Reports about Pearl Harbor were coming through. Alleta Sullivan and her husband Thomas knew what that meant for their family.
The couple had five sons. Madison 22, Albert 19, Joseph 23, George 27 and Francis 25. They were a tight knit Roman Catholic family, Thomas was a brakesman for the Illinois Central Railroad. The Sullivan boys grew up in Waterloo Iowa. George and Francis had already spent time in the Navy aboard the destroyer Hovey. The five brothers agreed to serve together. One of their friends was aboard the Arizona. On January 3 1942, the Sullivan boys took the oath and then headed for the training center at the Great Lakes.

research help: ' America in WW II'  April May 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Dorcas

people in the Bible: Dorcas by ric Gustafson

Dorcas means ' Gazelle'. Dorcas was a Christian woman from Joppa who helped the poor. When she died, everyone mourned her passing. Because of Peter praying, she was brought back to life. God loves those who help the needy. When we help others, we are investing in heaven. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 2, 2017

people in the Bible: Demas

people in the Bible: Demas by ric Gustafson

Demas traveled with Paul. When Paul wrote the book of Colossians, Luke and Demas were there. Paul mentioned Demas in Philemon 23 -24. But something happened. In 2 Timothy 4: 9-10, Paul laments that Demas had forsaken him. According to Paul, Demas was a deserter. Demas abandoned Paul and his ministry. It was not mentioned what he left Paul for.
God does not want us to be a Demas. We need to work for God now rest later.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 1, 2017

people in the Bible: Delilah

people in the Bible:  Delilah by ric Gustafson

The biggest female spy in the bible was Delilah. Samson was chosen by God to deliver Israel from Philistine oppression. Samson had great strength. Delilah was bribed to find out where all that strength came from. She tried several times to find out. Finally, she found out that his long hair was part of his Nazirite vow. She lulled him to sleep, cut his hair and delivered him to the Philistines.
We as God's people need to stay away from people like Delilah who aim to harm us.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mark page 9

Mark page 9 by ric Gustafson

John Mark quietly ran home and fell asleep. He woke up the next morning to find his mother making breakfast.
" I have bad news". She looked at her son. " Jesus has been arrested".
" I know".
" His disciples are asking if they can hide out in our upper room".
" What are they afraid of?".
She gave her son a worried stare. " The Romans and the Pharisees". She stared at John Mark. " Where is your tunic from yesterday?".
He told her the whole story of what had happened.
" I am grateful that you are safe".
A question came to John Mark. " What happened to Judas who betrayed Jesus?".
His mother shook her head. " James told me that he went, returned the money and then hung himself".

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the empty box page 3

the empty box page 3 by ric Gustafson

" Marcus, I don't understand" I replied in frustration.  I peered inside the box.
" When you drew your last breath". His voice hesitated. " Your soul left your body and that is why I am here".
" To take me to Jesus".
" That's right". He pointed toward the light in the middle of the room. " Actually, it's time to go".
They began to walk toward the light.
I pointed toward my aunt and uncle. " Will I see these people again?".
Marcus smiled. " If they believe, you will".
We stopped at the light.
I looked at Marcus and smiled. " I'm ready to go".
We walked into the light.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric