Saturday, March 28, 2015

who took my Cadbury Creme Egg?

who took my Cadbury Crème Egg? by ric Gustafson

I yawned as I walked into the break room. It was 6:04 and I was still tired. I was looking forward to a Crème Egg before I started working. I opened up the refrigerator and looked for my Bakers sack. " Where is it" I said out loud as I moved things around. " Who would take my Crème Eggs?".
Just then, a young dark bearded man walked in. He looked like a night supervisor. " Something wrong?".
" Yes" I said out loud as I kept searching. " Somebody took my Easter Cadbury Crème Eggs".
" That happens a lot" he replied as he poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down. " We've been trying to crack down on that".
" I love those things" I replied as I sat down. I wanted to cry. " Those Crème Eggs are my most favorite thing at Easter time".
He put a small silver cross on the table. " Rico, this is the real meaning of Easter".
I gave him a stern look. " How did you know my name was Rico?".
He looked at the time on his watch. " I need to go". He stood up and smiled. " Always remember the cross and what happened on it is the most important thing about Easter".
He stood up.
" Not my love for Cadbury Crème Eggs".
He smiled and walked out.
A minute later, a night associate walked in and sat down.
" Can you believe that night supervisor?".
" What night supervisor?" he said as he yawned.
" The one I was just talking to".
" The only night supervisor tonight is me". He yawned again. " I have no clue who you were talking to".
He left. The rest of the day I pondered what had just happened.

The End

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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