Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the spear soldier page 6

the spear soldier page 6 by ric gustafson.

Caiphas was talking to some of the chief priests and pharisee rabbi's. An aide brought in three soldiers.
" Cassius, where is the Rabbi?".
" I made no arrest my Lord High Priest".
" Why is that Centurion?".
" Nobody has ever spoken as this man speaks".
Rabbi Josaphat spoke up. " Have you Centurion also been deceived".
" A lot of common people were listening to him".
" Cassius, you and the two others can go".
After the three had left, Caiphas slammed a fist on the table where everyone was sitting. " This man is more dangerous than you can imagine".
Rabbi Josaphat spoke up again. " This man should have already been arrested and in jail".
A gray haired Pharisee raised his hand.
" Yes, Rabbi Nicodemus".

research help: ' The Spear' by Louis de Wohl

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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