Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the Potter and the Clay page 1

the Potter and the Clay page 1 by ric gustafson.

Myron Lindell opened one of his eyes. He closed them because he hurt so much. He could only remember that the group of young men chased him into the Potter's yard. He opened them again and then tried to look around. He tried to raise himself but it hurt too much so he stayed where he was. He could feel that he was lying on top of a mountain of pottery shards and he hurt. Because he could not get up, he closed his eyes to die.
" Son, let me help you get up".
Myron took the young man's hand and he slowly stood up.
" Looks like you've had a busy day".
Myron stared at the young man. He sported a dark beard and wore a white robe. " The Potter".
" Let's get you inside my house so you can start to recover".
As Myron leaned on the young man's shoulder, they slowly walked over the yard of pottery shards and walked inside the front door of the plain white house.

research help: ' Master Potter' by Jill Austin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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