Wednesday, November 23, 2011

the $ 1.92 Thanksgiving dinner

the $ 1.92 Thanksgiving dinner by ric gustafson.

John Morgan, the director of the shelter, carried a pan of carved turkey out of the small kitchen and put it into the trayline compartment. As he did this, Glenn Maxwell came out with a pan of mashed potatoes and put it into it's compartment.
Marsha Munroe put a pan of yams into it's compartment. " John, I heard it costs the shelter $ 1.92 to feed somebody this holiday meal".
" That's true the cost has gone up" was the reply as John noticed that the others were getting the trayline ready. He checked his watch. " Just ask Glenn how important this yearly event is".
The young man smiled as he watched the other volunteers put their hairnets and gloves on. " If it wasn't for this holiday meal, I would still be homeless".
" Glenn went through one of our transitional programs and now volunteers to help others".
Everyone clapped and cheered as the line began to form for the meal.
Glenn yawned as he picked up a dirty plate from the soapy water. He was tired but the serving of the holiday meal was a success. He smiled at the thought of all the joy from that one simple holiday meal.
Marsha stuck her head into the dish area. " Glenn, there is somebody here to see you". ' Who could that be' he thought as he dried his hands on an old towel. He walked out to the serving area to see his friend standing next to a young man. " Can I help you?".
" Glenn, my name is Mack Popsel" he said as he shook his hand. " People call me Pops for short".
" What can I do for you?".
" I wanted to thank you for the meal that you just served us".
" My pleasure" was the reply as Glenn smiled back. " I remember when I was in that line a year ago".
" These are my sheep" the young man said as he pointed toward those still eating. " I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in".
" When did I do all that?" asked a perplexed Glenn.
The young man smiled and pointed to those still eating. " When you did it to one of my brothers of mine even the least of these, you did it to me".
" Glenn".
He turned around to see who was calling his name. He turned back to see that the young man was gone.
With peace now in his heart, Glenn went back to the dish room to finish his job.

My prayer is that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Thursday. Love Ric.

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