Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Eve page 6

Eve page 6 by ric gustafson

Eve woke up and noticed how quiet everything was. She could not hear the river which was nearby nor the birds and animals. She suddenly remembered what they had done before they fell asleep and she became scared. Fruit that once looked beautiful now lay on the ground covered by insects. She looked around for the serpent to have him explain things to her but he had left.
He woke up and also noticed right away that things would never be the same. Both of them now stared at each other in a different light and it scared them.
' God, what have we done' she thought as she strained her ears to possibly hear the sounds they used to hear. The valley around them was quiet and she could hear fruit falling from the forbidden tree. Then she heard the buzzing of insects as they invaded and devoured the fruit. He came back later to tell her he was unable to find the serpent.
Later on as she ate a fig to settle her stomach, she noticed a large fig leaf. She looked at herself and now felt bare. She tore several leaves off of a tree and tied them together so they would fit snugly around her.

research help: ' Havah, the story of Eve' by Tosca Lee

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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