Saturday, November 19, 2011

Eve page 9

Eve page 9 by ric gustafson.

" Run for the eastern gate" Adam told me as thunder crackled overhead. " I will find you there".
I ran along the river with my animal hide which was making it hard to move. I ran toward a high terrace and squated along the edge to wait for the storm to pass.
Soon Adam returned with a lamb around his neck. " We must reach that gate" he said as he began to run past shrubs shrouded in flames.
We ran for that gate as lightening struck trees. As we fled, I noticed animals fleeing with us.
Midmorning, we found a rocky overhang and fell asleep beneath it.

research help: ' Havah, the story of Eve' by Tosca Lee

Everyone take care on this cold and windy night. Love Ric

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