Sunday, July 2, 2023

J Lennon page 23

 J Lennon page 23 by ric gustafson

On Feb 16 1968, the band lands in Delhi India. They came to spend a month with a guru they had met in August of 1967. His name was Maharishi Malesh Yogi. He spoke about Transcendental Meditation. George Harrison right away became an early convert. He convinced the rest to come and try it. During that month, Paul and John wrote most of the songs for their next album. This angered George Harrison.
In May of 1968, the band announced the launch of Apple Records. The reason was the band needed a place to produce music but also film and clothing. 
On the plane flight back from India in April, John confessed everything to his wife Cyn. He told her about numerous transgressions he had done during their marriage. He also told her that he had never been faithful. After this, he began to spend more time with Yoko.
With Yoko by his side, John had never been happier.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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