Wednesday, July 19, 2023

the Great Oz page 2

 the Great Oz page 2 by ric gustafson

Oscar stared through the flickering torch at the audience. " Watch as my assistant will rise in her chair into the atmosphere". He put his hands slowly over Mavis. Then the chair began to rise.
The audience gasped.
" Arise my dear and float in the sky".
Mavis rose up from the chair. She began to float in the air.
Oscar smiled. The show was going well.
Just then, a man pointed up. " I see a wire".
Oscar stared at the man. " You must be mistaken Sir".
" No. I see a wire". The man pointed above Mavis. " See it's right there".
" Folks, this is magic". Oscar smiled. " I don't need wires".
" He's a fake". A woman pointed toward Mavis. " I see a wire too".
Oscar took out a knife. He cut the wire releasing Mavis. 
She landed in Oscar's arms. " Run Oscar".
He ran out the back flap of the tent.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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