Sunday, July 30, 2023

J Lennon page 37

 J Lennon page 37 by ric gustafson

In January of 1977, John attends the inaugural gala for President Jimmy Carter. John, who is now 36, enjoys being home with his toddler son. John tries to be Sean's teacher and best friend. In November of 1977, John receives an extortion letter. John does not comply but instead contacts the FBI. In Feb of 1978, John and Yoko purchase land in Delaware County north of Manhattan.
In early 1980, John and Yoko purchase a home on the north shore of Long Island. While Yoko was spending all of her time amassing their wealth, John was dreaming a trip on a sailboat. At the Dakota, John was being bothered by a photographer named Paul Goresh. It got to a point where Goresh was banned from Dakota property.
Yoko consulted someone named. Takashi Yoshikawa. Yoshikawa prescribed that John clear the clouds over his life and creativity. It was suggested that John sail to the island of Bermuda.
John left on June 5 1980 aboard a boat called the ' Megan Jaye'. The trip was to be over 5 days and 650 miles.

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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