Monday, July 31, 2023

the Great Oz page 7

 the Great Oz page 7 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Theodora walked out of a clearing. " How wicked is this witch?".
" She poisoned her own father".
" Really".
Theodora grinned. " My sister is anxious to meet you".
Just then, they heard a shout for help. They found a monkey dressed like a bellhop. He was wrapped up in a large vine. 
Oscar took a knife and tried to cut the vine. Oscar heard a noise behind him. A lion was just about to pounce on the monkey. Oscar took some pellets out of his jacket and threw them in front of the lion. Smoke appeared in front of the lion. Scared, he quietly went away.
Theodora smiled. " That was wonderful Wizard".
Oscar cut the vine and freed the monkey.
They turned to walk away.
" Wait". He ran in front of them. " I've been hiding from the witch's monkeys".
Theodora stared at the monkey. " Why?".
" My name is Finley". The monkey looked at Oscar. " I will be your loyal and faithful servant".
" You'll just be in the way".
" Please Wizard". He began to cry. " You saved my life".
Oscar looked at Theodora.
" All right, come along".
Later in the distance, Oscar saw a glittering city with green towers and turrets. " Theodora, what is that?".
Theodora smiled. " The Emerald City".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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