Friday, July 21, 2023

the Great Oz page 4

 the Great Oz page 4 by ric gustafson

" Oh no" Oscar screamed as the balloon rose toward what looked like a tornado funnel. He cut the sandbags loose hoping the balloon would rise higher. Wind lashed the basket. Rain began to fall. To no avail, the basket entered the cyclone's funnel. 
Oscar sat down as the wind bashed and battered the basket. Oscar stood up after hearing a strange noise. He witnessed a sign, a mailbox and a carnival trailer fly by. The basket felt like it was going to tear apart. Oscar was scared. He could see lighting and thunder.
" Please give me a chance". Oscar screamed in terror. " I promise I can change".
All of a sudden. the balloon lifted itself out of the cyclone. Oscar stood up. The balloon was floating toward some strange mountains.
When the balloon finally fell through the clouds, it floated down toward some rock formations. Then the basket fell into a rushing river. Then it went over the edge of a waterfall. Oscar sat down in the basket thinking he was going to die. Oscar closed his eyes. " Please help me".
Then Oscar felt the basket hit the bottom of the waterfall. It stopped.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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