Monday, November 8, 2021

No Time page 6

 No Time page 6 by ric gustafson

The young man stopped. He pointed at Jessica and Bryson. " Mr Hinkle, you have visitors".
An elderly man stood up from a huge red sandbox. He was holding a pail.
" Mr Hinkle". Jessica handed him an envelope. " Here is your watch Lester fixed".
" Thank you Jessica". He took out the watch from the envelope. " And who is your friend?".
" This is Bryson". She smiled. " He's helping me make deliveries today".
" Bryson, have you ever been interested in sand?".
" Sand?". He gave him a puzzled look. " I had a sandbox when I was a kid".
Mr Hinkle took a little bit of sand from the pail. He put it into Bryson's hand. " This Bryson is a grain of sand".
" A grain?".
" This grain of sand has been through the ravages of time".
Bryson stroked his chin. " I did not realize that".
" Every person and grain of sand is important to God".
" Bryson, we need to go".
They began to leave.
" Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow". He smiled. " Remember there is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Sand' by Michael Welland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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