Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I was there: the Governor

 I was there: the Governor by ric gustafson

It has been said that Pilate's wife became a believer. It has been said that Pilate is forever seeking forgiveness. He is forever trying to wash away his guilt. Not for the evil he did but for the kindness he did not do. What happened to Pilate that day in Jerusalem was a foregone conclusion. That day was a consequence of the choices of a lifetime. Pilate chose expediency over character. He did not have the moral strength to do what is right. Praise God's name.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 29, 2021

I was there: the Betrayer

 I was there: the Betrayer by ric gustafson

Judas thought he was lost. He was wrong. He did not have to be eternally lost. His salvation was just a prayer away. This is the promise of Scripture. Jesus came to save sinners. Such grace and love was hard for Judas to handle. He went and hanged himself. If you feel you are too far from God, think again. God loves us more than anything else. That is comforting.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 28, 2021

I was there: the Son

 I was there: the Son by ric gustafson

Crucifixion is hard to grasp. We cannot explain it but accept it by faith. Jesus came to the cross as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He came as the sinless one to suffer for sinless humanity. He was the righteous one for the unrighteous. God put on his Son the full weight of his wrath. Jesus paid the ultimate penalty for our sin. Jesus had to die so we could live.

research help: ' He called my name' by Richard Exley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Skywalker page 12

 Skywalker page 12 by ric gustafson

Finally, Palpatine had a new apprentice. Anakin pledged to him total loyalty. Anakin knelt down to Darth Sidious. Anakin was mortal and was deceived by a lie. By serving Palpatine, Anakin became an instrument of evil. Palpatine tried to convince everyone that the Jedi were rebels and on their own course of domination. He got into Anakin's life as a mentor and a friend. He swayed the young man from the Jedi. He inflated Anakin's ego and gave him confidence. He appealed to his desire for power. He turned Anakin into an agent of disaster.
Palpatine sent Anakin to kill everyone at the Jedi Temple. Next, Palpatine went in front of the Galactic Senate. He told them of the Jedi plot to eliminate him. He promised to hunt down all the remaining Jedi. He vowed to dismantle the Republic and organize a new Galactic Empire with himself as their first Emperor.
Yoda told Obi Wan to stop Anakin now called Darth Vader. Obi Wan went to Padme to try to find him.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 26, 2021

Skywalker page 11

 Skywalker page 11 by ric gustafson

Instead of Anakin, the Jedi Council chose Obi Wan to eliminate Grievous. The Council was beginning to feel that Palpatine was behind the war. To what end, they were not sure. Obi Wan had not been the father figure Anakin needed. Anakin knew he was not the Jedi he was supposed to be. He wanted more. He wanted the power of the dark side. Darth Sidious the alter ego of Palpatine knew Anakin was ready to give in to raw anger. 
Palpatine dismissed Jedi views as narrow. He figured out that Palpatine was the Sith Lord. He found out that he had orchestrated the Clone Wars. He implanted Count Dooku as the figurehead of the Separatist movement. 
At one point, Palpatine faced Jedi Master Windu. They fought while Anakin watched. At one point, Palpatine was about to be killed by Windu. Anakin had to act. Both men pleaded that the other was a traitor. As Windu was about to kill Palpatine, he begged Anakin to save him. Anakin severed Windu's saber hand. Palpatine gave Windu a jolt of dark energy. He plummeted out a window to his death.
Anakin knew his life had changed forever. He made a deal with the dark side.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Skywalker page 10

 Skywalker page 10 by ric gustafson

At the age of 22, Anakin was going to be a father. Anakin met with the Jedi Council. They decided not to promote him to Jedi Master. To Anakin, it was an insult. It made him enraged. The Chosen One again was being cast aside. Then the Jedi Council wanted Anakin to be a spy against his friend Palpatine. Anakin seeked comfort from Padme. She asked Anakin to speak with Palpatine about ending the war. Anakin refused.
That evening, Anakin joined Palpatine at the Galaxies Opera House. He told Anakin that he knew the Jedi Council was trying to oust him. Anakin no longer trusted the Jedi. They had asked him to be dishonest.
Anakin would not let go of Padme or his child. Anakin had visions of Padme dying in a fire.
He felt tortured.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Love Ric

Heaven 101 page 5

 Heaven 101 page 5 by ric gustafson

Pop was putting decorations on the Christmas tree. He looked at the time. " It's 6 let's start". He smiled. " Tonight's question is does Islam believe in heaven?".
A female raised her hand. " Yes".
" And what do they call it?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Jannah meaning paradise".
" And how do they describe this paradise?".
A male raised his hand. " Like a beautiful garden".
" And how do they describe this garden?".
Bryson raised his hand. " A place without pain, fear or sadness".
" Correct". Pop looked at the time. " Next class, we will look at Hinduism and heaven".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Happy Thanksgiving to all love Ric

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Heaven 101 page 4

 Heaven 101 page 4 by ric gustafson

Pop looked at the clock. " It's 6 let's start". He wrote on the board. " Here is tonight's question?". He smiled. " Does Judaism believe in heaven?".
Bryson raised his hand. " Yes".
" And what is the term they use for heaven?".
Bryson smiled. " Shamayim".
" And what is the definition of Shamayim?".
A female raised her hand. " The dwelling place of God and other heavenly beings".
" And what do they call the home of the living?".
A male raised his hand. " Erets".
" And what's the term for the world to come?".
A female raised her hand. " Olam Habah
" Bryson, what is the term for the abode of the righteous dead?".
" Sheol".
" Correct". He looked at the time. " Next time, we will look at how Islam looks at heaven".

research help: Wikipedia.org

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 22, 2021

Skywalker page 9

 Skywalker page 9 by ric gustafson

Anakin was praised for killing Dooku and safely returning Palpatine. Killing Dooku was part of Palpatine's plan. General Grievous became the leader of the Separatist Alliance. Anakin was happy to see Padme. He could not hide his love for her any longer. She told him some big news. Anakin was going to be a father. Feelings about his mother surfaced again in Anakin's mind. Padme suggested talking with Obi Wan might help him. He refused. Instead, Anakin talked to Master Yoda. Yoda was concerned about Anakin not surrendering to the Force. Palpatine picked Anakin to be his personal representative to the Jedi Council. Anakin accepted. He wanted to please Palpatine.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Skywalker page 8

 Skywalker page 8 by ric gustafson

At one point, the cyborg leader of the Separatists General Grievous was captured. At this time, Obi Wan could sense Anakin's troubled emotional state. Anakin disliked how he made him feel like a Jedi student. The war kept Anakin from displaying his true feelings for Padme. Obi Wan was always told by Anakin that he and Padme were just friends. Once out of jealousy, Anakin attacked a friend of Padme's. Padme began to ponder about their marriage. It was agreed upon that they would seperate for awhile. She no longer felt safe in Anakin's presence. He always apologized. He was drawing closer to the dark side.
During the battle of Coruscant, Anakin and Obi Wan were sent to rescue Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. During a fight with Dooku, Anakin had to blades to Dooku's neck. Palpatine told Anakin to kill him. Dooku pleaded for his life. Anakin lopped off his head. Anakin felt regret. He knew he should not kill out of spite or a grudge. The three of them narrowly escaped from General Grievous by flying his ship and crash landing on Coruscant.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 19, 2021

Skywalker page 7

 Skywalker page 7 by ric gustafson

War began to plague Anakin's conscience. The Sith was gaining strength. Jedi principles were being compromised. The Separatists were being led by Darth Sidious. R2-D2 became a companion to Anakin. Anakin's friendship with Palpatine was getting stronger. Palpatine told him that he was the Chosen One. Anakin's feelings were being drawn to the dark side. Anakin began to feel that the Jedi's ideals were not his own. 
When Anakin turned 22, he found solace in battle and being with troopers. As the war went on, the Jedi were losing their popularity. Being called the Chosen One was taxing on Anakin. His desire for control ran against the ideals of the Order. The continuing war drained the supply chain and soldiers of the Order. 
Palpatine was showing more interest in Anakin each day. Anakin became his bodyguard. The Supreme Chancellor was becoming more weaker and frail by the day. Over time, Anakin lost faith in the Jedi. He violated their protocols time and time again. He still could not walk away. He owed them too much.
With Padme by his side, Anakin felt supported and loved. She was a light in his life. Unknown to the Jedi, Padme and Anakin were married on Naboo by a holy man. Anakin felt in control. Padme tried to bring an end to the war through the Galactic Senate. 

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Heaven 101 page 3

 Heaven 101 page 3 by ric gustafson

Bryson walked in and sat down. Pop was decorating a small Christmas tree that was by his desk.
" That looks great Pop".
The other students came in and sat down.
At 6:00 Pop wrote a question on the board. " Will I have a body in heaven?".
A female raised her hand. " I sure hope so".
" How did the Apostle Paul answer the question?".
Bryson raised his hand. " We lose the mortal  and put on the immortal".
A male raised his hand. " Pop, what does that mean?".
" In heaven, we will see the essence of everyone we meet".
A female raised her hand. " So in heaven everyone is perfect".
" That is correct". He looked at the time. " The question for next class is what is Judaism's view of heaven?".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Skywalker page 6

 Skywalker page 6 by ric gustafson

One day, Anakin found out that Obi Wan Kenobi was in trouble. On a remote planet named Kamino, a Jedi Master named Sifo Dyas ordered the creation of a massive clone army. He did this without the approval of the Jedi Council. It's leader Nute Gunray harbored a grudge against Padme. Kenobi found out that a Separatist movement was forming on the planet of Geonosis. They were building droid soldiers.
Instead of helping Obi Wan, Anakin was ordered to keep protecting Senator Amidala. 
When Palpatine was given emergency powers, he activated the clone army which was a declaration of war. Obi Wan and Anakin fought against Dooku. Yoda saved them from death. Dooku fled to Coruscant.
War between the Republic and the Separatists went on for three years. This was known as the Clone Wars.
At this time, Anakin was barely in his twenties. He became a Jedi general. He built himself a new lightsaber and got a new glove to replace his old hand.
Anakin had changed. His hair grew darker and he enjoyed being a Jedi knight. His anger and wrath at times now helped him in his life.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Heaven 101 page 2

 Heaven 101 page 2 by ric gustafson

Bryson was studying Revelation 21.
POP walked in. He glanced at the clock. " Time to start". He stared at the students. " What is going on here in Revelation 21?".
Bryson spoke up. " An angel took the Apostle John to the top of a mountain".
" That's right". He smiled. " And why was he doing that?".
A male raised his hand. " To show him the New Jerusalem".
" The New Jerusalem is a term for what?".
A female raised her hand. " Heaven". 
" That's correct". POP grinned. " How is the New Jerusalem described?".
Bryson replied. " A massive city bathed in radiance and splendor".
" And do we need a sun or moon to shine on it?".
A female raised her hand. " No for the glory of God gives it light".
" That's right". POP looked at the time. " It's time to say goodnite".
He smiled. " Your question for next class is will I have a body in heaven?".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 15, 2021

Heaven 101 page 1

 Heaven 101 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson walked into the classroom. He sat down.
A young man in white walked in. He smiled. He wrote his name on the chalkboard. " My name is Professor Poppleton". He wrote again on the board. " But you can call me POP". He wrote again on the board. " And this is Heaven 101".
Bryson stared at the Professor. He wore pure white clothes and sported a dark beard.
Pop looked at Bryson. " And you must be Bryson".
He looked puzzled. " How do you know my name?".
He smiled as he handed out the syllabus. " Next class, we will start with a popular question about Heaven".
A female raised her hand. " What question is that?".
Pop smiled. " What does Heaven look like?". He looked at the clock.
" For next class, please look at Revelation 21".

research help: ' The complete guide to Heaven' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 12, 2021

No Time page 10

 No Time page 10 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica walked into the shop. " I've been waiting all day to get my watch back".
" I'll go get him". She walked into the back room.
They walked back out. Lester was holding an envelope. He handed it to Bryson. " Here's your repaired watch".
" Thank you". Bryson opened the envelope and took the watch out. He put it on. " It looks great".
Lester looked at Jessica. " How did the deliveries go today?".
" Great". She smiled at Bryson. " Bryson was a big help".
" Wonderful". He grinned at Bryson. " What did you learn from today?".
" From talking to these people today I learned a lot about time and heaven".
" Bryson told me he might take a class about heaven at Erskine College".
" That's great". Lester smiled at the young man. " Bryson always remember one thing".
" And what is that?".
" In Heaven there is no time".
" I'll remember that". He walked out.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 9

 No Time page 9 by ric gustafson

" This is a nice park". Bryson bit into a hotdog. " I did not know it was by the college we were just at".
Jessica watched kids at a nearby playground. " It's a nice park for the college kids to come to".
" Helping you today has opened my eyes as far as the concept of time". He took another bite of his hotdog. " Also about heaven".
" They are offering a short class about heaven here at Erskine College".
" Really". He took a sip of Diet Coke. " I might check that out".
Jessica's cell phone rang. She answered it. " Hello Lester". She listened. " Ok, I'll tell him". She smiled. " Lester is done fixing your watch".
" Great". He put his lunch sack in the trash.
" Seriously". She smiled as they stood up from the bench. " You should check out that class about heaven".
" I will think about it".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 8

 No Time page 8 by ric gustafson

Jessica handed Professor Humboldt an envelope. " Here is your watch Professor".
" Thank you Jessica". He put the envelope on his desk.
Bryson was glancing at a book on his office bookshelf.
He smiled. " Do you know about Archimedes?".
" Yes, he was a superb mathematician and engineer".
He handed Bryson a book. " He used the Greek number system".
Bryson glanced at the book. 
" He wanted to show how infinity worked".
Jessica grinned. " For a Christian, eternity". She looked at Bryson. " Bryson, we need to go".
They began to leave.
" One more thing Bryson".
" What's that?".
" There is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Infinity a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Skywalker page 5

 Skywalker page 5 by ric gustafson

Padme grew up on Naboo in a simple house. Her father Ruwee, her mother Jobal and her older sister Sola loved her. By the age of 14, she became the Queen of Naboo. She served for 4 years. She met Anakin when he was 9 years old. After 4 years, she became a Senator of Naboo. At the time, a former Jedi named Count Dooku was leading a Separatist movement.
A lack of security for Padme was resolved when Obi-Wan and Anakin were assigned to protect her. At one point, Anakin became Padme's protector. The two of them began to share ideas and secrets. Anakin became impatient. He wanted to leap forward as a Jedi faster than Obi-Wan expected by this point. Padme's world was completely different than Anakin's. Anakin wanted to know how she felt about him. Padme cared for Anakin deeply. Anakin told her that he would give up everything to be with her. 
One day, Anakin found his mother again. She had been killed by the Tusken Raiders. In revenge, Anakin killed everyone in the Tusken encampment. The only two people Anakin confessed this to were Padme and Palpatine.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 7

 No Time page 7 by ric gustafson

As Bryson was driving back to Lester's shop, Jessica's cell phone rang.
" This is Jessica". She listened to the call. " Ok we'll do it".
" What did he say?".
" He's still working on your watch". She stared at Bryson. " He would like us to make another delivery".
" I didn't think it would take this long to have my watch repaired".
" Please help me with another delivery".
" Ok". He smiled. " Where are we going now?".
" Erskine College".
" To see who?".
" Professor Harold Humboldt".
" What does he teach?".
" Concepts of time and space".

research help: ' Infinity a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 8, 2021

Skywalker page 4

 Skywalker page 4 by ric gustafson

Sheev Palpatine the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was watching Anakin. Palpatine was a secret Sith Lord. He enjoyed the protection of the Jedi. He became friendly to Anakin. He became one of Anakin's confidants. Without his mother or Qui-Gon Palpatine became a mentor to Anakin. 
Almost a teenager, Anakin's eyes were opened by Palpatine. He knew Anakin's insecurities. He praised the young man. Anakin did not get this from his fellow Jedi. Darkness came from cracks in Anakin's will. 
Nobody including Anakin knew the real intentions of Palpatine. He wanted Anakin to be a tool for his masterplan. Palpatine wanted a new Galactic Empire with himself as supreme ruler.
When Anakin became an adult he was torn. He wanted to follow the Jedi Order and also go his own way. Then Anakin met Padme.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 6

 No Time page 6 by ric gustafson

The young man stopped. He pointed at Jessica and Bryson. " Mr Hinkle, you have visitors".
An elderly man stood up from a huge red sandbox. He was holding a pail.
" Mr Hinkle". Jessica handed him an envelope. " Here is your watch Lester fixed".
" Thank you Jessica". He took out the watch from the envelope. " And who is your friend?".
" This is Bryson". She smiled. " He's helping me make deliveries today".
" Bryson, have you ever been interested in sand?".
" Sand?". He gave him a puzzled look. " I had a sandbox when I was a kid".
Mr Hinkle took a little bit of sand from the pail. He put it into Bryson's hand. " This Bryson is a grain of sand".
" A grain?".
" This grain of sand has been through the ravages of time".
Bryson stroked his chin. " I did not realize that".
" Every person and grain of sand is important to God".
" Bryson, we need to go".
They began to leave.
" Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow". He smiled. " Remember there is no time in heaven".

research help: ' Sand' by Michael Welland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Skywalker page 3

 Skywalker page 3 by ric gustafson

Anakin had strength in the Force. His training would force him to overcome physical and emotional obstacles. He was behind others in his basic lightsaber skills. He had little respect for the Force as a spiritual guide. Master Yoda could tell that Anakin was gripped by fear. Fear was a path to the dark side. Obi-Wan Kenobi sensed trouble. Anakin had raw power in the Force. 
At one point, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan encountered Darth Maul again. Darth Maul carried a double bladed lightsaber. Darth Maul was an apprentice of Darth Sidious a Sith Lord. Sidious was actually Sheev Palpatine a senator from Naboo. In the end, Qui-Gon was killed. Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul.
As Anakin grew up, he missed Qui-Gon but looked up to Obi-Wan as his master. As time went on, Anakin had trouble following the rules of the Jedi. By the age of 12, Anakin was doubting about becoming a Jedi Knight. He was headstrong and challenged Obi-Wan at every turn. He was curious and asked many questions. Anakin's rage at times bothered Obi-Wan greatly. Anakin tried to control his repressed feelings of anger and fear. From a distance, now Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Sheev Palpatine was watching. 

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 6, 2021

No Time page 5

 No Time page 5 by ric gustafson

Bryson pulled up to the curb. " Are you sure this is the address?".
" This is the address Lester gave me". Jessica looked at her notebook. " That is a secured gate".
Bryson noticed a young man sweeping inside the gate. " Excuse me".
The young man put down his broom. " Can I help you?".
Bryson smiled. " Is this 112 Pine St?".
" It sure is". He straightened his ballcap. " Who are you looking for?".
Jessica grinned. " We have a delivery for Patrick Hinkle".
" That's my boss". He pushed a button to open the gate. " I'll take you to him".

research help: ' Sand' by Michael Welland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Skywalker page 2

 Skywalker page 2 by ric gustafson

When Anakin Skywalker turned 9, his life was changed. Three strangers came to Watto's shop. They needed parts to repair their ship. One of the three was a Gungan with floppy ears named Jar Jar Binks. Another was a tall man with long hair. His name was Master Qui-Gon Jinn. The third was a Queen. Her name was Amidala of Naboo. Anakin told the visitors of his podracing skill. Later on, he would race in the Boonta Eve Classic. Jedi Qui-Gon betted that Anakin would win. Anakin not only won the race, he won his freedom. 
Qui-Gon gave Anakin the chance to join him and become a Jedi. He had to make a choice. He decided to leave his mother on Tattooine and join Qui-Gon. The Jedi became a father figure to Anakin. The boy watched as Qui-Gon encountered a Zabrak named Darth Maul.
Anakin was fascinated with Coruscant the capital of the Republic. Later, Anakin was introduced to the Jedi Council. Anakin missed his mother. The Jedi Council nicknamed Anakin the Chosen One. He could sense that his life had changed forever.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 5, 2021

Skywalker page 1

 Skywalker page 1 by ric gustafson

The man who would become Sith Lord Darth Vader was a boy of courage and compassion. Anakin Skywalker grew up enslaved and forced to work for food and shelter. Then his life was changed in a game of sabacc. His mother Shmi Skywalker protected him. 
His mother had a hard life. She was captured along with her parents by pirates. Shmi was sold to a gangster named Gardulla the Hutt. Shmi became pregnant. Shmi and her son named Anakin lived on Tatooine which was a sparsely inhabited planet in the Outer Rim. Hutt lost the two in a pod racing wager to junk dealer Watto. She helped maintain Watto's junk shop. 
Anakin was special and built podracers. He built a droid and named him C-3PO. He was hoping the droid could help his mother with her chores. At night he listened to his mother tell stories about the Jedi Knights and how they became heroes.

research help: ' Skywalker a family at war' by Kristin Baver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 4

 No Time page 4 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica walked inside. 
Jessica's cellphone rang. " It's Lester". She looked at Bryson. " I'll answer it in the kitchen". She walked inside the small kitchen.
Mrs McHenery was frantically sweeping. " I've got to find that lost coin".
" Why is that coin so special?".
" It had a design that none of my other coins had".
Jessica came back. " Lester is still working on your watch". She grinned. " He was wondering if you could help me make another delivery".
" Sure".
As they walked toward the door, Bryson saw something shiny near one of the sofa chairs. He picked it up. " Is this your lost coin?".
" Yes it is". She ran over and hugged Bryson. " Thank you". She opened her cell phone. " I'm going to have a party to celebrate". She stared at the two. " Can you stay and help me celebrate?".
" I'm afraid not". They walked toward the front door. " We have another delivery to make".
" Thank you for fixing my watch". She put it on. " Even though one day I won't need it".
Bryson turned. " And why is that?".
Mrs McHenery smiled. " In heaven there is no time". She waved as they left. " Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow".

research help: ' All the Parables of the Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 4, 2021

No Time page 3

 No Time page 3 by ric gustafson

Bryson drove the SUV up to the curb. " Are you sure this is the address?".
" I think so". Jessica checked her notebook. " 112 North 157th street".
They got out and began walking up the sidewalk. They stopped at the front door. They noticed two sofas and other furniture on the front lawn.
A young woman walked out with a large broom. She smiled at them. " Hello Jessica".
" Hello Mrs McHenery". Jessica handed her an envelope. " Here is your fixed watch".
Bryson noticed how frustrated she looked. " Is there something we can do for you?".
" Yes you can". She handed Bryson the broom. " You can help me look for a lost coin".

research help: ' All the Parables of the Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

God's Glory: the worship of God

 God's Glory: the worship of God by ric gustafson

The good news is that we have access to God. He is approachable. How can we do that?. Through his Son Jesus Christ. If we do that, we will find acceptance with God. Jesus is the only way to God the Father. We can know God. When we believed in Jesus, our belief in God started. God is worthy. God is captivating. 
The truth is God loves us more than anything else. Praise God's name. 

The End

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: the love of God

 God's Glory: the love of God by ric gustafson

The love of God lifts spirits. The very nature of God is love. According to I John 4:8, God is love. God's love is holy love. Father Son and Holy Spirit is perfect eternal love. God's love overflows to unworthy sinners. God is merciful. God is compassionate. God is kind. God is jealous. God is steadfast. God wants us to be immersed in his love. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

God's Glory: the grace of God

 God's Glory: the grace of God by ric gustafson

God gives grace to all. It is unmerited favor toward unworthy sinners. Instead of judgment, God gives grace. God gives salvation. Grace is given freely by God without any cost. It is a gift of God that can be merited or earned. It is given without cost. Grace is never earned. God is merciful. God is choosing. God is calling. God is regenerating. God is justifying. God rescues and he forgives. God redeems. When God starts grace in someone, he will always finish what he starts. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Show me your glory' by Steven J Lawson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time page 2

 No Time page 2 by ric gustafson

Lester looked again at the watch. " I can repair the watch". He grinned at Bryson. " It will take me a few hours".
" A few hours". Bryson's voice got louder. " I need to get ready for Thanksgiving".
" I understand". Lester looked at Jessica. " In the meantime, I was wondering if you could do us a favor".
" What's that?".
" Our company car is in the shop". He smiled. " Could you help Jessica deliver a watch?".
Bryson looked annoyed. " What's the address?".
Lester wrote down the address. He handed it to Bryson. " 112 North 157th Street".
Jessica smiled. " I sure could use the help".
" Ok". 

research help: ' The Timekeeper' by Mitch Albom

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 1, 2021

No Time page 1

 No Time page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson walked through the doorway. He heard the ticking of watches. He walked by several displays of watches. He walked up to an old time cash register. He rang a black bell.
A young woman walked through a black curtain. " May I help you?".
" Is this Father Time's Watch Shoppe?".
" Yes it is".
Bryson took off his watch and handed it to the young woman. " I need this repaired quickly".
" It's a beautiful watch". She stared at it. " I'm going to have to show it to Father Time". She rang the black bell.
An elderly man walked out. " Jessica, did you need me?".
Bryson looked at the old man. " Father Time?".
" Actually my name is Lester Tyme".
" Father Time?".
" I'm elderly and I work on watches". 
Jessica handed him Bryson's watch.
" I really need to have my watch fixed quickly".
Lester studied the watch. " I'll repair it for you".
" Thank you".
" But someday you won't need it".
" Why not?".
" In eternity, there is no time".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric