Saturday, May 29, 2021

Titanic 2021: the Navratil brothers

 Titanic 2021: the Navratil brothers by ric gustafson

Michel Navratil was embittered by his recent divorce. He decided to take his boys Michel and Edmond to the US away from their mother. He bought tickets for a second class cabin on the Titanic. After the iceberg struck the liner, Michel put his two sons on Collapsible Lifeboat D. He stayed onboard. He did not survive. On the Carpathia, Margaret Hays found the boys and brought them safely to New York.
Their mother Marcelle Navratil came to New York and got her boys.

research help: ' The Titanic the shipwreck that shocked the world' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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